Storyline (EU2012)

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Storyline Structure

The storyline structure is divided into five narrative parts, each with is own soundtrack and specific news items:

  1. Agnostic
  2. Act 1 - after capturing first alien and obtaining the Outsider Shard.
  3. Act 2 - after assaulting the Alien Base.
  4. Act 3 - after building the Hyperwave Relay/Psi Link.
  5. Final mission.

XCOM's Objectives

In order to progress in the storyline there are certain milestones that need to be reached. The table below lists the path to completing (and winning the game). Each objective consists of a number of subobjectives that need to be completed before moving to the next.

Game Objectives
Objective Subobjective Description
Capture A Live Alien * Construct the Alien Containment Facility

* Research the Arc Thrower

* Build an Arc Thrower

* Capture a Live Alien

* Interrogate the Captive Alien
* "An Alien Containment Facility is required to safely house an alien captive. From Engineering, select Alien Containment Facility from the list of available options to begin construction."
* "The Arc Thrower is needed to disable a potential alien captive without killing it. From the Research Labs, select Arc Thrower from the list of available research options to begin the process."
* "With the necessary research completed, return to Engineering and select Arc Thrower from the list of available items to fabricate the device."
* "After equipping one or more of your soldiers with an Arc Thrower via the Soldier loadout screen in the Barracks, you can deploy and begin seeking out an alien target for capture. The Arc Thrower has a limited range, which will require our troops to get very close to the intended target."
* "With the alien captive retrieved from the field, we should begin the interrogation as soon as possible. From the Research Labs, select the Interrogate alien option to begin."
Capture an Outsider Alien * Capture an Outsider Alien

* Research the Outsider Shard

* Build the Skeleton Key
* "Using an Arc Thrower, stun an Outsider alien to retrieve it for further study. Outsiders have been spotted in close proximity to UFO crash sites."
* "With the Outsider Shard retrieved, we should begin researching it immediately. From the Research Labs, select Outsider Shard from the list of available research options to begin.
* "Now that we fully understand the capabilities of the Outsider Shard, Dr. Shen can fabricate the Skeleton Key. From Engineering, select Skeleton Key from list of available build options to begin."
Assault the Alien Base * Assault the Alien Base "* With Dr. Shen's newly developed Skeleton Key, we can now attempt to infiltrate the alien base. From Mission Control, accept the Alien Base mission."
Trace the Hyperwave Signal * Research the Hyperwave Beacon

* Construct the Hyperwave Relay

* Scan with the Hyperwave Relay
* Dr. Vahlen is eager to begin studying the alien device recovered from their base. From the Research Labs, select Research Hyperwave Beacon to begin."
* "After researching the Hyperwave Beacon, we'll need a facility to house the device in before we attempt to activate it. From Engineering, select the Hyperwave Relay from the list of available choices to begin construction."
* "With the Hyperwave Relay in place, we should begin scanning for new contacts from Mission Control. It's possible the relay will detect something we've missed in our previous scans."
Intercept the Overseer UFO * Research an Advanced Fighter Craft

* Build the Firestorm

* Intercept the Overseer UFO

* Assault the Crashed Overseer UFO
"Without a more powerful jet of our own, we have little chance of shooting down the alien Overseer UFO. Select Research Advanced Fighter Craft from the Research Labs to begin developing the necessary schematics."
* "Having completed our research into the advanced fighter prototype, we can now begin fabricating our new jet in Engineering by selecting Build Firestorm."
* "We'll need to shoot down the Overseer UFO if we hope to gain access to the systems onboard that ship."
* "With the Overseer UFO shot down, we'll need to deploy our troops to the crash site as soon as possible. From Mission Control, accept the Crash Site mission to begin the assault."
Use the Ethereal Device * Research the Ethereal Device

