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I'd like to see 'optimal research trees' being discussed, with the obvious endpoints of 1) Avenger (which includes Firestorm), 2) Flying Suit, 3) Heavy Plasma/Clip, 4) Plasma Beam, 5) Psi Lab/Psi-Amp. Working in the advancing profitability of Motion Scanner, etc., ultimately to Laser Cannon. Surely there are opportunities for overlap and optimization, depending on one's goals (quick victory, best Avenger/Psi fighting force)... discussion / new wiki topic? I'm new to wikis - pardons if questions aren't usually asked this way?

Good job on the re-write, Ethereal. It was another eclectic collection page that you've made much more neat and informative.

I see you hacked RESEARCH.DAT - excellent work! We really needed those. Was there only the project name and research times in RESEARCH?

Now that I know all the projects are there, maybe I'll revisit those total research time findings. If you want the spreadsheet I used, you're welcome to it. Ultimately though it's more a factoid than anything important.

Were those Notes in the Research Trees fixed correctly? (Notes 1 & 2 were incorrect and meant the same thing?) Also the current lone note is slightly hard to find... Maybe the "notes" should simply be noted in italic, right at the point where they apply?

FWIW the Discussion note (above this) is one of the very first things I ever put on the wiki. I didn't know how to sign then.

---MikeTheRed 18:17, 22 May 2006 (PDT)

Thanks. No project names in research.dat -- but the order of projects on the Research screen matches the order in research.dat. Combined with the known values (mostly derived from the .cfg file included with xcomutil, I think), it wasn't that hard to figure out what everything was. The missing stuff was mostly research times for individual aliens, and I was able to run filecompare (fc.exe) before and after starting research projects on them to see which entries they corresponded to. Bytes 0x01 and 0x02 (zero-indexed) seem to match the values in astore.dat: 01 01 is a Sectoid Commander, 01 02 Sectoid Leader, etc.

I didn't try to figure out what all the bytes are, but if I remember correctly, some corresponded to whether the topic was available to study, whether the item/alien was in Stores... I seem to remember research time left (in hours) was stored in projects.dat.

The number of aliens you need to research to fill out the entire UFOPaedia is a little variable -- you can study aliens that give nothing, and early on, some will give two entries. I believe 11 corpses (180 ea.) + 9 live aliens (192 ea) (2 of which are Medics for live Sectopod and Cyberdisc) + 8 Navigators (192) + 8 Engineers (192) is a good approximation. This assumes none of the "9 live" are engineers or navigators, but also that there's a leader and commander in there: no efficiencies, but no redundancies either.

Your total time graph is useful (and it'd be nice to see it for w/ and w/o all the alien projects) -- the efficiencies part is esoteric, especially taken out to 10 labs, but to see 12 mos vs. 6 vs. 4 for 1 / 2 / 3 labs is quite informative.

Hmm, I should fix the note on the hovertanks a little, just got lazy on that point.

I'm still not sure how best to structure the Popular Sequences section.

--Ethereal Cereal 19:58, 22 May 2006 (PDT)

Ah, now I see... the old Notes 1 & 2 were confusing... all that they were saying is you also need Fighter Craft tech to build Hovertanks, period.

It sounds like you know your game files. To whatever extent you get the time, if the wiki doesn't have some of this stuff you've figured out, stick it in there. Even partial notes are better than none.

I had been thinking about optimal research sequences, although "popular" is also something to do. "Optimal" as in, what research route(s) gets you important goodies (psi, plasma, hyperwave) and good manufacturing a.s.a.p.

I'll see if I can't find that old total time thing and crank it out again.

---MikeTheRed 22:42, 22 May 2006 (PDT)

EC, I found my old total time spreadsheet. I can include those alien estimates (11x180 + 25x192, right)? I can also do variations, as you ask... maybe a "minimal three" path, the middle road you suggest, and "everything possible", and thus have three different total-time breakouts? What do you think. But if I do these, can you remind me / specify a little more what would be the differences inc. total aliens... I'm kinda rusty these days.

---MikeTheRed 11:50, 23 May 2006 (PDT)

I think there's only two sets of numbers that are particularly interesting: all useful technologies, and all UFOPaedia entries. Useful technologies is every research topic except Alien Entertainment, Food, Reproduction, Surgery, Examination Room, Corpses, and all the live aliens (except 3*192). All entries is everything except Reproduction plus 11*180 + 25*192 for aliens.

