Change Log (LWR)

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Change Log

LW Rebalance v1.27.00


- Version 1.27 is not compatible with previous versions and may cause serious issues with ongoing campaigns. It is recommended to continue on your old campaigns with versions of 1.26 and earlier. If you want to use 1.27 it is best to start a new campaign.
- All references to "Dynamic War" are being replaced with "Game Length" - Much more intuitive, especially for newer players and especially because Dynamic War is default in LWR now (e.g. Injury times are modified by Game Length)

New Second Wave Options:

- Not So Long War (#8): Overall game length halved - These effectively replace Dynamic War and the SW_Marathon value. Part of the problem with the old DW and SW_Marathon system was odd numbers.  For example, multiplying 2 UFO missions by a SW_Marathon value of 0.45 would = 0.9 which would get reduced to 0. There were many examples of this. The new system is designed so that all gameplay modes work well and are balanced.
- Very Long War (#9): Overall game length doubled. Enabling this and 'Not So Long War (#8)' triples the game length instead (Very Very Long War). - See above
- Predictable Potential (#3): Soldier promotion stat gains for each rank and class are set values instead of a range - The reverse of Hidden Potential which is now default


- All alien missions (UFO missions) are now generated each hour on the fly and are constantly affected by alien aggression, alien level, and alien resources (i.e. all LWR games are DW games) - This is changed from non-DW games in LW 1.0 where these stats would sometimes only matter and missions would only be generated right at the beginning of each month. This also made LW 1.0 DW games always quite different than non-DW games and very difficult to balance between them.
- Ranks required for OTS projects changed to 10/20/30/50/70/90/120 (from 10/20/40/60/90/120/150) - Accommodates for decreased end game mission density, bring Cpt and Mjr on earlier
- When a country gives you a donation to help your fight against aliens it no longer says "medikit" and "request" and instead clearly states it's a "donation"
- Alien Aggression (Threat) reworked: [ see the wiki: ]
- Scouts, Abductions, and Terror missions are reduced in amount by 10% per month (from 20% per month) - They were becoming too few in the late game
- Resources acquired from missions increases by 10% per month (from 20% per month) - Accommodates for increased late game missions
- Injury and Fatigue scales again with difficulty: 100/110/120/130% on normal/classic/brutal/impossible - Limits A-Team and smaller roster use on the higher difficulties
- Soldier deaths are more of a factor in the grade you get at the end of each month - More accurate
- Meld Injection now has a popup description claryfing what it does - More clarity on use

Air Game:

- UFOs increase in strength with each Alien Level (instead of each month) - Makes late game UFOs easier to deal with and also makes the current status of enemy UFO easy to figure out (as "each month" was never really accurate anyway, it was often way off -- at least in the late game)
- Combat Patrols now cost 550 (from 350) and also increase alien aggression (by 25%) and decrease alien resources (by 3-12%) - Nerfed as they were quite effective, especially with powerful aircraft, extended in effect to be more encompassing
- You can now see a list of all aircraft weapons you own when you go to change the loadout of an aircraft so that there is easy comparisons, even if you don't have any spare of that aircraft weapon - Makes it a lot easier to compare weapons when changing aircraft loadouts
- Added a button to dismiss aircraft: this will work anytime except for when the aircraft is being transfered or engaging. WARNING: There is NO popup dialogue warning - Gives players the ability to get rid of aircraft they don't want


- If an XCOM soldier/MEC has been killed, at the beginning of each turn, each squad member has a 3% * number of dead soldiers/MECs * aliens in sight to Enrage [Deal +50% weapon damage, all actions have a 50% chance to cost 0 AP, and prevent non-suppression reaction fire triggering until end of turn] - This is a nice mechanic as it makes it so when things are at their worst XCOM gets a nice strength boost. Also, it feels like sweet vindication.
- Pistols now all have the "Maim" ability: Fire 2 shots at -20 aim that deal 1 damage each. Any hits against a target with 1 HP will Maim the target instead of dealing damage, preventing the target from acting on it's next turn.
- Fatigue and Injury System reworked:  [ see the wiki: and ]
- Half of the hit chance over 100 now spills into bonus crit chances, called "Pinpoint Accuracy" - Makes sense that really accurate shots would have bonus crit chances, creates interesting situations with high aim low crit weapons (e.g. shotguns)
- Lowered enviromental damage from alien explosives and weapons by about 80% - This means that your cover is a LOT less likely to blow up when the aliens use explosives or when they fire their weapons; it still could happen, but much much more rarely. The main reason for this is to 1) encourage using cover and cover-based tactics, especially into the late game and 2) while it may seem cool and fun, having your cover blown by alien explosives rarely is.
- Crit chances are now capped by the max amount of aim, called "Accuracy Cap" - realistic that you don't have 100% chance to crit on a 1% chance to hit, creates interesting situations with high crit weapons (e.g. SMGs)
- Alien bases no longer have 'Itchy Trigger Tentacle' enabled automatically - This was originally enabled in LW to make them more difficult, but was a pretty unfair way to do so. As we're trying to make these missions less difficult it definitely makes sense to remove it.
- Changed the way damage randomization works. Instead of requiring a chart based on the ((2 * damage) + 1 + Rand)/4 formula, randomization range is simply +/- 1 for 1-9dmg, +/- 2 for 10-19dmg, +/- 3 for 20-29dmg, etc. Each integer has an equal chance to be selected. (e.g. a 1/3rd chance of - 1, 0, or +1 for 1-9 damage) - Makes it easy to calculate in game (+/- 1 for less than 10, +/- 2 for less than 20, etc.) and tightens the spread at higher damage levels making damage more predictable
- Critical hits will always be equal or greater to the highest damage roll of a normal hit - This applies to 1, 2, and 3 damage hits, which previously would crit (1.5 dmg modifier) for 1, 3, and 4 dmg. They now crit for 3, 4, and 5 damage to ensure even if you low roll on the crit it's always at least as much as the max roll on a normal hit
- Combat Readiness now also grants +5 defense (+10 defense with awareness) and also now has a pop-up that displays the effect as well - Buff to effectiveness and clarity of game mechanics
- Rocket Scatter increased by 10% - Accommodates for damage boost


