Scatter Laser (EU2012)

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Scatter Laser

The Scatter Laser is capable of inflicting considerable damage; however, accuracy suffers greatly as the range to target increases.

  • An application of laser technology to the Shotgun
  • Most effective at close range due to beam diffusion
  • Like other shotgun variants, the Scatter Laser has a high base chance to cause critical hits
Source: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012)


Research Required Precision Lasers
Base Costs §30
25 Alloys
12 Engineers
Base Damage 5-7
Critical Damage 9 or 10
Critical Chance 20%
Range Medium
Abilities None
  • The Scatter Laser is the laser technology version of the Shotgun. See Shotgun for more in-depth notes and tactics.
  • While the listed Critical Damage (on the EW DLC) is 9-11, the actual values are either 9 (66% of the shots) or 10 (33%) due to a game bug.
  • Scatter Lasers can only be used by Assaults but can be very useful against the initial aliens due to their ability to kill aliens like Floaters or even Chryssalids with a single shot.

EU2012 Badge XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012): Soldier Equipment
Light:Body Armor
Medium:Carapace ArmorSkeleton SuitGhost ArmorPsi Armor
Heavy:Titan ArmorArchangel Armor
MEC Suits:MEC-1 WardenMEC-2 SentinelMEC-3 Paladin
Conventional:PistolAssault RifleShotgunSniper RifleLMGRocket Launcher
Laser:Laser PistolLaser RifleScatter LaserLaser Sniper RifleHeavy Laser
Plasma:Plasma PistolLight Plasma RiflePlasma RifleAlloy CannonPlasma Sniper RifleHeavy PlasmaBlaster Launcher
EXALT Weapons:EXALT Assault RifleEXALT Sniper RifleEXALT LMGEXALT Rocket LauncherEXALT Laser RifleEXALT Laser Sniper RifleEXALT Heavy Laser
MEC Weapons:MinigunRailgunParticle Cannon
Items:EU: Alien GrenadeArc ThrowerChitin PlatingCombat StimsFrag GrenadeMedikitMind ShieldNano-Fiber VestS.C.O.P.E.
EW DLC: Flashbang GrenadeGas GrenadeGhost GrenadeMimic BeaconNeedle GrenadeReaper RoundsRespirator Implant