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== Beta 13 ==
== Beta 13 ==
* Mind Merge will heal too many hit points.
* Fixed: Inventory/hp/fatigue bug. Known issue: Mind Merge will heal too many hit points.
* Fixed: Blowing up abductor or harvester causes CTD
* Fixed: Perk and related descriptions for Platform Stability, Double Tap and Snap Shot to change "without moving" to "without using a costly action" to clarify you lose bonuses by taking any action that consumes one of your actions, like the benefits that the Lock N' Load or Smoke Grenade perks provide. Also item descriptions for sniper rifles, strike rifles, and LMG weapons.
* Fixed: Removed all Vahlen nagging about outsiders/arc thrower
* Fixed (Reported): Jump Boots / Leg genemod animation gone screwy
* Updated Spanish translation
* Game can hang when an alien is panicked.
* Game can hang when an alien is panicked.
* CTD/Hangup when MEC troopers forced into base defense mission without any available MEC armor to be equipped
* CTD/Hangup when MEC troopers forced into base defense mission without any available MEC armor to be equipped

Revision as of 18:33, 22 October 2014

This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version b14. The latest version is 1.0.

Confirmed bugs only please. New bug reports should go to the developers' feedback thread on the Nexus Forum.

Vanilla game bugs

Here are included bugs that have been deemed unsolvable by the Long War development team and have been present in the original game as well. As it stands, with the limited modding capabilities at hand, the Long War team can not resolve them.

  • Loading savegames in tactical missions can cause problems, including: recheck of panic when a soldier is critically wounded and awaiting stabilize; cancelling hunker down status; resetting certain flags intended to prevent you from doing things like using Run and Gun and Close Encounters on the same turn, cars exploding on the same turn. These can be exploits and you should feel really, really bad for using it.
  • Sometimes critically wounded soldiers have a bad z and can't be revived. Save and reload often fixes.
  • Certain map errors. These are probably hard to tell from other errors, but if the problem is related to something in the map itself, we are unlikely to be able to fix it. This includes: 1) Doors failing to block visibility as you would expect (this includes a hang that occurs when overwatch fire goes through a closed door); 2) Line of sight issues; 3) Bad pieces of terrain you can't climb on or have weird cover interactions with; 4) preactivated pods; 5) Rare alien teleports to get out of bad positioning; 6) ladders blocking flanks
  • Close Combat Specialist is flaky. We didn't change it; it's unlikely we can fix it.
  • Rapid double-clicking (such as with a dying mouse that automatically does this inadvertently) can screw up your interactions with the engineering UI and charge you tons of cash for a single transaction.
  • Periodically, the map script for the XCOM HQ assault mission will be interrupted. Reload an earlier save or (with ironman) use the dev console to restart the mission.
  • Sharpshooter perk shows in soldier's active abilities list when soldier is in full cover (instead of when target is in full cover). Still WAD on targeting detail.
  • Female weapon models not aligning with pawn correctly
  • Flying creatures will sometimes stack on the same tile during movement
  • Squadsight + flanked erratic behavior. Added note to perk text.
  • For some mod users the game does not load, or loads and crashes in the main menu. Also it has been observed the unability to save the game (both manually and by autosave). This has been resolved by running the game in Steam Offline mode. It has been suspected that this is an error on Steam's side.