- Opportunist now makes reaction shots bypass damage resistance from cover (30% from partial cover, 50% from full cover) - Overwatch builds needed a boost, specifically against high DR units in cover (e.g. mutons, outsiders)
- Ranger grants +25 aim to sidearms (from +10) - Makes using a pistol much more reasonable on units with ranger
- Snapshot grants a 30/50% chance for regular/strike rifle shots to cost 0 AP (from 20/55) - Buffed to non-strike rifle shots, slight nerf to strike rifles
- Inspired Tenacity (officer perk) changed to +20% DR when protected by cover (from +15% DR at all times) - Encourage use of cover, making cover more effective
- Tenacious defense grants 50% DR against explosives and no longer requires the target to be in cover to get the -20% crit resistance - Makes XCOM biotanks and Mutons more resistant to explosives
- Close Combat Specialist loses it's +40 aim against units within 4 tiles - It was plenty strong without it
- Aggression grants +1 crit damage and +20 crit at all times and affects side arms as well as primary weapons (from +10-30 crit based on the number of enemies you can see and only primary weapons) - Makes it more consistent, slight buff


- All pistol ammo to 2 (from 1) - Boost to the strength of pistols
- Machine pistol crit to 40 (from 20) - Boost to the strength of machine pistols
- Crit on Shotguns lowered to 0 (from 30) - Makes maxing out with crit less common, increases the relative strength of crit boosting perks and items, accommodates for Pinpoint Accuracy bonus from aim overspill
- Crit on Sniper Rifles lowered to 30 (from 40) - Makes maxing out with crit less common, increases the relative strength of crit boosting perks and items, accommodates for Pinpoint Accuracy bonus from aim overspill
- Shotguns and SMGs no longer have proximity damage but shotguns do 150% base damage and SMGs gain Killer Instinct and have 10% more crit  - The proximity damage effects were bugging out too often. Slight boost to shotguns used at further than point blank, tweak on SMGs.
- Extrasensory Vest (Old Chameleon Suit) defense to 0 (from 5) - Prevents defense stacking from getting too high, accommodates for new combat readiness
- Blaster Launcher range to 15 tiles (from 18.7) - Nerfed, needed some pull back due to how powerful and accurate it is
- Targeting Module grants +2 damage on critical hits and 0 crit (from +1 damage on critical hits and 10 crit) - Stronger boost, but does not grant extra crit, makes crit-based builds more reasonable again
- Thumper grants the KSM +10 penetration (from +10 damage) - Makes it much more effective against threats with high DR and less OP against units with no DR
- Rockets deal 125% of weapon tier damage (from 100%) - Boost to their damage output as it was too low
- Javelin Rockets have 70% reduced scatter (from 80%) - Accommodates for the damage boost
- Chameleon Suit renamed to Extrasensory Vest - Makes more sense for what it now does


- Floater mobility reduced to 12 (from 14), Drone mobility reduced to 10 (from 12), Seeker mobility reduced to 12 (from 16) - Flying units are very difficult to deal with due to them being able to move anywhere without being exposed, this prevents them moving so close so fast making it easier to deal with them
- Seekers and Sectoids lose 10 aim - Accommodates for ranger buff
- Sectoids start with 15 less will, and gain 10 less will on each Alien Level Up - Gives them less will in the late game
- Floater, Thinmen, and Muton aim to 60 (from 65), drone aim to 60 (from 70) - Makes them slightly less likely to hit

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed a bug (again) where Exalt panicking would make the HUD disappear
- Fixed a description bug where the respirator implant was said to grant 10 defense (it only grants 5)
- Fixed a bug where engineers brought in later to a base defense mission would not have any repair charges
- Exalt panic sabotage is no longer modified by Game Length - Since the # of exalt missions are similar on NSL, L, VL, or VVL game lengths the amount of panic generated should not be modified
- Fixed a bug where if there was no research to research, you'd still get a ! on the research lab a request to visit it
- Fixed a bug where the minimum amount in each meld canister wasn't being affected by old DW games
- Fixed a bug where the chance for alien leader levels were being halved on old DW 0.5 games (this was making old DW 0.5 games a lot easier) - It was just a simple bug that wasn't removed
- Fixed a bug where the cash bounty for destroyed UFOs was not being modified by old DW games and the alloy bounty for destroyed UFOs was only being upgraded by 25% (instead of 50%) with alien metallurgy
- Fixed some incorrect descriptions
- Fixed a bug where you could send refueling aircraft on Combat Patrols
- Fixed some Salvage options that could be too low
- Fixed some descriptions that were too long to fit in the description windows
- Fixed a bug where alien resource display at the end of the month and on the ticker wasn't accurate and was overestimating alien resources
- Fixed a bug where extra large UFOs were receiving more aliens than intended
- Fixed a bug where salvage opportunities for UFOs were not popping up
- Fixed a bug where the AP pip colors were not updating after a shot if there was a cinematic that delayed a shot
- Fixed a bug where floater 'launch' was not correctly triggering OW
- Fixed lots of bugs relating to Alien Aggression from LW 1.0
- Fixed a bug where alterations of cover (e.g. a SHIV moving from a unit) would trigger Overpower on those units

