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UFO Structure

Ripped from Hatfarm / Chris Voss's great pages

BASE.DAT: Each entry is 292 Bytes long

00-0E: Base Name, pretty obvious

0F: Presumably the Null character if the Base Name uses all 15 characters

10: Base's short range detection capability.

12: Base's long range detection capability.

14: Base's hyperwave detection capability.

11, 13, 15: These are probably the high bytes for the Short, Long, and Hyper-wave detections respectively. Should always be 0 as a value of 100 (hex: 64 00) is perfect detection.

Logical values for the detection capabilities:

10 short, 0 long: This base has small radar(s) only.

20 short, 20 long: This base has large radar(s) only.

30 short, 20 long: This base has small and large radar(s).

100 hyperwave: This base has a hyperwave decoder(s).

The radar values can be set to 100 for perfect short range detection (presumably -- it definitely makes UFOs appear more often), but these reset to the correct values any time you complete a build in that base.

Table 1: Radar Ability Combinations
Radar Module / Scan Type Short Long Hyperwave
Small Radar 10 0 0
Large Radar 20 20 0
Hyperwave 0 0 100
Radar Combinations
Sm + Sm 10 0 0
Sm + Lg 30 20 0
Sm + Hyp 10 0 100
Lg + Lg 20 20 0
Lg + Hyp 20 20 100
Hyp + Hyp 0 0 100
Sm + Lg + Hyp 30 20 100

16-39: The next offsets are arranged so they're easier to understand. They are for facilities in the base:

16 17 18 19 1A 1B
1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D
2E 2F 30 31 32 33
34 35 36 37 38 39

The possible values are as follows:

00 - Access Lift
01 - Living Quarters
02 - Laboratory
03 - Workshop
04 - Small Radar System
05 - Large Radar System
06 - Missile Defense
07 - General Stores
08 - Alien Containment
09 - Laser Defense
0A - Plasma Defense
0B - Fusion Ball Defense
0C - Grav Shield
0D - Mind Shield
0E - Psionic Laboratory
0F - Hyper-wave Decoder
10 - Hangar (Top Left)
11 - Hangar (Top Right)
12 - Hangar (Bottom Left)
13 - Hangar (Bottom Right)
FF - Empty

3A-5D: The next offsets represent the days until a facility is completed. They're set up the same way:

3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F
40 41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 4A 4B
4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51
52 53 54 55 56 57
58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D

Possible values are 00 to FF. Empty spaces must have a FF value in their corresponding offset.

If you destroy a facility or one is destroyed during a base defense mission, the value remains 00. This causes the paying for dirt bug, resulting in an upkeep of 80k per dirt square. Simply change the value of the destroyed/dismantled facility to FF to eliminate the bug.

The following are the rest of the offsets I know. There are holes in the numbering but I have no idea what they are. With the exception of scientists and technicians, which are one byte each, all values are 2-byte signed little-endian values (-32,768 to +32,767). Example: 05 00 should be read as 0005; FE FF should be read as FFFE (-2).

It should be noted that despite the range of values a two-byte signed field gives you, due to a known issue, you cannot have more than 9,999 units of a given item in storage at any given base, regardless of what item it is.

Here's the info for bytes 5E-11E. The Record Number (Rec#) is used for e.g. PRODUCT.DAT and RESEARCH.DAT:

  Hex   Dec  Rec#  Item
 ----   ---  ----  ----
 005E    94    -   Engineer
 005F    95    -   Scientist
 0060    96    0   Stingray Launcher
 0062    98    1   Avalanche Launcher
 0064   100    2   Cannon
 0066   102    3   Fusion Ball Launcher
 0068   104    4   Laser Cannon
 006A   106    5   Plasma Beam
 006C   108    6   Stingray Missile
 006E   110    7   Avalanche Missile
 0070   112    8   Cannon Rounds
 0072   114    9   Fusion Balls
 0074   116   10   Tank/Cannon
 0076   118   11   Tank/Rocket Launcher
 0078   120   12   Tank/Laser Cannon
 007A   122   13   Hovertank/Plasma
 007C   124   14   Hovertank/Launcher
 007E   126   15   Pistol
 0080   128   16   Pistol Clip
 0082   130   17   Rifle
 0084   132   18   Rifle Clip
 0086   134   19   Heavy Cannon
 0088   136   20   HC-AP Ammo
 008A   138   21   HC-HE Ammo
 008C   140   22   HC-IN Ammo
 008E   142   23   Auto Cannon
 0090   144   24   AC-AP Ammo
 0092   146   25   AC-HE Ammo
 0094   148   26   AC-IN Ammo
 0096   150   27   Rocket Launcher
 0098   152   28   Small Rocket
 009A   154   29   Large Rocket
 009C   156   30   Incendiary Rocket
 009E   158   31   Laser Pistol
 00A0   160   32   Laser Rifle
 00A2   162   33   Heavy Laser
 00A4   164   34   Grenade
 00A6   166   35   Smoke Grenade
 00A8   168   36   Proximity Grenade
 00AA   170   37   High Explosive
 00AC   172   38   Motion Scanner
 00AE   174   39   Medi-Kit
 00B0   176   40   Psi-Amp
 00B2   178   41   Stun Rod
 00B4   180   42   Electro Flare
 00B6   182   43   empty 
 00B8   184   44   empty
 00BA   186   45   empty
 00BC   188   46   CORPSE
 00BE   190   47   CORPSE & ARMOUR
 00C0   192   48   CORPSE & POWER SUIT
 00C2   194   49   Heavy Plasma
 00C4   196   50   Heavy Plasma Clip
 00C6   198   51   Plasma Rifle
 00C8   200   52   Plasma Rifle Clip
 00CA   202   53   Plasma Pistol
 00CC   204   54   Plasma Pistol Clip
 00CE   206   55   Blaster Launcher
 00D0   208   56   Blaster Bomb
 00D2   210   57   Small Launcher
 00D4   212   58   Stun Bomb
 00D6   214   59   Alien Grenade
 00D8   216   60   Elerium-115
 00DA   218   61   Mind Probe
 00DC   220   62   >>UNDEFINED <<
 00DE   222   63   >> empty <<
 00E0   224   64   >> empty << 
 00E2   226   65   Sectoid Corpse
 00E4   228   66   Snakeman Corpse
 00E6   230   67   Ethereal Corpse
 00E8   232   68   Muton Corpse
 00EA   234   69   Floater Corpse
 00EC   236   70   Celatid Corpse
 00EE   238   71   Silacoid Corpse
 00F0   240   72   Chryssalid Corpse
 00F2   242   73   Reaper Corpse
 00F4   244   74   Sectopod Corpse
 00F6   246   75   Cyberdisc Corpse
 00F8   248   76   Hovertank Corpse
 00FA   250   77   Tank Corpse
 00FC   252   78   Male Civilian Corpse
 00FE   254   79   Female Civilian Corpse
 0100   256   80   UFO Power Source
 0102   258   81   UFO Navigation
 0104   260   82   UFO Construction
 0106   262   83   Alien Food
 0108   264   84   Alien Reproduction
 010A   266   85   Alien Entertainment
 010C   268   86   Alien Surgery
 010E   270   87   Examination Room
 0110   272   88   Alien Alloys
 0112   274   89   Alien Habitat
 0114   276   90   Personal Armour
 0116   278   91   Power Suit
 0118   280   92   Flying Suit
 011A   282   93   HWP Cannon Shell
 011C   284   94   HWP Rockets
 011E   286   95   HWP Fusion Bomb

0120-0123: (unused in CE) Mark the base as active. Bases which are dismantled or which have not been built have a value of 1 (32bit integer). Active bases have a value of 0. If a base is dismantled, the only change to the record is this value. A new base will overwrite the first slot with a value of 1. It is possible to restore a dismantled base (Access lift removed) by setting this value to 0. The game will 'restore' the base to the configuration just before the access lift was removed, including inventory. --SeulDragon 12:24, 11 July 2008 (PDT)

See Also