Beta 14

  • Fixed: Hang when alien panics
  • Fixed: CTD/Hangup when MEC troopers forced into base defense mission without any available MEC armor to be equipped
  • Fixed: Potential CTD bug with seeker AI
  • Fixed: CTD when reloading mission with lots of aliens
  • Fixed: CTD when reloading Exalt HQ assault*Fixed: Geoscape rarely becomes semi-frozen after missions (clock doesn't roll for item construction, Skyranger does not return from mission site). Apparently a vanilla issue that failed to give Skyranger return-to-base mission in some cases; it may be more likely to occur in LW for some reason; added an error check that should prevent it.
  • Attempted Fix: Altered hardcoded defaultloadouts in attempt to catch versions of Sectoid Commander crash that isn't fixed by our prior fix for reasons we do not understand
  • Attempted fix: Found bad local in CalcHitRolls that may have been messing up HEAT/Shredding damage modifiers when applied to Rapid Fire and In the Zone. We think this will fix the Rapid-Fire-2nd-shot-always-missing-bug.
  • Fixed: Aliens sometimes start out in view of squad
  • Fixed: Lock N' Load perk will now work for MECs; turn ends on reload
  • Fixed: Lock N' Load perk will no longer allow a reload+turn for sidearms, as designed
  • Fixed: UFO command pod sometimes spawning on UFO roof, which is a problem if spawn point is inaccessible or invisible
  • Fixed: Can no longer sell Ethereal Device on Gray market. Increased price of Hyperwave Detector so it's worth selling after multiple base raids. Lowered alien entertainment price somewhat so base raids don't get that much better.
  • Adjustment/Fix: Gave sectoids, sectoid commanders and seekers "Gunslinger" perk and reduced their plasma pistol damage by 1, effectively leaving their weapon damage unchanged but removing range penalties. Their AI probably isn't smart enough to know how to compensate for the range penalties.
  • Fixed: Hi Cap Mags and Autoloader will no longer show "Lock N' Load" perk when equipped. These items and the +1 ammo from LnL will still stack.
  • Fixed: Scatter Laser, Alloy Cannon and AP Grenade showing inaccurate damage in equipping UI card sometimes; cards for Grenade Launcher, Kinetic Strike Module and Flamethrower damage will now reflect bonuses from foundry projects
  • Fixed: Precision Shot will not give crit bonuses to strike rifles (only sniper rifles) per design
  • Fixed: Marksman's Rifle icon looks more impressive now in the HUD
  • Fixed: Hyperwave and Gollop Chamber do not require Hyperwave/Ethereal Device to build on top of research requirement that consumes those items. Research requirement will consume items; after which you don't need them to build the facilities.
  • Updated Spanish translation.
  • Adjusted: MEC conversion will return to 9a mechanism: set to fixed stats (what you'd get with strict screening on the same difficulty level), except a measure of very high will will be retained.
  • Fixed: Removed soldier heads of Ken, Sid and Carter from being available to random soldiers in the mod. These were bugged when combined with various headgear options.
  • Attempted Fix: Exalts floating in during "fliers-only" part of HQ assault
  • Fixed: Lightning Reflexes will now apply to reaction fire shots that otherwise have a 100% chance to hit. Vanilla issue.
  • Attempted Fix: Last round of your clip with Ammo Conservation doesn't seem to allow to set overwatch. You can steady weapon, fire that round, can't overwatch with it. It's faded out and says "not enough ammo."
  • Attempted Fix: RFA still allowing multiple overwatch shots on a berserker.
  • Fixed: Dismissed officers do not see billet recycled back; vanilla bug manifesting (Recycling code in MoveToMorgue; not present in DismissSoldier)
  • Fixed: Targeting Reticle now shows expected scatter instead of % when aiming with rockets
  • Fixed, sort of: Getting some UFOs being spawned outside the range of designed ships, causing the "Independence Day virus" in which you get free kills on nameless UFOs. Can't figure out cause, but added some code to catch these errors and spawn mission-appropriate craft instead.
  • Fixed: Blueshirts will properly level up and be assessed fatigue if they survive the base defense mission
  • Fixed: Catching Breath (and probably freshly revived) soldier cannot draw sidearm.
  • Fixed: Plasma Pistol no longer confers -10 aim.
  • Fixed: Skeleton key now consumed by base assault
  • Fixed: Removed Automated Threat Assessment from Alien perk list
  • Renamed Rocketeer perk "Shock and Awe" to avoid confusion with class name
  • Fixed: Missing to-hit percentage on sidearm
  • Fixed: Text errors for Sniper Rifle series, Heavy Plasma Rifle, Plasma Mauler, Seraph Armor (which was also renamed), Titan Armor, Archangel Armor, Mind Shield, Alien Trophy, Shredder Ammo perk, Steadfast perk, Secondary Heart perk, MEC Close Combat foundry project, Smartgun Kit, Laser Pumper, Packmaster; Added armor mobility benes to text and clarified Sprinter perk