LW Rebalance v1.26.13


  • DLC missions now have 8 soldiers allowed - Finally figured out how to distinguish just the DLC missions. This makes them a lot easier (which is OK as they are nice missions to pass).


  • Overpower now will tests at user's will / 4 (from user's will / 2) - Really only affects ethereals and all it means is that high will units are more likely to resist or be immune

Bug Fixes:

  • Psi Lance deals 5 + will_difference/20 (from 5 + will_difference/10) - Similar change that rift had, that was supposed to be applied to psi lance too but wasn't being. Makes it less likely to do really high damage. Example: against a soldier with 30 will, a 160 will ethereal would have done 5 + 13 damage for 18 damage but now would do 5 + 6 damage for 11 damage.
  • Fixed a bug where exalt units were doing more damage than intended with alien research upgrades
  • Fixed a bug where salvage teams were being offered on missions other than crashed/landed UFOs
  • Fixed some incorrect ability descriptions

LW Rebalance v1.26.12


  • Aliens gain their +2 research per alien base at the end of each month (instead of the beginning of each month) * Makes it so the increase is captured in the end of month report (otherwise the reports were misleading)
  • Successful UFO research missions award less alien research (2/3/4/5 instead of 2/4/6/8) * Was leading to maxing out alien research too quickly in the later game as each month the gains are increased by 10% and the additional range for each month is just +3-15 research (33-45)
  • UFO Bombing (Air Raid) missions now will fail if the UFO is decreased below half health (and will cause proprotionally less panic above 50% health) * Now all UFO missions that are airborne (scouts, hunts, bombing) fail at 50% or less health and will decrease the chance of success proportionally to their health


  • Chance to test for panic on Exalt increased to 30% (from 20%) * Reasonable considering their numbers
  • Tactical Sense renamed to Tactical Mobility * Makes it seem more about your ability to move than your ability to think which makes it more believable on certain aliens and on armors


  • Onslaught does not grant point blank shots a free action, only the KSM * It was too strong with both. Shots were added to the perk because I thought it was necessary to have the perk work at all times, but realistically you only need floater autopsy and MEC warfare systems so getting a KSM online early should not be a problem


  • Proximity Mine Launcher is back as "MINE Launcher" and now counts as a destructive grenade for the purposes of perks: Damage:12, EnviroDamage:240, Penetration:100, Range:7.5, Radius:3, Ammo:2, Weight:0.6. Can deploy a MINE (MInerature Nuclear Explosive) at range, that will detonate at the end of the enemy's turn, penetrating all damage resistance and dealing double environmental damage.
  • KSM damage to 20 (from 25) * I was incorrect about it needing a buff, at 20 damage (30 with thumper) it is quite competitive


  • Awareness and Penetrator removed of all Heavy Floaters and moved on to leader Heavy Floaters only * Makes most heavy floaters a little easier to hit and little easier to tank in general

LW Rebalance v1.26.11


  • The first mission has 1 less sectoid on all difficulties * accommodates for sectoid buff


  • Drone and Seeker base damage to 3 (from 2) * Both were too weak and too inconsequential when being used, makes March a little more challenging
  • Sectoid starting will to 50 (from 25) * Boost to early game enemies, makes March more challenging

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where salvage options after UFOs were too pricey off the bat
  • Fixed a bug where stepping out at someone you had at "Point Blank" (i.e. avoiding their cover DR) would sometimes still grant cover DR b/c the stepout moved you away from the target and outside of "Point Blank" range
  • Fixed a bug where First Aid and Field Medic was reducing the injuries on SHIVs
  • Fixed a bug where units could press "J" while moving to activate combat readiness even though all of their moves had already been used

