Exalt (LWR)

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EXALT Insignia (EU2012).png

Exalt Mechanics (WIP)

Exalt first shows up a few months into the game (insert a more specific date here), arriving with a cutscene and a small credits sabotage.

Unlike vanilla or LW1.0, Exalt attacks do not automatically reveal a cell, so keeping up with scans is of upmost importance. LWR provides scan reminders that are perfectly accurate, so simply scanning when reminded will always find an Exalt cell. Scans cost 200 credits (modified by campaign length).

Exalt cells can be left alone for a while (insert more specific details here), but will eventually perform a debilitating attack if you wait too long.

Attacks can have the following effects:

  • Sabotage: Steals credits (insert details)
  • Propaganda: Causes panic (insert details)
  • Hack: Steals research (insert details)

An average campaign will have 15 Exalt missions and the Exalt Base Assault, but this amount scales up or down with the game length.

Exalt Missions

Info on Exalt missions can be found here.

Exalt Units

Info on Exalt units can be found here.