The X-COM Files

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Imagine everything you know about the Alien War is wrong.

Imagine if there really are no aliens despite what the world goverments have been telling us until the start of the Alien War. Or if a war actually took place but X-COM was merely a work of fiction designed to cover what really happened. Or even if the 'aliens' were really the ones who tried to protect Earth from the forces that wanted to take control of it. Finally, what if those forces won and they are keeping you from knowing the real truth about the Alien War and X-COM?

Troubling isn't it?

Oh sure, they will tell you that a conspiracy of that size couldn't be kept in the dark and that someone will undoubtly spill the beans about what really happened. That there would be public outcry and indignation and the culprits would be found and burned at the stake for lying to the entire world. Or even that it would be impossible for any nation or group to create such a convincing story and making everyone believe it.

As stated above, everything you know is wrong.

Remember that the official story states that Earth simply ignored the aliens existence before 1998 despite the fact that there were numerous public and private commissions that studied the issue? Well, isn't it strange that no one before 1998 bothered to take these reports seriously? Or isn't it strange than X-COM took less than a month to establish itself (despite the bureaucracy and the necessary coordination of 16 nations who can't agree in pretty much everything else) after the decision was taken by the Council of Funding Nations? Or that Laser Weapons suddenly became available for battlefield use in a matter of months when they were supposed to be decades away from being pratical applications.

Of course, there's always the official record which is supposed to clear these facts. However, there isn't much of a public record since with more than 99% of all files are still classified above Top Secret for 'security reasons'.

If that doesn't make you think, well buddy I got this propriety on Mars that you might be interested on buying...

But for those like me who want answers here are the X-COM Files

- Renegade

The Elerium Enigma

'International Times, 28/09/2009

Today a team of Russian scientists has retracted its previous claims of having synthetically manufactured Elerium. The team led by Dr. Baranov from the Moscow State University had announced last week that it would be ready to start a regular production of Elerium, the element which powered the Aliens craft and weapons.

According to Dr. Baranov the element manufactured didn't display any of the known characteristics related to Elerium and the team is currently trying reviewing all the procedures and protocols to try to determine the cause of the error. When Dr. Baranov was asked about how long it would take to resume production his answer was: "At the moment it is impossible to determine a date".'

Common opinion believes that "Elerium E-115" is occupies the position 115 of the periodic table and can't be found on Earth anymore after the last stocks were "captured" from the aliens.