  • Fixed/workaround: Firestorms stuck at zero hours repairing if you reduce ini setting INTERCEPTOR_REPAIR_HOURS to below 75 (or possibly even 168). Solution: Don't do this (added warning in ini). Fix manually by setting IRH to 800 or so, then switching back.
  • Attempted Fix: Arc Thrower showing 0% or 1% chance when circumstances suggest it should be much higher (in the 40s or 50s); some reports that this is a display error only.
  • Fixed: Touchpad + Expanded perk tree perk selection bug
  • Fixed: Tactical Sense perk no longer confers immunity to being exposed/flanked (an unintended bonus)
  • Fixed: Being suppressed and/or poisoned should properly apply scatter penalties to rockets
  • Fixed: Aliens will no longer attempt reaction fire when hit by Disabling Shot
  • Fixed: Soldiers with squadsight will no longer get a couple of squadsight-range tiles for their non-long-range-weapons (like sidearms).
  • Fixed: Alien Entertainment council request unlocks with Hyperwave sted Sectoid Commander Autopsy*Added text to clarify Rift only works if you are wearing Aurora or Vortex armors
  • Added text to clarify suppression doesn't cancel overwatch; it prevents reaction shots from taking place (so the eye is working correctly; overwatch is still there is suppression ends for some reason)
  • Fixed: Psi Inspiration does not help allies on a different Z
  • Fixed: Lone Wolf crit bonus always applied, instead of selectively
  • Fixed: Steady weapon bonus maintained through grapple action when it should go away
  • Fixed: DR popup not always appearing even when applied
  • Fixed: A bunch of under-the-hood references that were generating log warnings but no known game effects; who knows, maybe we'll fix something*Fixed: Lock N' Load doesn't reset UI and refill ammo in HUD gun icon
  • Fixed: MEC small items give IMG placeholder in select-squad dropship UI. The are fine in barracks equipping view. The same small items appear fine on SHIVs.
  • Fixed: Paramedic use still not refreshing ability icons
  • Fixed: Alien AI wasn't getting angry enough when you assault one of their bases
  • Fixed: Plasma Sniper bonus crit put in line with other sniper rifles
  • Fixed: Rework of Sitroom objectives display with a lot of corrections and clarifications on how to move the plot forward
  • Fixed: Interrogation techs still being available even if you sold/lost your captives
  • Attempted fix: Psi Inspiration should remove multiple mindfrays.
  • Fixed: Soldier suppressing from high cover and taking reaction shot now returns properly to cover after shot. At long freaking last.
  • Attempted Fix: Mind Control beginning and ending should clear all suppression
  • Fixed: Mind Control beginning and ending should clear all panic
  • Fixed: Will penalty from being Mind Mergee.
  • Attempted Fix: Cyberdisc spin attack is sometimes at the wrong altitude, doing no damage. Vanilla. Attempted to teach CD AI that it only works on same altitude.
  • Fixed: Mind Control not showing correct to-hit in some cases.
  • Fixed: Suppressing pawn ends suppression with messed up (twisty) pose.
  • Attempted Fix: Critically wounded soldiers not showing up as dead on post-mission popup in tactical game. Update: Occurs only on squadwipe.
  • Fixed: You may no longer suppress using shotguns or sniper/marksman rifles. (The latter wasn't possible anyway by class setup)
  • Fixed: Some bugs in Exalt cell placement AI that might lead to them selecting Russia over and over.
  • Fixed: Having a VO underway when a council request registers will no longer oddly freeze the geoscape but instead popup the request.
  • Attempted Fix: Pods should no longer spawn outside playable area on L-Shaped Highway 1 map. (Thanks WGhost for fix)
  • Fixed: Added a series of restrictions for overwatch all button to work on an individual soldier, such as if it is panicking.
  • Fixed: Tech image for Thin Man Autopsy
  • Attempted Fix: Removed goofy death animations
  • Attempted Fix: Vahlen should stop nagging about psi testing so much
  • Fixed: Double Tap won't trigger when no targets in view, or you are out of ammo.
  • Fixed: During extractions, Covert operatives now actually leave the map when finishing a mission, rather than just go invisible. (vanilla bug)
  • Fixed: New MEC available descriptions popping up when armor tech completed but other key research isn't
  • Fixed: A soldier throwing a battlescanner can no longer have her tile occupied by another soldier if she does NOT step out of cover to make the throw.
  • Fixed: Battlescanners no longer occupy a tile and make it impassible.
  • Fixed: Platform Stability no longer applies to second shot of LEM, consistent with Double Tap.
  • Fixed: To-hit score on red heads now consistent with ability being considered for use, rather than always standard shot.
  • Fixed: Mindcontrolled XCOM personnel no longer acquire "dead allies" debuff when an alien is killed.
  • Fixed: Scientists will not float in weird places on the ant farm after an interrogation.
  • Fixed: Mindfray targeting now blinks 1 hp off an enemy's HP bars, instead of 5