LW Rebalance v1.26.10


  • Your grade at the end of the month is now a measure of well your campaign is progressing * This change is awesome as it provides some much needed feedbacks for players. An average score is C, and that's where most campaigns will get at the end of their first month. If you can eventually achieve an A you are doing very well and you will likely pass the campaign if you keep it up. If you get an F, especially after many months, it will likely be very challenging to pass the campaign.
  • Injury/Fatigue modificaiton is no longer reduced on lower difficulties * Makes injury/fatigue less of a non-issue on the easier difficulties as it was allowing for too many alterations in mission density, creating worse gameplay
  • Alien bases offer significantly less resources and set the aliens back in research by 10 (from 15) * Makes them less farmable
  • Researching the technology 'Elerium' now requires access to a hyperwave beacon (which is gained from a successful assault of an alien base) * In other words you can't research elerium until you have successfully assaulted an alien base. Encourages earlier alien base assaults.
  • Minimum resources per month for aliens dropped to 9* month (from 12 * month) * Not needed anymore due to meld changes, and gives the aliens more diversity
  • Failed abductions now give +5 research to the aliens * Makes sense, gives aliens another source (albeit rare and fairly insignificant) of research
  • Alien Research no longer is equal to #_of_days + bonus research (where bonus research starts at -90 and slowly increases) but is instead just a set value that is always between 1.1 and 1.5 per day of the campaign (depending upon how successful the aliens are doing) * This is designed so that it will work with current campaigns. The end result is pretty similar to before except that the player will have more effect over alien tech levels starting at the beginning of the campaign. Note that tech levels are 1:0-49, 2:50-99, 3:100-149, 4:150-199, etc. up to level 15:700+
  • Abductions now hit 2-3 targets but occur less often and have more variable rewards * Makes them harder on your roster, makes the choice of doing which ones under constrained rosters more interesting
  • Abductions now remove 2 panic from the country and 1 from the continent (from just 1 from the country) * makes them more effective at reducing panic
  • Abductions, terror missions, and council missions grant 12 hours to get there (from 8) * Accommodates for the extra mission density of abductions

Air Game:

  • New aircraft option: "COMBAT PATROL": This aircraft will be sent over the continent hunting and harassing alien entities. It will cost 350 credits and likely result in aircraft damage, but will raise civilian morale (lower continent panic by 3-12 depending upon RNG, aircraft, and weapon) and hamper alien progress (lower alien research by 3-12 depending upon RNG, aircraft, and weapon) * Gives the player more agency for controlling panic and alien research
  • Bombing mission panic generation lowered by 25% * Panic generation was a little too high, this is a tweak to put it at a more reasonable level and take some focus off the air game
  • Satellite destruction panic generation lowered by 20% * Same as above
  • Fighter and Destroyer health reduced by 20/25% * Makes them easier to deal with while still not generating more missions


  • Alien Base Assault has ~33% less enemies and the pod sizes are smaller and easier (e.g. The pod of 6 Muton Elites is now a pod of 4 and might just be a pod of 1 mecthoid with 3 drones) * Makes the mission significantly easier as it was a mission that you could not retreat from and was optional. This meant that players delayed a long time and thus delayed plot progression through the game which sometimes led to the player feeling lost: "what am I supposed to be doing again?"
  • Overseer mission has significantly smaller alien pod sizes * makes the mission more doable while still containing deadly pods, gives the impression of an elite UFO mission while not making it as dangerous to do. This lets players attempt and complete the mission earlier.
  • Alien panicking only occurs on Exalt * Felt immersion breaking to have the more hardcore war-bred aliens panic
  • Alien bases get a full additional pod each time you attempt them * Makes farming them difficult
  • Toned down the strength of aliens on extra large landed UFOs * Makes them a little more reasonable to pass
  • Modified alien appearance parameter to be based on set alien tech levels (see #'s below) instead of arbitrary #'s of 28 * All this means is that you can know exactly which aliens you'll be facing based on the alien tech level
  • Late game aliens will appear later in tech levels (see #'s below, each # represents overall weighting) * makes the late game difficulty spike a less of spike
  • Level 1 Aliens: Sectoids (100), Drones (30), Thinmen (10), Floaters (10)
  • Level 2 Aliens: Floaters (90), Thinmen (90), Mutons (10), Seekers (10)
  • Level 3 Aliens: Mutons (140), Seeker (90), Cyberdisc (10)
  • level 4 Aliens: Cyberdisc (140), Mechtoids (10), Berserkers (10)
  • Level 5 Aliens: Mechtoids (140), Berserkers (140), Sectoid Commanders (10)
  • Level 6 Aliens: Sectoid Commanders (190), Heavy Floaters (10), Muton Elites (10)
  • Level 7 Aliens: Muton Elites (190), Heavy Floaters (190), Sectopods (10)
  • Level 8 Aliens: Sectopods (190), Ethreals (10)
  • Level 9 Aliens: Ethereals (90)
  • Level 10 Aliens: Ethereals (100)


  • Disabler has a 40% chance to jam an opponents weapons (from 35%) * slight buff


  • Skeleton key is much cheaper * Prevents a resource bottle neck from granting access to the alien base assault


  • Ethereal health lowered by ~20% * They were a little too tanky given their offensive potential
  • Seekers gain 2 DR when strangling (from 0), cyberdiscs gain 6 DR when closed (from 8) * Seekers are moved to a later game enemy (due to the importance of a counter) and thus needed some more threat and cyberdiscs didn't need as high DR due to the red fog change

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a LW 1.0 bug where research granted to the aliens from successful research missions was not being modified in DW games (making DW 0.5 games a lot easier)
  • Clarified some ability text
  • Added in more code to prevent the HUD from disappearing during alien panicking
  • Fixed a bug where the council could ask for a proximity mine launcher and considering you can't produce them it could be... difficult to fulfill. =D

LW Rebalance v1.26.09


  • Added a lot more strategic/tactical tips during loading screens * Thanks to Young Eldritch for the work on this
  • Added alien strategic info to the end of month report * Increases transparency of game mechanics and adds easier access to game mechanics


  • UFO Scouting missions will only generate a hunt if they are between 50-100% health [The chance is proportional to their health: 2x(UFOHP% * 50)% chance to generate a hunt] * Makes going all out on a scout that you don't finish off not such a loss

Bug Fixes:

  • Again, fixed the bug where aliens panicking would lead to the HUD disappearing
  • Fixed some incorrect descriptions
  • Fixed a bug where air domination was doubling the speed of UFO fire rates as well

LW Rebalance v1.26.08


  • Friendly skies and Elite XCOM aim bonuses to 25 (from 20) * makes the 2nd wave option a little more impactful
  • New 2nd wave option "Air Domination" (replaces Diminishing Returns): Doubles the fire rate of all your aircraft * Gives another method to make the air game stronger for players that wish this. Also, dimishing returns didn't really work well with Long War Rebalanced
  • Bradford will no longer admonish the player for letting a UFO go * Doesn't feel so bad when you do it considering most players will be doing it a lot and it will be a good move (you know nothing Bradford!)


