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The BPROD.DAT file holds information on the current progress of what is being manufactured. It is a whopping (compared to other dat files) 2800 bytes. Essentially it holds information for each of your bases and for each item that can be produced. Each item gets 10 bytes (8 bases * 35 producible items * 10 bytes = 2800), however the format of this file seems a bit sideways (to me atleast). The best 'line width' to come up with is 350, 1 line for each base.

Inside of those 350 bytes it is divided into to 4 sections:

  • Hours Stored (Long Integer 4 Bytes)- always lower (possibly equal see below) than the engineering hours needed to make one. It is the remainder when the amount of hours spent does not evenly divide into the time it takes to make the product. However setting this value to 0 will remove the production and place it back into the new production list, be see note below.
  • Engineers Allocated (Integer 2 Bytes) - how many engineers are allocated to making this product
  • Total to Produce (Integer 2 Bytes) - the number of these items to make
  • Units Produced (Integer 2 Bytes) - the number of these itesm to make.

NOTE: Normally when a project is complete all the values for it are set to 0. Only the 'Hours Stored' controls if it is shown as being produced or available for a new production. If a production is hacked to 0, before it is done, the engineers are still allocated to it. You will be unable to get these engineers back until you create the same project they were working on again, note that they still take up space in the workshop, so you might not be able to create that project again.

The amount of hours stored can equal the amount required, as is the case when you start a new project (along with the total to produce set 1 higher). This is why you can sometimes see 0/0 Days/Hours Left if you meet it exactly. The next hour should increment and allow the project to be finished.

Each of these 4 sections list all of the items that can be produced before going on to the next section. The order they are place corresponds to the record in PRODUCT.DAT. So byte 0 is hours completed for a Fusion Ball Launcher, byte 4 is hours completed for Laser Cannon, byte 8 is hours completed for a Plasma Beam, and so on. Finally at byte 140 (4 bytes * 35 items) we get the engineers allocated to the Fusion Ball Launcher. (All at the first base)

Rough Outline

Here is a rough outline of the format of the file, divided up into 350 byte chunks (each corresponds to a base). The order follows that of PRODUCT.DAT inside these chunks. All addresses are in decimal unless prefixed by 0x

000 - 136 : Hours stored for each item (4 bytes each)
140 - 208 : Engineers allocated to each item (2 bytes each)
210 - 278 : Total to produce for each item (2 bytes each)
280 - 348 : Units produced for each item (2 bytes each)

More Detailed

I used a python script to generate a more verbose listing of the addressing in this file, as it is rather tedious.

Item Name Stored Hours
Allocated Engineers
Quantity to Make
Number Produced
Fusion Ball Launcher 0 (0x0) 140 (0x8C) 210 (0xD2) 280 (0x118)
Laser Cannon 4 (0x4) 142 (0x8E) 212 (0xD4) 282 (0x11A)
Plasma Cannon 8 (0x8) 144 (0x90) 214 (0xD6) 284 (0x11C)
Fusion Ball 12 (0xC) 146 (0x92) 216 (0xD8) 286 (0x11E)
Tank/Laser Cannon 16 (0x10) 148 (0x94) 218 (0xDA) 288 (0x120)
Hovertank/Plasma 20 (0x14) 150 (0x96) 220 (0xDC) 290 (0x122)
Hovertank/Launcher 24 (0x18) 152 (0x98) 222 (0xDE) 292 (0x124)
HWP Fusion Bomb 28 (0x1C) 154 (0x9A) 224 (0xE0) 294 (0x126)
Laser Pistol 32 (0x20) 156 (0x9C) 226 (0xE2) 296 (0x128)
Laser Rifle 36 (0x24) 158 (0x9E) 228 (0xE4) 298 (0x12A)
Heavy Laser 40 (0x28) 160 (0xA0) 230 (0xE6) 300 (0x12C)
Motion Scanner 44 (0x2C) 162 (0xA2) 232 (0xE8) 302 (0x12E)
Medi-kit 48 (0x30) 164 (0xA4) 234 (0xEA) 304 (0x130)
Psi-Amp 52 (0x34) 166 (0xA6) 236 (0xEC) 306 (0x132)
Heavy Plasma 56 (0x38) 168 (0xA8) 238 (0xEE) 308 (0x134)
Heavy Plasma Clip 60 (0x3C) 170 (0xAA) 240 (0xF0) 310 (0x136)
Plasma Rifle 64 (0x40) 172 (0xAC) 242 (0xF2) 312 (0x138)
Plasma Rifle Clip 68 (0x44) 174 (0xAE) 244 (0xF4) 314 (0x13A)
Plasma Pistol 72 (0x48) 176 (0xB0) 246 (0xF6) 316 (0x13C)
Plasma Pistol Clip 76 (0x4C) 178 (0xB2) 248 (0xF8) 318 (0x13E)
Blaster Launcher 80 (0x50) 180 (0xB4) 250 (0xFA) 320 (0x140)
Blaster Bomb 84 (0x54) 182 (0xB6) 252 (0xFC) 322 (0x142)
Small Launcher 88 (0x58) 184 (0xB8) 254 (0xFE) 324 (0x144)
Stun Bomb 92 (0x5C) 186 (0xBA) 256 (0x100) 326 (0x146)
Alien Grenade 96 (0x60) 188 (0xBC) 258 (0x102) 328 (0x148)
Mind Probe 100 (0x64) 190 (0xBE) 260 (0x104) 330 (0x14A)
Personal Armour 104 (0x68) 192 (0xC0) 262 (0x106) 332 (0x14C)
Power Suit 108 (0x6C) 194 (0xC2) 264 (0x108) 334 (0x14E)
Flying Suit 112 (0x70) 196 (0xC4) 266 (0x10A) 336 (0x150)
Alien Alloys 116 (0x74) 198 (0xC6) 268 (0x10C) 338 (0x152)
UFO Power Source 120 (0x78) 200 (0xC8) 270 (0x10E) 340 (0x154)
UFO Navigation 124 (0x7C) 202 (0xCA) 272 (0x110) 342 (0x156)
FIRESTORM 128 (0x80) 204 (0xCC) 274 (0x112) 344 (0x158)
LIGHTNING 132 (0x84) 206 (0xCE) 276 (0x114) 346 (0x15A)
AVENGER 136 (0x88) 208 (0xD0) 278 (0x116) 348 (0x15C)

See Also