Talk:Alien Colony Attack Mission

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Alien Colony Assault? Evil!

Don't get hurt, don't get mind controlled, do take it thorough, do throw flares like hot potatoes, do take 30!!!! Don't hand-to-hand Tentaculats, do take 14 soldiers (or more). DO NOT go unless you have Thermic Lance and MC knowledge and Disruptor Pulse Launcher, and do edit this post!

  • If you don't have the Thermic Lance and/or DPLs, take Thermal Tazers. Rush the lift, taking out as many aliens as you can (particularly the lift garrison), and be very, very sneaky in the second part - avoid contact as much as possible, stay out of the Lobstermen's line of sight, and whack them from behind with the Thermal Tazers if you can. Also, Ion Armour. Bare minimum protection, Ion Armour.

Low Tech Colony Raiding

OK, so I am replaying the game on Veteran with no battlescape game-saving. I've lost 10 killed so far on about 6 missions. It's March and my only alien technology is the Sonic Pulser.

I've detected Alien Colony 1 in the Barents Sea. If I want to attack this colony, I will for the first time in this campaign be going up against Tasoths, Flying Cauliflowers, and Lobstermen. My guys will be armed only with gas cannon and sonic pulsers. I have no armour.

It is probably impossible to load / carry enough GC ammunition to destroy all the aliens I'll encounter. My options appear to be:

1/ attack the top level, loot it, and retire. Repeat when short of money. 2/ attack the top level, access the lower level, ignore everything except the Synomium Device, destroy it and retire. 3/ don't attempt this mission yet.

Tactically I think all I can do is try to get into one or other of the access tunnels that leads into the exit area. This would mean the one to the north, south, or east. Once in there, any oncoming melee attackers will face four shooters, two kneeling two standing. Any attacking from behind will have to cross the minefield of PD grenades they will drop behind themselves. Of course, the risk of MC attack is there all the way through, and very dangerous in a confined space.

Once on the exit grid, I then go to the second level. I would need to send 2 or 3 guys to find the Synomium Device and to destroy it. The other soldiers would provide a moving defensive perimeter, secured with reaction fire and PD grenades. Once the SD is destroyed the whole force would then need to retreat the same way they came.

What does the panel suggest? 4th Cuirassier 09:05, 29 March 2011 (EDT)

I've been in the same situation and it's a rough ride. I would suggest option 1, loot 'n assault the top level, withdraw 'n repeat until you've built up the extra capability to assault the lower base. But, if you go for it, attacking the Synomium level with just Gas Cannon, Sonic Pulsers, and wetsuits - then I salute you, Sir! Spike 16:23, 29 March 2011 (EDT)

I am retrying this in early March with a Colony founded at the end of Feb. So the only advances I have on starting equipment are Plastic Aqua Armour, Gauss Rifles (not much use here) and Sonic Pulsers.

The key tactical differences this early in the game, versus the suggestions on the main page, are what to do when you lack offensive MC and DPLs. These are the two biggest tactical equalisers with the aliens (tactical advantages over the aliens, really). My mix and tactics look something like this:

  • Loadout: GC-HE, Tazers for everyone, 2 HJC and a lot of HJC-P (6 reloads?) for illumination, some GC-AP. Don't bother with Gauss Rifles, they are not the best way to kill anything you need to worry about down here. Sonic Pulsers are your main kill mechanism, bring plenty. GC-HE is also good vs Tentaculats/Hallucinoids/Aquatoids.
  • Initially disarm everyone and stay in the transport holding only tazers. Peek out to expose to MC attacks, as this is the first encounter with any major MC. If there are aliens outside the transport doors to be dispatched, firers must return to the transport after firing and drop any lethal weapons on the transport floor. Anyone who succumbs to an MC attack is stunned, dragged back inside if necessary, and left on the transport floor. They will be labelled psi-weak in their name, and sacked or relegated after the mission. Be sure to make an immediate note of the full name of anyone who succumbed, and what effect they succumbed to (Mind Control, Berserk, Panic).
  • If you have enough MC-strong survivors, continue. If not, return to base, hire some more Aquanauts, and come back.
  • Once you have a stable group of survivors who can resist MC at this range, cautiously move out. Don't move out too far too fast as you will be getting closer to the MC aliens and so becoming more susceptible. At this stage you do need to carry lethal weapons but be sure everyone is also carrying tazers, so if one aquanaut freaks out his buddies can stun him asap. Auto weapons are not a good idea. It might be smart not to use GC-HE yet either.
  • First of all try to clear the area in front of the transport doors, and just post high-reaction guards at the front and back of the transport, hiding behind it. They will need GC-HE but you will also need to be firing HJC-P as well to provide illumination. The terrain never burns for more than a couple of turns, so you will need quite a bit of ammunition. Some fires on the ground will also help you see Hallucinoids or Tentaculats above you. Work your way carefully back from the transport doors with small movements and lots of covering fire. Use illumination rounds to reveal aliens and then engage them with Sonic Pulsers or GC-HE. Your firepower is weak, so hold most of it in reserve, using only a few expendable scouts and everyone else ready to fire. Don't bunch up!
  • Now clear the other side(s) of the transport in the same fashion.
  • If you are just attempting a raid, carefully retrieve loot, just one or two strong and expendable gophers, with everyone else covering. Just do one sector at a time, don't risk becoming engaged on more than one front.
  • Approach any cover deliberately and carefully. Use Sonic Pulsers into any concealed areas before you move up. Use a lot of cover and stay down, concealed as much as possible.
  • If anyone else succumbs to MC, stun them, pull back, get the stunned body in the transport, re-evaluate whether you are strong enough to continue, or should abort to go and get more troops.
  • Sweep the outer areas of the map so you are sure of your escape routes if you need to fall back to the transport.
  • You are now ready to assault the Colony buildings, IF you still have sufficient troops and ammunition. If not, abort, and come back next time. Eventually you will have a full complement of MC-resistant troops to tackle this mission. Until you are strong enough to enter the lower levels of the Colony and destroy it, the score from a steady series of successful raids will hopefully offset the score penalty for leaving an Alien Colony active.
  • I'm not sure how it's going to work out, assaulting the Colony buildings on the sea bed, so I will let you know if and when I've done it. ;)
  • Any other suggestions?

