Flashbang Grenade (EU2012)

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Flashbang Grenade

Enemy units inside the blast radius suffer significant Aim and movement penalties during their next turn. Robotic and advanced psionic enemies are immune.

  • Enemy units inside the blast radius suffer significant Aim and movement penalties during their next turn.
  • Robotic and advanced psionic enemies are immune.


Research Required Experimental Warfare
Base Costs §35
5 Engineers
Abilities/Stats See Description
  • Although the alien will have an Aim penalty it will still be able to shoot.
  • The penalty is 50% movement and -50 points of Aim. While the alien may still be able to shoot, if you're in cover, it probably can't hit you.
    • Units under the effect of a Flashbang Grenade show a distinctive tendency to suppress enemy units instead of attacking them outright.

EU2012 Badge XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012): Soldier Equipment
Light:Body Armor
Medium:Carapace ArmorSkeleton SuitGhost ArmorPsi Armor
Heavy:Titan ArmorArchangel Armor
MEC Suits:MEC-1 WardenMEC-2 SentinelMEC-3 Paladin
Conventional:PistolAssault RifleShotgunSniper RifleLMGRocket Launcher
Laser:Laser PistolLaser RifleScatter LaserLaser Sniper RifleHeavy Laser
Plasma:Plasma PistolLight Plasma RiflePlasma RifleAlloy CannonPlasma Sniper RifleHeavy PlasmaBlaster Launcher
EXALT Weapons:EXALT Assault RifleEXALT Sniper RifleEXALT LMGEXALT Rocket LauncherEXALT Laser RifleEXALT Laser Sniper RifleEXALT Heavy Laser
MEC Weapons:MinigunRailgunParticle Cannon
Items:EU: Alien GrenadeArc ThrowerChitin PlatingCombat StimsFrag GrenadeMedikitMind ShieldNano-Fiber VestS.C.O.P.E.
EW DLC: Flashbang GrenadeGas GrenadeGhost GrenadeMimic BeaconNeedle GrenadeReaper RoundsRespirator Implant