Run it for, say, 1-5 labs as well as 1 scientist and 10 scientists (the initial allotment).

--Ethereal Cereal 14:56, 23 May 2006 (PDT)

Now I see what you mean by Popular Sequences. Of course. Quite well done, thanks!

I can do both of the research total times you recommend. For a minimalist vet though, many things don't matter... superfluous aliens, plasma rifle/pistol & clips, etc. I guess I'll take a shot at defining minimalist and post the results.

Good idea to include 10 scientists; it's important in the early days - the most important part of the game. However, given the way columns can be easily packed into the wiki and that the spreadsheet's already constructed, there's no reason not to also paste columns with high numbers of scientists. It's not extra work for me. Hopefully nobody will ever make that many labs... the numbers make patently clear why they shouldn't.

I've put Civ4 down for the moment and am playing XCOM again. FWIW everything I wrote on the wiki was based on one game that I played last fall after having not played XCOM since what, 1995? (Not counting TFTD etc. after that.) As I neared the end of the game I started wondering about a number of things and hooked into the wiki and forums; the rest is history. I'm now on my second game in the last ten years. ;)

---MikeTheRed 22:01, 26 May 2006 (PDT)

Research Abuse

I disbelieve the "truncation" comments. But the following behavior would emulate it.

This game, I come into Jan 23, 1999 with the following from PROJECT.DAT:

Heavy LaserB7h2Dh

So...throw 30h/48 scientists at the Medikit to get it on Jan 24. Reallocate research to 45 Heavy Laser, 4 Sectoid Navigator on the theory that Hyperwave decoders don't do me any good without money. [I'm putting cashflow ahead of armor this game.] And Heavy Laser now is....

Heavy Laser8Ah2Dh

45 scientist-days deducted, not one.

So (tentatively) the game [XCOM CE with XCOMUtil] does two passes, if not a loop. It first checks for research completion, then reallocates research, then applies the research. The question is what happens when the new projects include one whose scientist-hours are less than the number of scientists assigned...does research completion kick in immediately, forcing yet another assignment stage?

---Zaimoni 14:19, 19 July 2006 (CDT)

Sometimes quick projects assigned lots of scientists do complete immediately, followed by another assignment stage.

--Ethereal Cereal 14:48, 20 July 2006 (PDT)

Zaimoni, pardon my ignorance, but I'm not following well. Would you be so kind as to repeat what you said, but only use decimal numbers for ease of comprehension, and also say the exact times...

Did you re-assign a few minutes after midnight at the beginning of Jan 23, then viewed it a few minutes after the start of Jan 24? If you re-assigned 45 scientists at the beginning of Jan 23 and saw 45 sci-days deducted at the same time next day, I don't see a problem. But this is too simple; you wouldn't have a problem with that - did you save immediately, early Jan 23, and saw that? Or - did you do this re-assignment as of the moment you passed into Jan 23 (with X-COM having stopped the game there)?... if so, it suggests that ... anyway. If you could please supply a little more detail. :)

Also I don't know what the structure of RESEARCH.DAT is, and haven't tried to decipher it. The truncation effect detailed on the main page comes from actual observation of the game (samples) done by Zombie, not from reading RESEARCH.DAT (correct me if wrong, Z... I think more details are in old versions of the page or Discussion). Which brings into question what is RESEARCH.DAT showing... hours left, even for projects not yet started? (Does that mean they all get their ave/2 to ave*3/4 roll at the start of a game??)

If anybody can fill in more details for RESEARCH.DAT, that'd be great

---MikeTheRed 19:14, 21 July 2006 (PDT)

P.S. There's been a lot going on at work for me, but it's good to talk with folks here. I'm just curious about details on Research and how things work, Zaimoni! By the way we might get a good graphics app at work that will do 3D topo maps... but it will be weeks before it shows u, and it's not clear that we'll get it.

In decimal, the starting numbers (what I changed from on Jan 23) were:

Heavy Laser18345

Ending numbers on Jan 24, six minutes after midnight, were:

Heavy Laser13845

Reassignment was indeed early on Jan. 23. The completion of the Medikit was on Jan 24/midnight, with counter changeover then.

This is probably an exploit, because 44 scientists were double-counted (first for completing the Medikit, then against the Heavy Laser). [This is XCOM CE w/XCOMUtil.]