Spike 10:13, 25 September 2012 (EDT)

With an MC-resistant squad proven on the first raid, since I have Plastic Aqua Armour all round I'm going to go for HJC-HE as the standard weapon for assaulting into the seabed buildings, especially given that HE is a good choice for pretty much all the enemies on the Seabed level of a colony. Safe firing distance against my own front armour is 2-3 squares with HJC-HE. With GC-HE I need 5 squares of safe distance, which is slightly trickier to achieve inside the alien structures. Of course, I still stick to the policy of no HE weapons, much less HE auto weapons, for aquanauts who have not previously been shown to be resistant to MC. Newbies carry Tazers, period.

In practice this worked pretty well. I was able to test the MC resistance of the newbies while sweeping outside the alien structures. The alien structures were entered by the stronger newbies carrying HJC-HE and Tazers. More experienced troops remained outside, sniping through the openings in the T-shaped structures, and the doors. Rookies then entered to retrieve loot. Overall I lost 3 rookies but captured valuable research material such as a live Aquatoid Squad Leader (and assorted new Corpse types) and about a million dollars of other loot. And by the end of it I had a confirmed strong squad of 11 MC resistant Aquanauts. The HJC-HE was very effective inside the structures, while the GC-HE was more effective outside the structures and for sniping into the structures. Sonic Pulsers in the hands of strong aquanauts with good throwing accuracy were the best way of dealing with aliens detected in the terrain outside the structures. Most Pulsers had to remain on the transport due to the danger of having them in the hands of MC'd aquanauts, so the rear commander also had the function of starting off the sonic pulser relays.

HJC-HE was not so helpful with Zombies / Tentaculats, so I may experiment with some kind of Phosphor weapon in the mix. Having said that, HJC-HE was fine for killing them, it just didn't prevent Temtaculats from spawning from Zombies. Maybe it's better to have a weapon that will definitely kill the spawned Tentaculat, rather than a weapon that might prevent one from spawning?

Spike 09:57, 30 September 2012 (EDT)

Loot and tactics

It is possible to hunt down every single Alien in both stages and dismantle the base without destroying the symonium device. The loot is similar to a dismantled Artefact site. However this is by no means an easy feat(harder and more annoying then a ship lane mission where you can at least systematically comb the level.). The first stage(surface) which always has a similar layout can be considered a warm up. Consider putting one alien unter constant MC while you deal with the rest. Then collect the ammunition to use it during the second stage. Kill the last alien to proceed.

The second stage is the ultimate tactical nightmare. There are 4 levels. Each has a 5x5 (or was it 6x6) basic grid - 2nd stage layout is random. Some modules cover more then one square/cell of the basic grid. The are plenty of interconnections between the levels. So if you form a search line and sweep one level enemies can move in our rear by changing the level using an elevator, stairs or a hole in the ground. Clear level 1 put aquanaut in each cell and then simultaneously move to level 2? Good ideas if there were not these cells/modules which can not be declared clean by one glance because they contain small closets or secondary walls which divide the cell in away that a aquanaut needs a lot of its TU to move from one half to the next and/or secondary walls forming long narrow corridors along the wall - I think you get the picture - perfect tentaculat territory. In my experience these secondary walls limit the usefulness of DPL. It tears down the secondary walls but not everything is rubble if a DPL torpedo hits the center of a room. So even with the large supply pillaged from the first stage one finds oneself hard pressed to shell everything(in order to clean out the obstacles and an tentaculats and soften up the lobsters). This tactic also greatly diminishes you loot. So usually I find my scouts trailing behind my lobster or tentaculat pet going from room to room killing all additional aliens I come across, or switching them for my pet and killing it when its energy runs too low. Meanwhile the MCs huddle together in the staging areas only contributing to the killing with an occasional DPL strike if the situation calls for it. Which it rarely does since it is usually more efficient in terms of TU to take over the offending Alien(s) and have the scout drill it/them later or have them shoot each other. Try to reveal the entire base. Any aliens left at that time should be close to panicking which might help to locate them. However expect the entire endeavor to take plenty of time. If anyone has a good plan/system for a systematic sweep I would be most interested in it.

For the 80 starting items I would mainly pack MC disruptors, tazers/drills, medikits, maybe 2 flares. Everything else can be picked up from the alien corpses. I'm not masochistic enough to attempt a base recovery without 10 MC troopers(MCstr 80+,MCsk 80-100+, TU 75+) and everyone else featuring MCstr 70+. But there is a chance to win every battle(single soldier, termal tazer, no offensiv MC use, diving suit, no reload anyone ;) ) --Tauon 18:58, 11 October 2010 (EDT)

Can you dismantle the base without destroying the Synomium Device? Sure, you just kill all the aliens, although I don't recall ever recovering a Synomium Device as loot.

The challenging aspect of bases is that you can discover them before you have done any MC research (in fact I have won the campaign before now without MC research ever reaching the top of the priority table). This means the top level is very tough, and the survivors then face the Lobsters and Flying Cauliflowers. If you are short of firepower at this stage, the best bet is to send a handful of guys to find and destroy the Synomium Device and then bug out. 4th Cuirassier 09:10, 29 March 2011 (EDT)