The Council (Long War)

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In Long War you receive funding from all countries at the start of the game, regardless of whether you have satellite coverage or not. Their funding will increase if you give them satellite coverage, but establishing satellite coverage is no longer as important for your income as it is in vanilla. If a country leaves the project it will cease funding you.

Funding Without Satellite
Normal Classic Brutal Impossible
50% 40% 32.5% 25%

Continent bonuses have changed slightly from vanilla, most notably South America. Bonuses are as follows:

  • North America (Air and Space): All aircraft and aircraft weapons cost 70% less to purchase, build and maintain.
  • Europe (Expert Knowledge): Laboratories and Workshops cost 60% less to build and maintain.
  • Asia (Future Combat): All projects in the Foundry and Officer training school cost 60% less.
  • South America (Power to the People): Power Facilities cost 60% of their regular cost to build and maintain.
  • Africa (All In): 30% extra funding.

Panic works significantly differently. Panic is now a smooth continuum from 0 to 100, rather than 5 discrete levels. Rather than vanilla abductions, the aliens will mount missions to destabilize a country. This will happen regardless of whether you detect the UFO or not. Shooting down a UFO, or assaulting it on the ground if it lands will prevent it from completing its mission and panic won't increase. If you allow a UFO to complete its mission, even if you never saw it, panic will increase. This makes establishing satellite coverage important for panic control, since defending countries with no coverage is difficult.

Countries will frequently make requests of you for materials and resources, likely more than you can fulfill. By giving them these resources you will improve their ability to resist the aliens' influence on their own, decreasing the panic increase caused by alien missions. The resistance level of a country is visible in the Council screen by the shield icon next to a country's panic level.

Unlike in the vanilla game, XCOM can continue fighting as long as a single country is still in the project. In the first few days of the game a single country will side with the aliens and leave the project, even though its panic level is low, this is normal. Countries that leave the project will have an alien base built in their borders, and assaulting that base will cause the country to come back to XCOM.

Country Funding by Continent
North America South America Africa Europe Asia
  • United States: §160
  • Canada: §80
  • Mexico: §70
  • Argentina: §60
  • Brazil: §100
  • Egypt: §70
  • South Africa: §60
  • Nigeria: §70
  • United Kingdom: §110
  • Russia: §100
  • France: §120
  • Germany: §140
  • China: §130
  • Japan: §150
  • India: §90
  • Australia: §80
Starting Money by Continent
Continent Normal Classic Brutal Impossible
North America 784 420
South America 850 470
Africa 1034 836 538
Europe 691 610 389
Asia 785 641 422