PROJECT.DAT only shows scientist-days remaining for projects that have been started. I haven't bothered to decipher the exact layout; suffice it to say that everything is in the same order as in the research allocation screen. All of the time remaining entries come first (2 bytes each); all of the scientist allocations come next, in the same order, 1 byte each. I presume this is repeated for each base, but haven't checked that.

If you only research one project at a time, and fully reallocate at each project completion, truncation is emulated for all research projects except the first. And usually that pack of scientists coming in 72 hours after game start renders that exception moot.

EDIT: Oops, read PROJECT.DAT everywhere in my thread; I have fixed my comments. RESEARCH.DAT has been documented.

---Zaimoni 21:58, 21 July 2006 (CDT)

Thanks Zaimoni, that's making things clearer. I guess RESEARCH.DAT is a fixed look-up. Any details anyone knows for that or PROJECT.DAT, I hope they'll post to the wiki to help us all.

So the re-assignment happened on Jan. 23 right at the stroke of midnight, when a previous research assignment was up... And that's what you and Ethereal are going back and forth on - that X-COM may have programmed research completion in a poor way so that they might loop etc., eh? We've all seen examples of where they didn't quite get it right with other fine points, like personal lighting after Mind Control and extra reaction counts (see the second point # 3). These are clearly improper sequencing of events (but have little impact, or they would have been fixed).

If PROJECT shows the time remaining, it would probably make an easy way to sample how research works, by reading savegames. Like I said though, AFAIK Zombie was only playing "in game", neither editing nor viewing any savegame files when he made conclusions about truncation. It could be influenced by this new wrinkle you bring up... It's entirely possible he did them one at a time, and could have missed something like this.

I have recently realized I made a vacuous statement about how often names are duplicated in Soldier_Name_Stats. What I actually did was I started with a particular savegame, ordered batches of 100 soldiers, and saved these 100 to a dataset immediately on arrival. I repeatedly used the one savegame, and never ran one batch into the other. Thus, although it was easy to collect the data into a database, I ran rough over the fact that the game might not have duplicated names if I had not started with the exact same savegame, recruited exactly 100, etc. In other words, it might not have duplicated them if I, instead, compared one batch of 100 against a second batch recruited after those first 100 arrived.

Testing can be tricky, eh? I'm sure Zombie can say whether or not this issue might affect his results. Somebody page our favorite tester, eh?

---MikeTheRed 21:00, 21 July 2006 (PDT)

[so-called vacuous statement] I'm not too concerned about that.

The savegames do not save the random number generator state. Otherwise, you'd get exactly the same results from the same reload, which would be very abusable.

The usual way of initializing a C library psuedorandom number generator in DOS and Windows, is from something derived from the system time. [*NIX probably would use dev/random or similar.] As long as your batches were started at different times, the correlation from starting "close" in time should be nothing compared to internal weaknesses in the programming library's algorithm.

Said weaknesses were exposed in your experience testing.

---Zaimoni 2:34, 22 July 2006 (CDT)

MTR, Zaimoni: Indeed, I only tested one research project at a time. Why? To eliminate variables. (And for those of you who know me, eliminating variables is my middle name while testing). Looks like multiple projects is a variable (or perhaps exploit) after all. And if this is the case, then yes, it will affect my results as I only took one project into consideration at a time. --Zombie 00:14, 23 July 2006 (PDT)


I did validate the scientist-day numbers you measured, for projects that were not started at the midnight another project was completed. The complicating factor appears to be starting a research project exactly at midnight, which is very hard to do without completing a project. Automatic application of effort doesn't happen if the project is started at another time. [Hmm...what if a project is started exactly at midnight without completing another project?]

---Zaimoni 23:57, 23 July 2006 (CDT)


Finally got in some more experimentation...turns out there is only one iteration of the research loop at midnight, in "increasing order".

That is: if a topic completes, reassigning scientists to a topic earlier in the enumeration does not cause double-counting. (If you reallocate scientists from ahead of the completed topic to behind the completed topic, you've just shafted yourself -- you will get no research from those scientists.) Only reassigning scientists to later in the enumeration from earlier than, or the completed topic itself, allows double-counting of scientists.

Of course, there was an ego trip from completing seven topics at midnight....