  • Exalt missions are now easier if your difficulty is lower (they start 1/2/3 missions behind in terms of initial squad composition on brutal/classic/normal) * Makes them easier to handle on easier difficulties
  • Exalt Covert Op Extraction missions now have reinforcements enter 1/2/3 turns later on brutal/classic/normal * Makes it easier to handle on easier difficulties
  • Red Fog only degrades flat damage reduction by 1-50% (from 1-100%) * Reduces the effect of red fog on flat damage reduction making flat damage reduction more important/effective

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where reducing interceptor repair time looked like it did something, but actually did nothing * Whoopsies =P
  • Fixed a bug where the HUD would disappear if mulitple aliens panicked at the same time * Thanks to szmind for the code

LW Rebalance v1.26.07


  • Collateral damage now deals +50% weapon damage (instead of -50% weapon damage) * Significant Buff

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where everyone was getting awareness and +30 def

LW Rebalance v1.26.06


  • The term "base damage" has been replaced with "weapon damage" in all descriptions * Makes it more clear what it refers to, especially for newer players


  • Panic now lasts 4 turns (from 1), but each turn panicked units have an 80% chance to "Regain Control" * Makes panic more important to remove and avoid (alien trophies, psi inspire, etc.) but also removes the will component from panic turns so that high will units can't reliably panic for multiple turns (which was too powerful)


  • Fragmentation to 25% chance for double damage (from 20% chance) * Buffed
  • Awareness grants +10 defense at all times which upgrades to +30 defense when steadying or overwatching * Buffed to provide more defense when not steadying/overwatching
  • Absorption Fields grants +20% DR (from +30%) * Nerfed, alleviates some of the pressure to make a Goliath pure tank
  • Penetrator back to +2 pen (from +3) * Was too strong at +3 and not as balanced on the trees
  • Snapshot with a strike rifle has a 55% chance to proc a free action (from +50%) * Slight buff, perk tree balance
  • VPT and CST back to +150% damage (from +140%) * Due to truncation, 40% is too much of a nerf, 50% seems like the sweet spot * balance on the trees
  • Mayhem grants +2 damage to explosives (from +35% weapon damage) * Buff to lower damage explosives used with mayhem (AP grenade, basic rocket launcher)


  • Kinetic Strike Module damage to 25 (from 20) * Slight buff, especially to the marauder


  • Reworked MEC perk trees * balance
  • Platform Stability replaced with Bring 'Em On for the GSGT Gunner * It felt bad having a perk that could be replaced by an item and this gives a nice offensive boost to the gunner at GSGT
  • SHIV armor to 10 (from 12) and alloy SHIV armor to 18 (from 16) * Nerf to original SHIV, buff to alloy SHIV


  • Cyberdiscs no longer have Critical System Targeting * Makes it a little easier to field mechanical units (it's mostly floaters, outsiders, and sectopods)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where xcom units would sometimes be able to overwatch units that were dropping in without rapid reaction
  • Fixed a bug where the orange AP pips would not update correctly at the beginning of the turn
  • Fixed a bug where the geoscape could be locked on the US and the player couldn't navigate the geoscape due to an old bug in tracktwo's campaign summary code (This one was all szmind, he really is incredible at fixing these sorts of bugs)
  • Fixed several description errors * Thanks to Young Eldritch for this

LW Rebalance v1.26.05


  • Air raid panic increase to 12 (from 8) * Even with increased scouts, the hunts are creating significantly less panic than expected, this is intended to help rectify it


  • Non-Robotic aliens units have a 20% chance to roll for panic when they are hit for more than 30% of their remaining health (20 will test), when a squad mate in vision dies (20 will test), and when their squad leaders in vision die (40 will test) * Makes the game feel more engaging, feels more fair, and most important, feels fun to see the aliens cower before you.
  • First mission has 4/3/2 less sectoids on impossible/brutal/classic but XCOM only starts with 6 soldiers (from 8) * Slight increase in difficulty, makes it less likely to be a full map activation, consistency with what an abduction should be


  • Mind control no longer has a negative to hit of 50 but instead a bonus to hit of 1 * Makes the AI more likely to consider it's use (for sectoid commanders and ethereals)
  • Mind control cooldown to 4 turns (from 1 turn) * Makes it much less spammable


  • Cyberdiscs and Mechtoids deal 2 less damage * They were hitting a little too hard
  • Toned down some of the damage bonuses high level leaders got with upgrades
  • Lowered the will of sectiod commanders, ethereals, and uber ethereals by 40 * Helps accommodate for mind control buff, makes overpower not so... overpowering =P

