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A two part mission. Note that this is a DO OR DIE mission. If you fail or hit abort at any time, the entire campaign ends, you lose. You get it by researching Cydonia or bust, and access it by launching an avenger. It'll either give the option to go to intercept or to Cydonia.

First part is on the surface of Mars. Lots of Pyramid structures, some with aliens inside, some empty. Only one has the entrance to the aliens HQ, the entrance being an area with glowing green floor. Now, this floor has, I forget how many squares, 4x4 area? Anyhow, you can step onto that with as many people as possible, hit abort, and it'll bring them and whatever they're carrying to part 2. OR, you can just kill everything on the stage and everyone will go to part 2.

The surface is filled with many many Sectoids and Cyberdisks. Much Commanders and leaders methinks, as there's Psi all around. I find this mission hilarious when I shoot a cyberdisk, it blows up, and the chain reaction kills over 5 other cyberdisks. Plus many many sectoids. It then turns into Pyramid hunting.

Second part is almost like a alien base assault. It's filled with all manner of creatures, if I remember correctly. Ethereals, Sectopods and Chryssalids, if I'm not mistaken. Anyhow, you only need to destroy one portion of a 4 part alien brain to win the mission. There's a whole bunch of heavily armed ethereals defending the Brain Room. Of course, either a blaster bomb, or plain mind controlling one of them to shoot the brain ends the mission easily... to be true to storyline, kill all opposition, then shoot the brain pointblank with a plasma based weapon.

Tips: Go armed for bear. Best agents, best weapons, and Hovertank/Launchers. Psi experts and Blaster Bombs are great, Laser Rifles and Heavy Plasma are good. Flying suits are nice to have. Don't bring psi-weaklings. Spread out a little so Blaster Bombs don't wipe everyone out. If all else fails, 5 psi-experts and 10 jokers carrying Blaster Launchers and 4 bombs each can send 20 BBs flying around Stage 1 and 20 demolishing stage 2. If for some reason you haven't got many psi strong soldiers, 1 psi resistant soldier and 5 hovertank launchers should work...