* Construct the Gollop Chamber

* Study a Psionic Alien

* Build the Psi Labs Facility

* Test Soldiers for Psionic Powers

* Increase our Soldiers' Psionic Strength

* Use the Ethereal Device
"The device recovered from the Ethereal alien species is ready for testing. From the Research Labs, select the Ethereal Device from the available options to begin the necessary research."
* "In order to fully test the capabilities of the Ethereal device we recovered, we'll need a specialized facility to house it in first. From Engineering, select the Gollop Chamber facility from the list of available options to begin construction."
* "We should begin studying a Psionic alien in order to gain a better understanding of these strange abilities. From the Research Labs, conduct an autopsy or interrogation on one of the Psionic alien species."
* "We should begin studying a Psionic alien in order to gain a better understanding of these strange abilities. From the Research Labs, conduct an interrogation on one of the Psionic alien species."
* "In order to begin testing our troops for any sign of psionic powers, we'll need to build the appropriate facility first. From Engineering, select the Psi Labs from the list of available options to begin construction."
* "Having constructed the Psi-Labs, we can now begin testing our soldiers for psionic abilities. From within the Barracks, select the Psi-Labs option. You can test up to three soldiers at the same time. We'll need to continue these tests until we find a suitable candidate."
* "Before a psionic soldier can use the Ethereal device, we must augment their psionic defense against whatever dangers they may encounter. Equip a psionically-gifted soldier with a suit of Psi Armor."
* "We believe the only way we can activate the Ethereal device is by strengthing our soldier's psionic abilities by equipping the psi-armor."
* "We now have a soldier powerful enough to attempt activation of the Ethereal device. Enter the Gollop Chamber and select the soldier who will attempt to use the device."
Assault the Temple Ship * Assault the Temple Ship "Having located the Temple ship and identified our Volunteer, we've made all of the necessary preparations to assault the alien craft. Proceed to Mission Control and accept the final mission. The Volunteer must survive."

Storyline Specific Missions & Tips

Assault the Alien Base

  • The Alien Base Assault is unlocked once you've captured an Outsider and researched it. You will also need to build the Skeleton Key artifact before assaulting it.
    • Especially on Impossible Difficulty, it may be wise to unlock this mission as soon as possible (including building the key, so you don't find yourself short on resources for it), and save it for when you need it: completion gives a 2-point worldwide Panic Reduction, which could save several countries from withdrawing due to panic, if you find yourself in a difficult situation.
    • If playing with Second Wave's option of Diminishing Returns you may want to hit the Alien Base as quickly as possible since the increasing cost of satellites makes panic management almost impossible.
  • The Alien Base can be expected to contain all of the aliens you've encountered so far, and at the end a single Sectoid Commander guarding a Hyperwave Beacon.
  • The Alien Base is considerably longer than most missions you'll have done so far, so pack for the long haul.
  • Chryssalids and Drones will show up regardless of current progress.
  • Warning: losing this mission will result in losing the game.

Check the Alien Base 01 and Alien Base 02 pages for overhead shots of both Alien Base maps.

Assault the crashed Overseer UFO

  • Once you've built a Hyperwave Relay base facility you will gain the ability to detect the Overseer UFO. This can only be shot down with a Interceptor/Firestorm with a powerful weapon and equipment aids.
  • The Overseer UFO is then a standard medium-sized UFO crash site, with the exception that its commander is an Ethereal with Muton Elite guards protecting a Psi-Link device.
  • Sectopod(s) will show up regardless of current progress.
  • If you can't shoot down the Overseer UFO or choose not to assault it after it crashes it will reappear later on.

Assault the Temple Ship

  • The final mission of the game. Your mission is to get to the bridge of the Temple Ship, kill the Uber Ethereal there and keep the Volunteer alive.
  • Your Volunteer soldier is granted a new psionic ability (The Rift) and must survive - if he/she dies you'll lose the game. (But you can restart the mission even on Ironman)
  • You can expect to see at least one of every type of alien in this mission. Highlights are a room with two Sectopods, and the final room featuring an Uber Ethereal with two Ethereal guards and several Muton Elites.
  • Killing the Uber Ethereal wins the game immediately, with no need to kill any remaining aliens.
  • Warning: losing this mission will result in losing the game.

Check the Temple Ship page for overhead shots of the entire map.

Room 0 - Landing Bay

  • No enemies. The path splits into three doorways, center, right, and left, a symmetrical configuration that follows all the way through the ship. Further directions assume chosen camera angles keeps forward "upwards".
  • Alien squads will be listed individually (ie: per activation, each squad will be separated by commas; different squads can be activated independently).
  • As you move through the ship, the Uber Ethereal will comment on each alien race and your progress.

Room 1 - Sectoid & Cyberdiscs

  • A wide foyer with several half-cover berms, and archways opposite of the side doors.
  • Once through the first set of doors, you will encounter a Sectoid Commander and two Sectoids, and another two Sectoids on the path under the right archway. After 1 round, 2 Cyberdiscs and 3 Drones will appear on top of the archways (1 Disc each, the one on the left has the 2 drones).
  • Snipers with Double Tap can make short work of the Discs, and other solders can mop up the drones if they survive the Disks' explosion.

Room 2 - Floaters & Chryssalids

  • A large square room, with a high walkway/bridge crossing down the middle, two high balconies on the sides, and low pathways between. There is a Floater on the left pathway, a Heavy Floater (high balcony) & Floater (pathway) on the right, and two Floaters at the end of the bridge. *After 1 round, 3 Chryssalids will spawn, two on the right pathway, and one on the left, closer to the entrances (fortunately, they will not move right away). The Volunteer can use rift to make short work of the two on the right.

