Avalanche (Hardmode)

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The Avalanche is a long-range craft armament that is available to purchase at the start of the conflict.

In order to defeat the advance air defence systems on board enemy UFOs, the traditional 'Avalanche' missile system has had alterations to its active radar homing system to allow it to track a UFO, at the cost to its range.

Compared to its original counterpart, the only difference is that this varient has a significantly shorter firing range of 42km, down from the original 60km.

What this means is that this missile no longer outranges a majority of enemy UFOs, while it will still outranges non-combat oriented UFOs, it now only matches the range of all other UFOs except for the Battleship, which continues to outrange this weapon. This means a craft armed with this weapon will be more likely to have to expose itself to enemy fire if it wants to engage the hostile craft.

In all other respects this weapon serves a similar role to its original counterparts. It will quickly become the most reliable early game weapon for X-COMs airforce, but it will want to see a replacement if X-COM hopes to intercept larger and more dangerous hostile UFOs


Weapon Statistics

  • Damage: 100
  • Range: 42km
  • Accuracy: 80%
  • Reload Time: 98/72/48 frames
  • Ammo: 3 missiles
  • Ammo Used: Avalanche Missile
  • Ammo Cost: $9,000

See Also

UFO Badge OpenXCOM Hardmode: Craft
Craft: SkyrangerSkystrikerThunderInterceptorRetaliatorFirestormAvenger
Craft Armaments: StingrayAvalancheCannonAlloy CannonLaser CannonPlasma BeamFusion Ball Launcher