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SITE.DAT is composed of 20 unsigned short integers (words), grouped into several sections.


00-09: A list of the last 5 (or fewer) Shipping Routes that were attacked; will re-randomize if one of these is selected for a new Shipping Route attack.

0A-0B: Reserved. Always zero.

0C-21: A list of the last 11 (or fewer) Artifact Sites that were attacked; will re-randomize if one of these is selected for a new Terror Site attack.

22-23: Number of valid entries in the 00-09: block. Valid values are: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. After 4 it resets back to 0. Can also contain an invalid value when 12th Artifact Site is generated, in which case it will contain the 12th Artifact Site info ("buffer overflow"). The game is able to recover from this and the value is reset back to 0 when the next Shipping Route is generated. 13th Artifact Site is not possible in case you're wondering.

24-25: Number of valid entries in the 0C-21: block. Valid values are: 0, 1, 2, ..., 11 (0C in hex).

26-27: Current type of attack site: Shipping Route ('S') or Artifact Site ('T'). Empty (00 in hex) otherwise.

See Also