Country Funding (TFTD)

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Your International Relations Organisation Funding is critical to your success and development, particularly at the start of the game.

Starting Funding

Each game your starting monthly funding will be very close to $6 million, although the balance of which zones it comes from can change to a significant extent from game to game. It can be worth checking this out as soon as you start. If the traditionally rich zones are paying less, and poor zones are paying more, you might want to reconsider your subsequent base locations. Unfortunately there is no way to check Funding prior to placing your starting base.

CountryMonthly Funding ($1000s)
Arabian Bloc3525724357%
Egyptian Cartel2725093616%
Africa Corp1803202384%
Brazilian Union1412271843%
New Mexico2774883887%
Asian Coalition42473957810%
Free China3155154157%
Fed Korea3626215089%
Icelandic Union1372281723%

This table was calculated using the results of only 10 games, which may not represent a sufficient sample.

For further details on how these values are generated in UFO Enemy Unknown, see the xcomufo thread discussing it.

Monthly Funding Change

Each month the council review yours will demand a progress report from you, and once they have received it they make a group decision on whether to increase, decrease or hold your funding steady. This is based on the monthly rating which factors in X-COM's overall successes and failures for all combat. USOs merely moving around the map make only very small impacts; one good mission will totally overwhelm this, at least in the early months. Successfully completed alien missions, especially Terror Mission (TFTD)s, have serious consequences, though.

After the council has made its group decision, the majority of Zones will follow the council's lead and adjust their funding. A few Zones may consider their situation exceptional, due to very good or bad localised performance by X-COM (the presence of an alien base in their Zone, a terror mission that succeeded, etc.).

It is possible for countries to sign a pact with the aliens, in which case they will pull out of the council at the end of the month and cease funding you - completely and forever. The latest evidence from intel operatives suggests that aliens come to exert pacifying mind control over an entire government once the two meet in person to sign the pact. Consequently, there is no known way to regain the country's confidence. The only way to avoid this occuring is to shoot down the scouts for the infiltration missions, which will occasionally halt the entire process, or more often merely delay it. It is pretty much confirmed that on Superhuman difficulty, once the aliens decide to Infiltrate a country, they WILL succeed... The best that X-COM can do is only delay them by a number of weeks.

Zone SatisfactionFunding Change compared to last month
Happy+5 to 20%
SatisfiedNo change
Unhappy -5 to 20%
Sign Pact-100%, and will remain at 0 for rest of game

See Also

External Links

Starting Funding, which contains Zombie's great thread on XcomUfo.