Room 3 - Thin Men

  • Actually 3 hallway/bridges: following the previous room, the middle bridge is shorter & high up, and the left and right bridges are at low elevations, and have an extra door in the middle.
  • The middle path contains two Thin Men, who will immediately run when spotted, so two soldiers ghosting (one on overwatch, the other firing) would be useful to take both out before they get into cover.
  • A third Thin Man will be on one of the lower bridges, past the middle door (it will be on whichever side that past the middle door is seen first). Take care not to run through poison gas.

Room 4 - Mutons and Sectopods

  • A very large, long Colosseum, and perhaps the hardest room of the Temple Ship.
  • Coming from the previous room's bridges: the middle entrance opens into a balcony, and the left and right entrances open into small open areas with stairs that lead back to a middle elevation. Visible from the top of each stairs are two separate squads of two regular Mutons each. If both are activated, it will activate a lone Berserker in the middle (in front of the balcony). You may want to keep some Mutons mind controlled for the next part (preferably the Berserker if you can).
  • The side paths will lead again to downgoing stairs, which lead to two long pathways, which frame an even lower, wide open amphitheater containing two Sectopods, placed close together near the middle. Past the first high balcony, a middle-elevation balcony is in the middle, near the entrance.
  • Snipers with Archangel should be able to fly high at the back of the room with Archangel and shoot freely at the Sectopods without being seen themselves.
  • This is a good time to use Rift, since you should be able to get both Sectopods and it does full damage to them, and will kill them by itself over the two turn duration (if your Volunteer happens to be a HEAT Heavy it will simply one-shot them).
  • Alternatively, if you managed to keep a Muton, placing it between both Sectopods will heavily damage all three when they fire their Chest Cannons.
  • When both Sectopods are destroyed, two Muton Elites will spawn way down at the far end of the room, where stairs bring all 3 paths back into 1. With high-ground and cover, they may either wait to ambush you, or move forward, firing or tossing grenades at the first soldier they see.

Room 5 - Ethereal Cathedral

  • After a thin corridor, the final room is a large cubic room with a low middle path with two high-cover obstacles, and two high side paths with sets of half-cover balconies (like two E shapes, both with the tines pointing inwards, the middle tines being longer).
  • The Uber Ethereal waits at the far end of the room, on a high, thin balcony in the middle. Behind him is a second Ethereal Device serving as the Cathedral's altar. The aliens activate once in sight of him (a few spaces before crossing the middle tines of the "E"s: being no farther forward than the "latitude" of the middle stairs leading down is close enough to make any final Heals/Inspirations): two Ethereals on the last tines of the "E"s & two Elite Muton guards below and either side of the Uber Ethereal's balcony. Just before his guards spawn, the Uber Ethereal will speak again: of their existence, and why they have attacked Earth, alluding to some unrevealed "others" and some nameless cataclysm or trial.

Winning the Final Fight

  • There are many ways to win, and even more ways to die in this room, especially after all the other battles you've fought leading to this.
  • Killing the Uber Ethereal wins the game immediately, so a good strategy is to ignore the lesser enemies and pump everything you have in to the Uber Ethereal to win the fight as quickly as possible.
  • Mind Controlling the Muton Elites on the turn you enter the room will take them out of the fight and also cause the Ethereals to spend a turn killing them, which they would otherwise spend mind controlling your people. Which they will otherwise do.
  • A good basic strategy is to form up your squad near the entrance, enter the room and mind control both Muton Elites (which makes cover a non-issue, since the Ethereals' attacks ignore it) and spend any remaining actions damaging the Uber Ethereal. The Ethereals will then almost certainly kill both Mutons and then mind control one of your soldiers. You then have a full turn of actions from 5 soldiers to do enough damage to the Uber Ethereal to kill him and win.
  • If you can't reliably end the battle in two turns, you need to be able to fend off those Mind Controls otherwise you're going to be in some serious trouble. The ideal solution is to have enough Mind Shields to outfit your entire team with them. But since this may be gimping your team in other ways, and may not be possible to have downed six Ethereals before this point, some creativity may be required. Psi Inspiration and Combat Drugs Smoke Grenades can help.
  • A Squadsight Sniper can sit safely behind the 3 tile long cover just outside the door (have him/her set up in the middle of the block) and pop away at the Uber Ethereal with impunity. Simply send in someone with Ghost Armor to spot.
  • If you manage to MC both of the other Etherials, that's pretty much a guaranteed win. You'll need the Volunteer and a second Psi soldier with at least a Mind Shield to have a chance, but then you can waste the UberEtherial in the next round with a 3-deep barrage of Rifts!