  • Fixed: Unequip all will strip gear from fatigued, injured, psi-testing, augmenting in addition to active soldiers. These guys should have been stripped in most cases anyway.
  • Fixed: Expired meld containers no longer provide cover when destroyed
  • Attempted Fix: Rapid Fire shouldn't pop up extra "missed" if miss then hit occurs
  • Fixed: Progeny characters should now get purple psi overlay on character cards
  • Fixed: Non-damaging Psychokinetic Strike no longer triggers you-will-hurt-allies warning when friendly troops are in range
  • Fixed: Rocket Launcher shot following Shredder rocket shot should now do proper damage through cover
  • Fixed: Reactive Targeting Sensors will no longer trigger on Rift or Psi Inpsiration
  • Fixed: Can no longer enter psi labs from covert operative selection screen, removing ability to be simultaneously on covert op and psi training
  • Fixed: Geoscape should pause properly when a UFO is overhead and a fighter refuels or repairs
  • Fixed: Reaction shots against drop-in aliens will now check weapon range
  • Fixed: SHIVs will no longer count +1 for total ranks for OTS purposes
  • Fixed: Item stat bonuses now show correct for covert operative
  • Partially Fixed: On escort missions, the escortee suffers an acid hit and can't extract, and is instead treated like a regular soldier, and you get queries to abort mission (which you shouldn't do). WORKAROUND: Save and reload. Then move escortee out of Skyranger's LZ and back, and escortee should extract properly.
  • Fixed: Mission debrief Promotion UI now displays promoted officers ranks correctly
  • Fixed: Combat Stims no longer gives out of ammo message when used
  • Fixed: Steady Weapon button suppressed when you are out of ammo for all weapons that can benefit from the ability (including rockets)
  • Fixed: Bradford sometimes says "densely populated urban area" for UFO missions to rural places
  • Fixed: Female Voice 6 plays "I'm suppressed" when she means "I'm suppressing."
  • Attempted Fix: Mechtoid AI double-moving when firing is a much better choice (vanilla; I wonder if Mechtoids had a melee weapon at some point)
  • Attempted Fix: Capped alien rosters at 50 on supply barges and alien base in a vain attempt to prevent the loadgame CTD. The two reproducible examples I have received, along with other anecdotal reports, suggest the CTD occurs when alien rosters are greater than 50, but I have no idea if this will be partially/fully effective.
  • Fixed: Fixed loadgame CTDs in alien base assault.
  • Attempted Fix: Tried alternate method of canceling phone-home for users reporting slowdowns during play. Until B14, solution is to play in offline mode.
  • Fixed: Made sure AbsorbDamage was tested in KSM kill animation
  • Fixed: Collateral Damage range limited to MEC Weapon range
  • Fixed: Exalt shouldn't use steady weapon ability if they have no ammo.
  • Attempted Fix: Mayhem perk should now work as advertised with proximity mine and grenade launchers.
  • Fixed: Rift abilty icon suppressed if you have incorrect armor
  • Fixed: Clarified Hunker Down info to say it doesn't mitigate crit penalties if you are flanked
  • Fixed: Acidified aliens will no longer attempt to suppress in team-attack mode
  • Fixed: Civilians on terror missions can not be randomly killed if they are within sight distance with one of your soldiers, regardless of whether that soldier can be seen.
  • Fixed: Promotion available VO won't happen as much
  • Fixed: Mayhem+Suppression properly costs more ammo now
  • Fixed: So Shall You Fight has icon now
  • Fixed: Failing / skipping a terror mission in a country you've already lost should no longer penalize your monthly income again for the lost country, but instead only incur continental panic
  • Fixed: if you have low profile and psi shadow, reload or go into overwatch for the smidgen between the end of the running/crouching animation and the deactivation, the ghosting effect stays on for the rest of the mission (unless the soldier is moved to half cover again to 'reactivate' it): the soldier can now just stand invisible and unharrassed out in the open. But: Will drops like a rock (I think 15 a round).
  • Lame Fix: SHIVS for some reason don't extract on mission aborts if they fire in the round they extract. Added warning to SHIV item text that they need extra time to load on the Skyranger and should not take any actions in extraction zone
  • Fixed: Multiple mindfrays not wearing off in temple ship mission
  • Fixed: Ethereal AI should be able to target Rift effectively at flying soldiers
  • Fixed: Dodge consumable only appearing to provide 1 dodge. This was a display error; we fixed it by having aircraft formerly with short-range weapons (laser, phoenix, EMP) close distance to the UFO. We believe that those weapons don't lose any shots during the closing of the gap; their actual range remains as long as the other weapons.
  • Fixed: Aggression and Lone Wolf crit bonuses should show up correctly at squadsight range.
  • Fixed: Suppressors no longer get free shots at drop-down alienses
  • Fixed: Goofy double pawn in barracks after soldier finishes augmentation