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed some incorrect text descriptions
  • Fixed a bug where outsiders could start with 5-9 extra DR on brutal, classic, and normal difficulties
  • Fixed a bug where the bounties for killing high level aliens were being reduced by 90%
  • Increased the radius of danger zone suppression so it should work on all targets diagonally

LW Rebalance v1.26.04


  • Increased the amount of elerium/alloys you can acquire through extra salvage from UFOs * Increases the ability to convert credits into alloys/elerium
  • Interceptors take 20 days to produce * Slows down air expansion, makes planning more important
  • You can now hire an additional repair crew for a damaged aircraft at the cost of 150 credits which cuts repair times in half (cannot go below 1 day) * Helps keep the airfoce afloat
  • Landed UFOs decrease by 10% per month (from 20% per month) * Increase in the ability to acquire resources without using your airforce, helps accommodate for poor resource acquisition from UFOs
  • Reduce resource accumulation of elerium/alloys from UFOs by ~20% * Accommodates for increase from aliens and increased opportunity from landed UFOs


  • All aliens will now have 50/33/17% reduced stat gains from research and leader levels on normal/classic/brutal * Makes the mid-late game and larger UFOs much more reasonable on the lower difficulties, significant decrease overall in alien strength on lower difficulties
  • High level aliens yield significant bounties when killed (even if killed by explosives) * Makes late game missions still feel valuable and gives players alternative ways to acquire resources during challenging missions, helps accommodate for poor resource acquisition from UFOs
  • Most aliens reward 1 of a single resource specific to their type, even if killed by explosives (e.g. drones give 1 alloy) * Gives more consistent resource accumulation, helps accommodate for poor resource acquisition from UFOs
  • Toned back the time at which high level aliens can first appear by 1 month * Makes it feel less oppressive
  • Hunkering down now reduces the hit chance of psionic attacks by 50%, regardless of whether the unit is in cover or not * Gives an option to help protect soldier against psionic attacks
  • Corrossion reduces rocket range by 50% (instead of increasing scatter by 100%) * consistency with the rest of the ability
  • Corrossion prevents all passive healing (e.g. regeneration effects) * Makes it quite useful against units that heal (outsiders, mecthoids, ethereals, etc.)


  • Mind Fray lasts 1 turn (from 2) * nerf to how punishing it feels, and makes it consistent with other effects (either 1 turn or indefinite)
  • Fragmentation grants a 20% chance for double damage * Tone back through increase on the RNG element, distinction from mayhem
  • Penetrator grants 3 penetration (from 2) * Buff to the perk, balance


  • Sectoid Commander damage toned down by 2 * They were hitting a little harder than ideal

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a long time LW 1.0 bug where when you ordered/cancelled a new aircraft or soldiers the amount of credits you have didn't display the change until you left the screen
  • Fixed a bug where the pulse sniper rifle had a mobility penalty and should not have one
  • Shadowstep now correctly grants +1.2 mobility * was bugged at 0.6 mobility
  • Fixed a bug where critical hit display wouldn't always inform the player it was a critical hit
  • Fixed a bug where the AP pips would not be colored orange at the beginning of the turn (but would be colored after an action or move)
  • Fixed a bug where gene modification wouldn't allow you to select gene mods despite having the available resources
  • Fixed a bug where In The Zone would sometimes not trigger if used as the first action of the turn

LW Rebalance v1.26.03


  • Bombing run panic generation to 8 (from 7) * Slight increase in panic
  • Renamed multiple weapons to not be so hard to identify (e.g. Blaster Rifle --> Pulse Strike Rifle) * Makes it easier for players to understand the many various weapons more clearly
  • XCom gains 20% more resources (meld, elerium, artifacts, etc.) per month from missions (from 10% per month) * Accommodates for reduced late game missions
  • Winning an Exalt Base raid grants 400 meld (from 150) * Buff to encourage doing the base instead of farm it
  • Armored fighters grants +15% HP (from a flat +500 hp) * Nerf to interceptors, buff to firestorms
  • Successful scouting missions no longer have a 50% chance to randomly fail to generate a hunt * Means a hunt is more likely following scouts (it was bugged previously reducing hunts more than intended and I can't really control it so I scrapped the code)
  • Destroyer health to 2000 (from 3000) * Makes them much easier to down and/or prevent on their missions
  • Air weapon credit costs increased significantly * Makes the credit cost for adequately covering more continents more challenging
  • Alloy, elerium, meld, and weapon fragment council requests grant more reward for fulfilling * Slight boost due to the importance of these items
  • UFO Plasma I air weapon aim to 40 (from 35) * Slight decrease in effectiveness of LEAD stance and a little less mission generation
  • Jellied Elerium increased rocket and grenade damage by 1 (from just rockets) * Boost to mid-game grenades
  • Enhanced Plasma renamed to Condensed Plasma and grants rockets and grenades +2 damage (from 0) * Boost to late-game rockets and grenades
  • MEC2 technology requires mobile power armor * Pushes MEC2 production slightly later


  • Soldiers on the first mission will always equip assault rifles and tac armors * More consistency in loadouts
  • AP pips will now color orange when an enemy has reaction fire on you that you can't see (e.g. they are out of sight and have squadsight or are concealed) * Your units 'sense' it, while it's unrealistic, the alternative (eating overwatch shots out of nowhere and losing soldiers) was worse
  • Covert Op missions start with 2 pods at half the size (from 1 pod that was double the size) * Makes it a little more likely you will run into someone (e.g. instead of 1 pod of 3 exalt, you'll fight a pod of 2 exalt and a pod of 1 exalt)


