Motion Scanner (Apocalypse)

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A small, one-handed device that tracks changes in the environment and displays all moving objects on a small screen to the user.

A follower of the original X-COM motion scanner, the main functions are still the same in the current model. The range of the device is limited for accuracy of processing information for the user and also for accurate tracking of nearby movement.

Usage notes

When stationary, the scanner displays all moving entities in range of the scanner. However, there are a few things to consider during usage:

1. Movement is shown only for a few seconds and is constantly faded away to prevent the screen being cluttered
2. The scanner does not distuingish between vertical positioning of movement, and shows movement under or above the user as a standard blip on the screen.
3. Only movement is shown; the scanner does not know whether it is tracking a human or an alien, even if the blip on screen is far larger than a human
4. During movement, the entire environment "moves" in relation to the scanner and is thus show on the screen for a few seconds. This can however be used to the users advantage:
previously unknown terrain can be mapped with limited accuracy and stationary entities can sometimes be seen in places where no environmental features were noticed

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