Weapons (Long War)

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Revision as of 07:54, 9 June 2014 by Sebastiaan (talk | contribs) (+ Scatter laser default ammo amount)
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Long War makes several changes to weapons:

  • There are five tiers of weapons: Conventional, Beam Laser, Gauss, Pulse Laser, Plasma.
  • Carbines are available, which behave similarly to assault rifles, but confer an aim and mobility bonus at the expense of damage output.
  • Many weapons can be Steadied as an action to improve aim for the next turn.
  • Explosives no longer do fixed damage, and their damage reduces the further a target is from the center of the blast.
  • Rocket launchers use a revamped accuracy system using the soldier's aim.


Primary ballistic weapons
Name Prerequisite Range Damage Critical chance Critical damage Steady? Aim bonus Ammo Special Classes Cost
$ E A T
Assault carbine None 27 2-4 5% 4-5 Yes +7 3+1 Grants Fast Mover All -
Assault rifle None 27 3-5 10% 5-7 Yes 0 3+1 - All -
Shotgun None 27 (13) 4-8 20% 8-11 No 0 5+1 Long range accuracy penalty

Damage reduction penalty

All except Gunner, Sniper, Rocketeer -
Sniper rifle None 100 4-6 25% 6-9 Yes 0 5+1 Squadsight capable

Cannot fire after moving
Short-range accuracy penalty

Scout, Sniper -
LMG None 27 4-6 0% 6-9 No 0 6+2 - Gunner -
Primary beam weapons
Laser carbine Beam weapons (10) 27 3-5 5% 5-7 Yes +20 3+1 Grants Fast Mover All 40 0 1 12
Laser rifle Beam weapons (12) 27 4-6 10% 6-9 Yes +10 3+1 - All 50 0 3 12
Scatter laser Advanced beam weapons (15) 27 (13) ? ? ? No +10 4+? Long range accuracy penalty

Damage reduction penalty

All except Gunner, Sniper, Rocketeer 80 0 3 14
Laser sniper rifle Advanced beam weapons (15) 100 ? 25% ? Yes +10 ? Squadsight capable

Cannot fire after moving
Short-range accuracy penalty

Scount, Sniper 50 0 4 14
Heavy laser Beam weapons (14) 27 4-8 0% 8-11 No +10 6+2 - Gunner 60 0 4 14
Pistol None 20 1-3 0% 3-4 No 0 2+1 - All except Gunner and Rocketeer -
Laser Pistol None 20 2-4 0% 4-5 No 0 2+1 - All except Gunner and Rocketeer -
Plasma Pistol None 20 3-5 0% 5-7 No 0 2+1 - All except Gunner and Rocketeer -


Assault rifles, carbines and sniper rifles have an extra action available: Steady Weapon. This is a standard action, which will end the turn when used, which grants +20 aim for shots taken with the weapon next turn. The bonus is discarded if the soldier moves or switches weapon. This essentially allows a soldier to fire a carefully aimed shot over two turns, though the use of perks such as Light 'Em Up and Double Tap mean the bonus can be put to use twice. Note that sniper rifles can be steadied after moving.


In Long War explosives no longer do fixed damage to all targets in their radius. The further a target is from the center of the blast, the less damage it will take. This also applies to cover and cover in general is a little tougher than in vanilla.


Long War uses a revamped system for rocket accuracy. Aim is used when firing rockets to determine the chance of them landing on target, rather than the fixed 90% chance in vanilla. Rather than the vanilla behavior of a missed rocket veering wildly off course, Long War missed rockets will veer off course a random amount proportional to the hit chance. Rockets can also be fired after moving, but with reduced accuracy and range.

The hit chance shown while aiming is not a literal % hit chance. Rather, it's displaying the rocket's maximum scatter in tiles multiplied by 10, so the lower the better.