  • Mechanic and Master Mechanic grant +1 penetration against mechanical units instead of +1 damage and the Repair ability they grant repairs for 4 HP (from 3 HP) * Buffed
  • Extra Conditioning reduces fatigue times by 40% (from both fatigue and injury times by 20%) * Buffed and more focused
  • Fragmentation has a 40% chance to deal +40% damage (from 50% chance for +50% damage) * Toned back
  • First Aid grants 1 medikit and 1 extra of each equipped medikit (reversion) * Increases overall XCOM healing, buff to support scout/rocketeeer, decreases reliance on medics
  • Run and Gun cooldown back to 2 turns (from 1) but grants immunity to reaction fire * buffed, makes it easier to get run and gun off
  • Shadowstep back to +1.2 mobility * Balance
  • In The Zone back to +20 aim/crit on subsequent shots (from +10 aim/crit) * Buffed, balance
  • Combat Drugs grants +10 will (from +15) * Toned back a little more
  • Commanding Officer gains 1 command at the first rank and 1 command at ranks 3 and 5 (from 1 command at each rank) * Tone back on # of commands available
  • Damage Control toned back to 15% DR per shot (from 20% DR per shot) * Toned back a little
  • One For All DR to 40% (from 50%) * Toned back a little
  • Snapshot has a 50% chance to trigger a 0 AP action (from 60%) * Tone back
  • Hit and Run now prevents weapons or equipment use in subsequent actions (from non-shooting and non-overwatching actions) * Nerf to multiaction capability of Hit and Run builds, especially on the Shogun (distinguishes it from the Maruader)
  • Greater Mind merge grants 100 crit (from 25 crit) * Makes it's use (and thus sectoid commanders) a lot more effective


  • Neuroregulator will bonus to +10 (from +20) * Toned back
  • AP Grenade range increased to 12.5 (from 10) * Buffed, grants more reach
  • Regenerator Vest hp to 2 and DR to 0 * Nerfed
  • Vortex armor reduces fatigue by 50% (from eliminating it) and will to +10 (from +20) * It was overkill and LWR doesn't have the problem of trying to get the volunteer up to level like LW 1.0 did
  • Aurora armor HP to 6 (from 8) and will to +5 (from +10) * Nerfed, was replacing too many armors
  • Ammo module is again equippable by both SHIVs and MECs (from just SHIVs) * Buff to Jaeger ITZ and overall MEC ammo capacities


  • Multiple perk tree alterations * See perk tree image
  • Cost of SHIVs increased across the board * Makes them less 'expendable'


  • Introduced some more code to encourage the aliens to not always target the lowest hp or lowest def unit all the time * Makes them a little less predictable
  • Sectoid Commanders reworked (they got their pistol back! -* AND it hits like a Plasma Cannon!) * Their AI was too hard to stop from being foolish so often and I couldn't fix it so I worked on them a lot. In the end they are now smarter, deadlier, and they gained some reasonable AI. After a lot of testing, I think should be much more scary enemies worthy of their title.
  • Chryssalid DR to 1 (from 0.5) * Slight buff
  • Muton health to 12 (from 14) but DR to 1 (from 0) [research gains affected as well] * Some HP swapped to DR, increases effetiveness of corrossion/penetration
  • Muton Berserker health to 16 (from 20) but DR to 1 (from 0) [research gains affected as well] * Some HP swapped to DR, increases effetiveness of corrossion/penetration

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where neural feedback was doing more damage than described/intended
  • Fixed a bug where packmaster sometimes wasn't granting an additional medikit charge for equipped medikits
  • Fixed a bug where reaction shots at someone who was taking an action would sometimes cause that person to 'stall-out' and not execute the action * Thanks so much to all the time szmind put into fixing this (This might even help the LW 1.0 suppression stall out bug)
  • Fixed a bug where the Medic wasn't getting sprinter at MSGT
  • Fixed some incorrect text descriptions
  • Fixed a bug where picking combat drugs would freeze the game
  • Fixed a bug where drop-ins and reinforcements would go on OW but wouldn't have it trigger against xcom's units
  • Fixed a bug where overpower wasn't working at squadsight
  • Fixed a bug where deflection shield would remain active on dead units which would clutter the field

LW Rebalance v1.26.02


  • Advanced Servomotors requires Mechtoid Cores (from Sectopod Wrecks) * Makes more sense and grants the tech earlier
  • Confounding Light/Gangplank start even another month later now * Really pushes it into the late game to make it easier
  • Panic increases by 10% per month (from 5% per month) * Slight increase in world panic spread
  • Bombing runs increase panic by 7 (from 6) * Slight increase in world panic spread
  • Plasma I UFO weapons to 35 aim (from 30) * Slight nerf to strength of air game, reduced shot down UFOs and air game control, makes it so it's not as mandatory to go lead to guarantee downing a UFO


  • All thrown objects and rockets now give a confirmation dialogue before firing * Makes it so you never have to worry about misclicking on them now, thanks to forefal for the suggestion because it's awesome and really makes pixel hunting a lot more bearable
  • The first mission has 2 more sectoids on all difficulties * The outsiders were surprisingly not as difficult as expected


