Alien Life Forms (Hardmode)

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Many different species are amongst the ranks of the invading alien forces. This page will detain basic information regarding these forces.

Mixed Crews

All alien UFO's and Bases will make use of a primary species that operate it, in addition there is a random chance that any particular alien crew will be augmented with a small contingent of a second alien species, randomly assigned as a part of the crew.

Furthermore, alien Terror forces will also include a small group of alternative terror forces not typically seen with the primary alien forces leading the assault. This secondary terror unit will be associated with the secondary alien species that is also serving with the crew. Ergo if a Sectoid is operating with a Floater terror force, expect some Cyberdisks alongside the traditional Reapers.

Be wary, certain late game, elite, forces will make usage of multiple unique terror units not typically associated with themselves or any attached aliens.

Primary Alien Species

Terror Forces

See Also

UFO BadgeHardmode OpenXcom
Alien Species: FloaterSectoidSnakemanMutonWaspite
GazerSectoid EliteMuton EliteMuton Elite GuardEthereal
Terror Forces: ReaperSilacoidCyberdiscChryssalidSectopod
CelatidMuton BerserkerCybermiteHolodroneChryssalid Spitter
Armoured CyberdiscArmoured Sectopod