Missions (XCOM2)

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One of the big differences between XCOM and XCOM 2 are mission types. Instead of Abductions you have Guerrilla Ops, and instead of Terror Missions you have ADVENT Retaliations (losing an ADVENT Retaliation mission wont make you lose that territory, but it will decrease the supplies income).

Mission Timer Start Concealed Objectives Reward Observations
Guerrilla ops
You can only choose one at a time. Hidden Dark Events can be revealed with Intel, either on the first popup, or by clicking the tag under the Avatar Progress counter. Choose based on what is a greater threat to you (usually the 'free +1/+2 Avatar Progress' events unless there's an easily accessible facility on the geoscape) or go by reward, or whatever mission contains a hack (only mission-critical hacks can yield the elusive "Enemy protocol" reward).
Protect Device - yes Protect the device and kill all targets Varied + Countering a Dark Event Late game this mission might get hard due to powerful enemies attacks
Destroy Device 8 yes Destroy the device and kill all targets Varied + Countering a Dark Event The ability to MC or hack control of an enemy unit makes this easier.
Hack/Recover Workstation/Item 8 yes Hack/Recover and kill all targets Varied + Countering a Dark Event Bring a Specialist: their ranged hack makes this significantly easier: LoS is range. Unlocking the chest/station will also give an additional bonus, like reduced scanning times, facility leads or even a permanent increase on the soldier's hacking skill.
Council missions
Secure VIP 12 no Extract VIP and all soldiers VIP + resources VIP starts with you. Extraction zone is fixed and remote.
Rescue VIP 12 yes Extract VIP and all soldiers VIP + resources VIP doesn´t start with your soldiers: may appear locked in a cell or an ADVENT van: bring a Specialist. Extraction zone is fixed and remote. Unlocking the door where the VIP is captive will also give an additional bonus, like reduced scanning times, facility leads or even a permanent increase on the soldier's hacking skill.
Neutralize Dark VIP 12 yes Capture or kill Dark VIP + extract all soldiers Supplies + Intel If you kill the Dark VIP you don't get the Intel. On proximity, you get the 'Knockout' command, then Carry option: soldier carry rules are in effect. Extraction zone is fixed and remote.
Loot missions
Supply Raid - yes Neutralize all enemies Alloys + Elerium + Supplies Beware of AoE attacks, don't destroy the resources: they are the glowing boxes. Keep in mind that vehicle and other object explosions have some range. A variant introduced in War of the Chosen features crates that your squad must mark for pickup; these will be removed at the end of the turn and will add to your rewards. However, ADVENT will try to mark the crates as well. They can be marked by you, but if they are not claimed by the end of the turn they will be lost.
UFO Recovery 6 yes kill all targets Alloys + Elerium After you break concealment a beacon will activate, you have 6 turns do deactivate it or reinforcements will be deployed.
ADVENT Retaliation - no save at least six civilians and kill all targets Supplies income increased Like in Enemy Unknown/Within; living civvies still on the map are auto-rescued once all enemies are dead. Failing to rescue 6 civilians reduces supply income. Failing to secure the area loses the territory entirely. War of the Chosen introduces a variant where some of the civilians are replaced with Resistance fighters. They are limited to conventional weaponry, but can chip away at the aliens' health or draw their fire.
ADVENT Facility - yes Plant the X4 and evacuate AVATAR progress decreased by point amount displayed under facility on map Expect drops either once enemies are dead, when the charges are set, or on your way to extraction.
Avenger Defense - yes Destroy the Disruptor, don't let enemies inside the ramp Not losing the game Defense Matrix helps a lot to camp the ramp, upgrade if you can. MCing and/or Hacking is VERY useful: have the controlled enemy unit take out the Disruptor, while your soldiers retreat, as ADVENT will be airdropping new enemies first every other turn, then eventually every turn.
Avenger Defense (War of the Chosen) - yes Destroy the turrets and the artillery power generator before the Avenger's HP hits zero, defeat all enemies Not losing the game Unlike the vanilla defense mission, neither you nor ADVENT get reinforcements. However, you can take up to 10 soldiers into the battle and there will be a significant number of enemies to deal with (including the Chosen who launched the attack). The truck-mounted turrets will deal 1 damage to the Avenger each turn, while the artillery deals 80 damage per shot but only fires every third turn starting on turn 4 and cannot fire if its power generator is destroyed. Do not worry about the ramp this time- focus your attacks on the turrets and the power generator. The turrets and generator are vulnerable to EMP Bombs and Bluescreen Rounds.

In addition there are several special one-off storyline missions.


XCOM 2: War of the Chosen introduces a new element called SITREP. Each SITREP modifies the mission it is attached to in positive or negative ways, which will be revealed to you before you accept the mission.

  • Automated Defenses: "Intel suggests a high concentration of robotic enemies at the mission site." Only mechanical enemies will appear, such as ADVENT MECs and Codexes.
  • Show of Force: "Intel suggests a large number of ADVENT troopers present, under ADVENT only leadership." Only ADVENT hybrids, MECs, and Sectopods will appear.
  • Savage: "Intel suggests a high concentration of beast-like enemies at this mission site." The enemies present are melee specialists, such as Berserkers and Faceless.
  • Psionic Storm: "A high concentration of psionic energy is in the area of the mission, suggesting a high number of psi-capable enemies." The only enemies that are present are those who can use psionic abilities, such as Sectoids.
  • The Lost: The Lost will appear in addition to normal alien forces.
  • The Horde: "Area is abandoned by ADVENT, leaving only large numbers of The Lost." Only The Lost will appear as enemies, but will be present in very large numbers.
  • Location Scout: The whole map is revealed from the start, allowing you to see all enemies and terrain.
  • Low Profile: Soldiers with a rank higher than Sergeant cannot be chosen for this mission.
  • Shadow Squad: All soldiers get one use of the Conceal ability. This is independent from the Ranger's Conceal or the Reaper's Shadow and is consumed separately from them.
  • Surgical: Squad size is fixed at three soldiers.
  • Resistance Contacts: Friendly civilians will be present and will award supplies if a soldier moves next to them.
  • High Explosives: "This combat zone has a high density of explosive material. Caution advised." Explosive barrels are present on the map and can be blown up.
  • ADVENT Loot: "ADVENT forces have stockpiled extra materials in storage chests near this site." Hidden chests are placed on the map, which contain bonus rewards such as PCSes if found and opened.