---Zaimoni 14:30, 13 Sept 2006 (CDT)

Just wondering about the way the double counting works - is pretty much everyone who plays the game using this bug some of the time anyway? Basically any time you go into research after a completion (which I assume most everyone would do anyway), if you reassign those scientists to a new (or existing) project, if its lower in the enumeration than the project time update has got to so far it would get a bonus round added into it during that same update, which would explain people without even knowing about this feature and deliberately running multiple projects to abuse it also getting instant wins for short projects that are reasonably far down the research list. As far as I can see the way it looks intended to work, instant project completion must mean this bug has been triggered, but also it was a project with a total time left <= your number of assigned scientists.
--Sfnhltb 00:21, 27 February 2007 (PST)

Yes, everyone who behaves normally will sometimes use this bug. Just to be clear, it's if the reassigned project is higher in the order than the completed project. This happens to be true for all research prerequisites. So, for instance, if you start researching Laser Pistols when completing Laser Weapons, then you're using this bug.

And yes, instant project completion means exactly what you stated.

---Zaimoni 09:59, 27 Feb 2007 (CDT)

Added some detail about the way Progress works on the current research screen as no one seemed to have nailed it down before.

Removed the following discussion from the above section as it was redundant now:

However, these other ratings have not been quantified. Furthermore, Unknown seems to be the most common initial status. The upshot is that you get a little lucky sometimes.
Further testing suggests that the "Poor" to "Excellent" ratings might be considered a "Progress Bar" relative to the time that the project will complete. It is possible for a project to complete at midnight on a day where it was Excellent, but you stole away just enough engineers to make progress be Good instead of Excellent - but this is for very short manhour projects. For long duration projects relative to your # of scientists, it is more likely that you will have to go to Excellent to complete. This might or might not be able to be turned into something usable by players; I think there are two variables at work here. More observations requested - MTR Hey NKF, I like the "small" font. Remind me how to indent a paragraph like this relative to the bullets around it? BTW I think I misspoke a week ago - it's you that did the melee testing, not Zombie, right? Apologies for my poor memory... I was working with Z so much back then.

For MikeTheRed, to indent a paragraph start it with a colon, or more than one for extra layers of indenting (probably found this out a long time ago no doubt, but others might not know).

Note I did all the experimenting on getting the breakpoints by changing the values with a hex editor, so there is a chance that when these are changed naturally by the program some other values (maybe in RESEARCH.DAT) change as well, so you might see variation from what I observed doing it this way, but I dont imagine this is the case (and it all fits in with my experience playing the game, i.e. things like you only get a higher ranking with more scientists assigned, how long they work on the project getting it closer to completion is irrelevant.

--Sfnhltb 14:24, 26 February 2007 (PST)


Great stuff, S. I always wondered how that worked. I stuck in an example for that one place - I had to think about it a minute, so I figured others might, too. Hope you don't mind.

Everything you've posted sound consistent with my experience. It's good to know how it works - and get a tip on how to know if you just got lucky, hehe - MikeTheRed 16:16, 26 February 2007 (PST)

Yeah, I was thinking as I was previewing it to check it all that I probably wasnt being as clear as I could be in places, but then thats the beauty of Wiki, as long as a few people can understand what you have written they can add a different take, or adjust it, and this can be repeated until it becomes clear to as many people as possible. In theory.

I guess the other thing that could be added is working out how long (as a fraction/percentage) a project will normally be in Unknown, given starting from a random roll (and assuming the same amount of engineers on it the entire time of course).

Lets see, 16.66*% of projects will be 0% of the time, then it ramps up to a 150% project needing to take off 83.33*% of the average project time before it gets a status, or 55.5*% of the total duration of the project. It isnt a linear function though, as for example at 100% a project spends a third of its time as Unknown. I imagine theres probably a way of working out the average, not sure it would be too useful anyway though.

--Sfnhltb 16:48, 26 February 2007 (PST)

Page split

I think this page needs to be split, probably into at least three sections. May reread through it soon and try and come up with a reasonable way of splitting. I am thinking initially that the list of research times should go to a seperate page first, including the comments about how to use them at least, and maybe including some of the analysis as well. Another page with the research trees could work as well I think, with the idea here being to leave this page as an overall Research page that then drills down to these subtopics, maybe with a brief paragraph left to summarise key points about the subpage.

The page might just need a reorganization, not a split. We could do a better job of presenting the need-to-know info at the top, then break it out into more granular detail section-by-section. My initial suggestion would be to group "Popular sequences" and the research trees together. Maybe even overlay the total-time figures onto the existing trees... although that might make things harder to read, unless it was done just right. The "Research time" charts should probably be grouped in with these as well.--Ethereal Cereal 02:34, 27 February 2007 (PST)