Haven Management (LW2)

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Havens represent a liberated region of the geoscape and is the hub of information for both XCom's and Advent's strength in the region.


Resistance personnel can be assigned jobs from either the geoscape tower icon or the commander's quarters of the Avenger. Personnel represent resistance members and are not soldiers. they will only fight in specific types of battles involving the haven. The personnel can be assigned one of four jobs:

  • Intel: generate a small amount of the intel resource and discover missions in the region. Intel will reveal advent activities, they are always here, you just do not know about them yet
  • Supplies: generate supplies resources which will be delivered at the end of the month in the supply drop.
  • Recruit: attempt to find new resistance personnel, soldiers, scientists, and engineers. Personnel will immediately be available for work when discovered while soldiers will become available in the recruitment list aboard the Avenger.
  • Hidden: perform no production but this can help reduce the Advent strength in the region and avoid haven raids.

You can have up to 12 haven personnel actively assigned, any more personnel in the haven will automatically be hidden an cannot be assigned. They can be used as a buffer for retaliation

Resistance personnel can also be acquired as mission rewards. Personnel can gain up to two ranks indicated by zero, one, or two stars next to their names. They are more effective at their task and gain random soldier perks.

Advent Strength

The Advent strength stat describes the number of troops in this region and will increase the baseline enemy strength of missions in the region. Any personnel action besides hidden will cause this to rise. Advent strength is retroactive for missions currently being infiltrated, thus you may notice changes in enemy strength between discovery and execution of a mission.

XCom Liaison

One XCom soldier, scientist, or engineer can be assigned as an liaison to a region by clicking the box in the upper left of the management screen.

  • Soldiers: boost the recruitment action and are the only way to discover Advent infiltrators. The soldier will also be available on any mission in which the resistance personnel take up arms.
  • Scientists: boosts intel jobs.
  • Engineer: boosts supply jobs.

Soldier rank increases their effectiveness and any equipment the soldier had equipped before assignment will be available to them on haven missions.

Advent Infiltrators

New resistance personnel can be Advent infiltrators, the only indication that this is the case is an "unknown cause" penalty to your monthly supply reward. Assigning a soldier liaison to a haven will eventually reveal the infiltrators and initiate a haven mission to eliminate them.

Advent Strength Transfer
