Making The Game Harder (EU2012)

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This page is intended for players who finish the game frequently on the higher difficulties (Classic/Impossible/Ironman/Second Wave) and would like to keep the challenge alive or to add a little extra spice to their games.

Naturally it is quite easy to handicap yourself while playing the game: using only conventional weaponry, no armor, only pistols, etc. Some of these situations are detailed here, in addition to exploits/cheats/tactics that make the game easier, which you might want to refrain from using.

Feel free to suggest more or try any of these ideas (or all of them!). Some may make the game very hard or even impossible to win. Most of these ideas are based on a similar page for the original game.

Second Wave Settings

These are Second Wave settings designed to enhance specific aspects of gameplay:

  • Tactical - Damage Roulette, Red Fog, Absolutely Critical and Total Loss. Essentially damage will vary more, your soldier's stats are affected by wounds, flanking will always cause critical hits and losing units will also eliminate their equipment and weapons.
  • Strategic - New Economy, Marathon, Results Driven, High Stakes and War Wariness. This will randomize funding, make the war longer, panic affect funding, randomized rewards from Abductions and gradual reduction of income each month.
  • HQ - Diminishing Returns, E-115 and Alternate Sources. This will increase the cost of each additional satellites, cause Elerium loss over time and double the power requirements for the base facilities.
  • Soldiers - Not Created Equally, Hidden Potential, The Greater Good and More Than Human. These will vary the starting stats of your solders and gained through promotions. It also make capturing a Psionic alien a requirement for developing the technology and the Psi gift will be much harder to discover in your soldiers.


Offensive Psionics

  • No use of psionic powers allowed.
  • Only 1 Psionic soldier capable of using Psionics
  • No Mind Control

Defensive Psionics

  • No Mind Shields or Psi Armor allowed (with the exception of the Volunteer for the final mission).


  • You may never shoot down any UFOs (but you may assault landed ones) and you may never command any of your soldiers to fire their weapon (with the exception of the Arc Thrower since it won't kill the alien). You may however set your soldiers on Overwatch (self-defense) instead of using Firing.



  • You may not use or research any alien related items. All artifacts recovered from missions must be sold immediately, with the exception of those required to progress the storyline. This essentially means that you'll be restricted to only conventional weapons to fight, either on air on on the ground. Good luck.
  • You may also never accept scientists as mission rewards or build any Labs unless the scientists comes from the satellite coverage bonus.

Conventional Only

  • You may only use conventional weapons and/or armor throughout the entire game.

Laser Squad

  • You may only deploy Lasers weapons and/or Carapace/Skeleton armor on any combat mission.

Rise Of The Robots

  • After getting the Foundry (which should be your 1st priority) you'll use as many SHIVs as possible instead of human soldiers.

Limited Squads

  • Don't purchase Squad Size I & II and stick to the 4 soldier squad throughout the entire campaign.


  • Only use pistols throughout the entire game
    • Heavies and several abilities become useless, together with Frag and Alien grenades.
    • On the plus side, you'll never have to reload your weapon or worry about ammo the entire game.
    • On the minus side, most aliens will now require at least the double of shots to eliminate them, even with a fully upgraded Plasma Pistol (and capturing and researching one should be a top priority).
    • The key abilities to have for Pistols are: Rapid Fire and Bring 'Em On (Assault) and Gunslinger and Double Tap (Sniper), which have both effects of allowing a 2nd shot and increasing the pistol's damage. The Foundry's Improved Pistol upgrades are also essential.
    • Headshot, Snap Shot and Disabling Shot are useless for Snipers and Rifle Suppression for Supports.

Top Gun

  • Only use Ravens - don't build Firestorms
  • Don't research advanced Air to Air weapons and stick to Avalanches


Trying Something New

Don't choose any of these abilities while leveling up soldiers:

  • Squad Sight (Sniper)
  • Field Medic (Support)
  • Rapid Fire (Assault)
  • HEAT Ammo (Heavy)

Voluntary Retirement

  • Once a soldier reaches Colonel rank it is immediately retired and dismissed from service as a reward for his/her services fighting the alien invasion.
  • Or the same as above but dismiss all commissioned officers, which means everyone from Lieutenant upwards.
  • Or you could limit your soldiers to a single "tour of duty" comprising a set number of deployments. 10 is a challenge; 20 is close to a normal game.

Valkyrie Squad

  • Dismiss all the ugly XY mutts still alive at the Barracks after the 1st mission and only use female soldiers during the entire game.

Single Class

  • Use only one class of soldiers during a mission or the entire game.


  • Near the start of the game select ten soldiers to be your Very Important People. (or V.I.P.s for short)
  • Change their armour or names to indicate that they are V.I.P.s.
  • You must bring at least one V.I.P. along to every mission.
  • If a V.I.P. is killed you may not replace him.
  • If all of your V.I.P.s are dead, you must completely abandon the current campaign.
  • In the event that all of your remaining V.I.P.s end up in the infirmary and awaiting recovery you may still play until they recover, after that you must again bring at least one V.I.P. to each mission.
  • You may also pull a V.I.P. out of a mission if things get hairy.

The Few

Never was so much owed by so many to so few.
  • Complete your game without hiring any additional soldiers.
  • If all survivors fail the Psi test that's game over.

High Five

  • Win the game while only performing 5 missions:
    • 1st Mission/Tutorial
    • Capture Live Alien and an Outsider
    • Alien Base Assault
    • Overseer UFO
    • Final Mission
  • Challenges
    • Time is NOT on XCOM's side - panic levels will raise very quickly because the aliens will be left alone to terrorize the Earth and expect whole continents to fall to the alien's influence.
    • The only way to deal with panic levels will be with satellites but landed UFOs will pose a major risk to the satellites since you'll have to pass on these missions.
    • Research and Engineering will take longer - no mission rewards and not much recovered alien artifacts until the Alien Base is hit.
    • Squads will be inexperienced and lacking key abilities and using inferior weapons and armor.
    • The choices are, the longer you wait before taking the key next mission, the bigger the odds of getting better gear for your soldiers but also of more deadlier alien species to appear and 8 countries withdrawing from the Council thus losing the game. Have fun.