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My favourite starting hideout:

This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99A.1. The latest version is v.N1.

dirt dirt lift dirt dirt dirt
dirt dirt hangar1 hangar2 dirt dirt
dirt dirt hangar3 hangar4 dirt dirt
dirt dirt barracks vaults dirt dirt
Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-workshop.gif Base-prison.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif
Base-dirt.gif Base-lab.gif Base-hires radar.gif Base-still.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif

Although the access lift is handy as a bottleneck, it is also inconvenient as it allows the enemies to progress towards your base hidden behind doors. I prefer this setup as it allows direct lines of fire into the hangar. Usually I expand it at the beginning, into:

This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99A.1. The latest version is v.N1.

dirt dirt lift dirt dirt dirt
dirt dirt hangar1 hangar2 hangar1 hangar2
dirt dirt hangar3 hangar4 hangar3 hangar4
dirt dirt barracks vaults barracks dirt
Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-workshop.gif Base-prison.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif
Base-dirt.gif Base-lab.gif Base-hires radar.gif Base-still.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif

to get more hands, and a hangar space for a scout craft like a hunter-killer (also useful to get 2 crafts to attack 1 shipping: same ammo expense, double dps, so half the damage to repair!) Over time, the base ends up being something like:

This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99A.1. The latest version is v.N1.

vaults barracks lift barracks vaults barracks
hangar1 hangar2 hangar1 hangar2 hangar1 hangar2
hangar3 hangar4 hangar3 hangar4 hangar3 hangar4
barracks vaults barracks vaults barracks vaults
Base-workshop.gif Base-workshop.gif Base-workshop.gif Base-prison.gif Base-LargeVaults1.gif Base-LargeVaults2.gif
Base-voodoo.gif Base-lab.gif Base-hires radar.gif Base-still.gif Base-LargeVaults3.gif Base-LargeVaults4.gif

where I get some decent manufacture capabilities from the 3 workshops and still, 3 hangars for 1 interceptor + 1 transport + making a craft, a decent amount of storage and voodoo training. This way, you can play a really aggressive defence where you storm the hangars from both side, kill as many enemies as possible and end it before the enemies spread out. This is especially efficient if you have some baby nukes to spare (hint: farm supply ships for baby nukes, although it's risky so scout with dogs and don't take your best gals!), as you can get into position T1, nuke hangars T2 and mop up the few panicked dying stragglers after.

An example conqueror base:

This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99A.1. The latest version is v.N1.

hangar1 hangar2 dirt barracksLux ArmoredVaults ArmoredVaults
hangar3 hangar4 dirt barracksLux ArmoredVaults ArmoredVaults
barracksLux lift ArmoredVaults barracksLux barracksLux ArmoredVaults
barracksLux power factory1 factory2 factory3 ArmoredVaults
Base-barracksLux.gif Base-barracksLux.gif Base-factory4.gif Base-factory5.gif Base-factory6.gif Base-ArmoredVaults.gif
Base-barracksLux.gif Base-barracksLux.gif Base-factory7.gif Base-factory8.gif Base-factory9.gif Base-ArmoredVaults.gif