Beta 14a

  • Fixed -- Finishing a covert extraction by escaping will award intel.

Beta 14b

  • Fixed: Freeze when Progeny mission fires
  • Fixed: Bad offset when new council mission checked, potential freeze
  • Fixed: Europe continent bonus will actually apply to OTS projects now
  • Fixed: More bugs in whether covert ops mission awards intel
  • Fixed: Van Doorn now says something when he fires a rocket
  • Fixed: Removed two XCOM spawn points from Grand Cemetery maps that required grapples/flight to extract, which was a little unfair even for us
  • Fixed: Some spawning issues on fishing village map
  • Fixed: Corrected Fuel Cell and Cognitive Enhancer inventory images
  • Fixed: Removed Van Doorn head from heads available to general soldiery (to fix bug where they wouldn't retain hair). Van Doorn's head is unique to that unit. Any soldiers with Male Caucasian Head 14 may need to perform temporary race swap to avoid CTDs.
  • Fixed: Gauss Weapons should apply anti-DR correctly now
  • Fixed: Gauss Rifle and a few pulse weapons weren't classified correctly, meaning weapon-tech based bonus items weren't help like they should

Beta 14c

Currently in the works.

  • Fixed: Adjusted Pulse and Beam laser environmental damage so Pulse is higher as intended (relic of switching their roles several Betas back)
  • Fixed: Civilians will no longer show armor HP
  • Fixed: Vortex Armor description will note fatigue relief
  • Fixed: Suppressors will return to cover now
  • Working on: Suppressors losing LOS to target when in high cover and suppression finishes

Beta 13

  • Fixed: Inventory/hp/fatigue bug. Known issue: Mind Merge will heal too many hit points.
  • Fixed: Blowing up abductor or harvester causes CTD
  • Fixed: Perk and related descriptions for Platform Stability, Double Tap and Snap Shot to change "without moving" to "without using a costly action" to clarify you lose bonuses by taking any action that consumes one of your actions, like the benefits that the Lock N' Load or Smoke Grenade perks provide. Also item descriptions for sniper rifles, strike rifles, and LMG weapons.
  • Fixed: Removed all Vahlen nagging about outsiders/arc thrower
  • Fixed (Reported): Jump Boots / Leg genemod animation gone screwy
  • Updated Spanish translation
  • Game can hang when an alien is panicked.
  • CTD/Hangup when MEC troopers forced into base defense mission without any available MEC armor to be equipped
  • Geoscape rarely becomes semi-frozen after missions (clock doesn't roll for item construction, Skyranger does not return from mission site). (Similarly: Scan for Activity will roll forward one minute then freeze with no event notice. Exiting and re-entering the Geoscape shows a country had made a resource request but the window saying as much was not being shown.)
  • Aliens sometimes start out in view of squad
  • Lock N' Load perk doesn't work for MECs; turn ends on reload
  • Female weapon models not aligning with pawn correctly
  • MEC small items give IMG placeholder in select-squad dropship UI. The are fine in barracks equipping view. The same small items appear fine on SHIVs.
  • Reaper Rounds FX not working on Battle Rifle.
  • Precision Shot gives crit bonuses to strike rifles (should be only sniper rifles)
  • Marksman's Rifle looks a little small in the HUD
  • Alloy Cannon showing 7-13 damage in inventory item detail, but showing correct 8 base damage in tactical mission.
  • Dismissed officers do not see billet recycled back
  • The UI for the Covert Operations is overlayed on top of the select soldier UI if you click too fast. image
  • Very rarely, an AP grenade will be unable to damage a unit, regardless of whether they are in cover or not and regardless of the position of the thrown grenade. (Noticed when an EXALT operative did not glow red when free aiming the grenade, even though he was not in any cover.) image
  • Removing all equipment on a trooper armed with a Sawed-Off Shotgun will display the IMG placeholder. (Visual bug only, does not prevent any secondary weapon from being assigned to the trooper.)
  • Unable to overwatch using the last shot in a clip granted by Ammo Conservation project.

Beta 12

  • Armor Health is unfilled at the start of each mission. Fixed in beta 13. Hotfix available in files section.
  • Blowing up abductor or harvester causes CTD. Fixed in beta 13.

Beta 11

  • Crash to desktop on encountering a Sectoid Commander due to loadout bug. Fixed in beta 12.

Beta 10

  • Crash to desktop when covert operation completes. Fixed in beta 11.

Beta 9

  • Enemy tech progression difficulty inverted, so aliens on Normal teched up at Impossible rate and vice versa. Fixed in beta 10, Manual fix here.
  • Overseer UFO always explodes if sucessfully attacked. Fixed in Beta 10 onwards, workaround hex-edit fix available in Nexus Forums.