Script (OpenXcom)

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ModScripting Basics

ModScripts are scripts for OXCE which are able to change the behaviour of the game while it is running.

They are not based on any pre-existing programming language but borrows from assembler syntax. The language was created by Yankes, so for any details of the implementation you might want to ask him.

Introduction (for non-programmers)

The ModScripts are implementations of so called script hooks. Meaning, that the game pauses whatever it does to execute the script and wait for it to return. Every script is a function being called. A function can return some values to the caller (the game) which would be the return values (or output parameters). The function can also receive some values from the caller (the game) which would be the input parameters.

Every function must end with a "return" statement, thus returning the flow of execution back to the game.

ModScript API

Since the ModScript feature is a work in progress, the API can change heavily between OXCE versions. Fortunately the game includes code to dump the currently active API. In order to acquire the API Documentation you will have to set the following options in your options.cfg

  debug: true
  verboseLogging: true

Then start up the game and it should generate quite a large log file in openxcom.log.

The documentation starts at a line that looks like this:

[20-12-2019_21-14-46]	[DEBUG]	Available built-in script operations:

The API Documentation includes the names of all available script hooks, their input/output parameters and variables and all the available script commands, objects and their methods.

Currently the ModScript engine only supports integer as a data type. So no strings, no lists, etc.

Note: ohartenstein23 also maintains a copy of the API reference here. Might be enough for a quick peek.

Note 2: You might want to disable verboseLogging after dumping the API documentation since your logfile will become pretty big otherwise.

Overview of available Script hooks

There is a short reference available on Ruleset Reference page:


Scripts can be created in local or global scope. The Syntax for them differs slightly.

Global Script example

      - offset: 2
        code: |

Local Script example

  - type: MIMIC_ARMOR
      createUnit: |

So while global scripts have to be under the top-level name "extended", local scripts are attached directly to a gameobject.

Scripts are executed in order of their offsets. So a script with offset 10 will be executed after a script with offset 5. When scripts with the same name define the same offset one overrides the other, as with every other value in OXC rulesets.

Under the hood, the global scripts will later be "sorted" into the respective local ones. Internally, local scripts always have offset 0. So a global script with offset -1 would run before the local one. Offsets are also a valuable tool make sure two mods and their scripts don't conflict with each other.

While global scripts execute for every gameobject, local ones only run for the gameobjects they are bound to.

The name of the script is pre-defined. You can find a complete list of all script hooks in the ModScript API.


The syntax relies on Polish notation for its operations. Keywords are derived from assembler and every statement must end with a semicolon (";").

The following is valid ModScript code:

var int x; # declare variable x as integer type
var int y; # declare variable y as integer type
set x 3;   # set variable x to the value 3, so x=3 is true afterwards
set y 2;   # set variable y to the value 2, so y=2 is true afterwards
add x y;   # add the value of variable y to variable x and store the result in variable x
debug_log "X is now" x; # will print the string "X is now" followed by the value of x which is now 5

This would of course only execute if embedded into a ruleset like this:

      - offset: 2
        code: |
          var int x;
          var int y;
          set x 3;
          set y 2;
          add x y;
          debug_log "X is now" x;

This would execute for every unit created at the start of a mission. So if you have 10 soldiers and fight 5 aliens this would print "X is now 5" 15 times into your openxcom.log file.

Example Scripts on the Forum