Multiplayer (EU2012)

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Game Options

  • You can play a Ranked Match, Quick Match, or Custom Match.
  • Games normally allow you to spend 10,000 points worth of units.
  • Custom matches allow you to set the point limit to 7500, 10000, 20000, or Unlimited.
  • Custom matches allow setting the turn timer to 45 seconds, 90s, 120s, or No Time Limit.
  • You can choose from five maps, including Bar, Grand Cemetery, Police Station, Trainyard, or Boulevard.

Available Units

  • You can select from a number of different human soldiers with a wide array of customization options, or any alien unit.
  • You can have 1-6 units in your squad.
  • Human soldiers get to choose a class and specialization, primary weapon, secondary weapon, armor, and item(s). You don't get to choose exactly what rank and abilities you desire. Instead, there's a few options for each class type of varying ranks, point costs, and suite of abilities.
  • Aliens don't have any customization options, though you can choose from most aliens in the game. You cannot choose Outsiders or Sectopods. Ethereals are so costly they can only be used in custom games with higher than normally allowed point allocations.

Unit Stats

Units are essentially the same as units in the normal game difficulty.

Name Point Cost HP Aim Defense Will Movement Notes
Rookie 800 7 65 0 40
Name Point Cost HP Aim Defense Will Movement Notes
Sectoid 400 3 65 0 10 12 Mind Merge
Drone 1100 3 60 10 Mechanized 12 Repair, Overload
Floater 1300 3 50 0 10 12 Evasion, Launch
Thin man 1400 3 65 0 15 15 Leap, Poison spit
Muton 2850 8 70 10 10 12 Suppression, Blood Call, Intimidate
Chryssalid 3000 8 Melee 10 120 20 Leap, Poison Claws, Implant, Hardened
Sectoid Commander 3200 10 85 20 90 12 Greater Mind Merge, Mindfray, Psi Panic, Mind Control
Heavy Floater 3750 12 70 10 25 12 Bombard, Evasion, Launch
Muton Elite 3800 14 80 20 20 12 Suppression, Bombard
Muton Berserker 4000 20 Melee 20 80 17 Bull Rush, Bloodlust, Hardened
Cyberdisk 5500 16 70 10 Mechanized 18 Death Blossom, Bombard, Hardened while closed
Ethereal 10500 20 N/A 40 120 12 Psi lance, Rift, Mind Control, Psi Drain, Mind Fray, Hardened
Zombie N/A 10 Melee 0 120 8 Cannot be purchased but can be created.
  • Melee attacks always hit.
  • Hardened reduces critical chance by 60% against the target.