  • Close Combat Specialist only triggers on your opponent's turn * There was a bug that makes it flakey on your turn and the pingpong with beserkers was borderline gamey and borderline abusive.
  • One For All DR back to 50% (from 30%) * With the plethora of CST and high damage weapons, this re-increase is reasonable granting MECs a significant (and much needed) tanking capability increase
  • Combat Drugs grants +15 will (from +20 will) * Slight tone back
  • Squadsight reduces aim/crit by 4 per tile (from 3 per tile) * Slight nerf, the unlimited squadsight can be quite useful
  • Sapper grants 5x environmental damage (from 3x) * Makes it a lot more likely to destroy whatever is in it's path


  • Psi Accelerator renamed to Psi Frayer, and Psi Screen renamed to Psi Retaliator * More obvious and intuitive what abilities they grant
  • Psi Retaliator/Psi Frayer grants +0.5/0.5 DR, +10/15, and weight to 0/0.6 * Makes them more universal in who would want to equip them
  • Elerium Emitter back to 1.5 DR (from 1) * Slight boost to psi tanking
  • LMG ammo to 5 (from 7) * It's excellent at suppression, and the decreased ammo consumption has made ammo concerns too minimal of a problem. As well, the -10 aim negative isn't so significant on a class that only wants to suppress as the suppression shot isn't as damaging
  • Combat stims lasts 4 turns (from 2) * Buffed, this means it heals 8 hp instead of 4
  • Chameleon vest to +5 def (from 0), weight to 0 (from 0.6), and grants Awareness, but no longer ignores reaction fire * alteration to bring awareness to soldier classes and remove the easy capability of bypassing enemy OW on any soldier
  • Sniper Rifle mobility to -1 (from 0) * Accommodate for it's increased stats, more reasonable weight


  • Lock N' Load on Rocketeer replaced with Holo Rounds * Grants the support and shooter rocketeers more options
  • Sapper on Infantry replaced with Packmaster * Give the grenadier build a stronger final option
  • Shadowstep on Medic replaced with Sprinter * Gives more of a stat bonus to make it more competitive vs tenacious defense


  • Rapid Reaction swapped to Sentinel + Opportunist on all aliens except for floater leaders and heavy floaters * It was too punishing to XCOM
  • Ready For Anything removed from all aliens except for a few high level leaders * It was REALLY powerful, too powerful to have on so many aliens

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where reaction shots at squadsight ranges were still occuring at old caps and were not unlimited
  • Reconnaissance popups will stay on the scout so you can read the clues * prevents not seeing the audio clue
  • Removed some code that was teleporting units, and turned off some background logs (e.g. "...zzz")
  • Fixed a bug where packmaster was still granting a smoke grenade * You might have to reset perks to make it go away
  • Fixed a bug where squadsight could grant bonus aim/crit chances
  • Fixed a bug where abilities that relied on the number of enemies in sight were sometimes acting inappropriately (e.g. ITZ not triggering)
  • Fixed a bug where multiple reaction shots could reset the targets that were overwatchable for both XCOM and Aliens
  • Fixed some issues with orange pips not updating correctly from dead aliens
  • Fixed a bug where the interaction with One For All and smoke was not working correctly

LW Rebalance v1.26.01


  • Gangplank and Confounding light occur 1 month later * Makes them a little easier


  • Proximity Mine Launcher can no longer be built * Was too much of a trap for newer players and veterans knew better anyway
  • Combat stims now grant Stimmed [+2 regeneration, +1.2 mobility, +10 aim, +15 will, immunity to critical hits, and 20% DR] for 2 turns * Buffed, generalization: useful for more units. There is no -40 will protection against psi panic, the crit immunity does not require cover, and it gains 2 regen over 2 turns (so +4 HP total)
  • Psi Screen grants +10 def (from +5) * Buffed, makes it obviously not suitable for units that want to taunt (i.e. tanks)
  • Elerium Emitter DR to 1 (from 1.5) * Slight nerf
  • Psi Accelerator DR to 0.5 (from 0) but will to +10 (from +20) * Tone back on will, makes it good for tanks
  • Leather Jacket mobility to -2.5 (from -1.2) * That hacking equipment is HEAVY! =P Slows down the operative more on exalt missions, makes protecting him more important


  • Damage Control reworked: Now it grants 20% DR per shot received (from 30% after 1 shot) * Like everything, this stack multiplicatively. So 1st shot = 100%, 2nd shot = 80%, 3rd shot = 64%, 4th shot = 51%, 5th shot = 41%, etc. Helps minimize the effect of gamey things like trying to get a drone to hit you first and makes it so any unit with damage control that takes a lot of punishment gets a LOT tankier.
  • Smoke and Mirrors no longer grants +1 smoke (note: you'll have to reset your perks to get rid of the extra smoke) * Makes smoke a little less common and the item more reasonable to equip
  • Dense smoke no longer increases the aim malus of smoke (so now dense smoke is 50 def and -15 aim, affects psionic hit chances too, and no damage from explosions) * Buffed
  • Snapshot now works on standard/precision/disabling shots (from just standard shots) * Buffed
  • Transform (Cyberdisc's Closed Ability) grants 8 DR (from 4) * It was quite weak at 4 because it was often hit while open, lowering it's life by half, thus lowering the closed DR from 4 to 2; now it will go from 8 to 4 and still have a reasonable amount of DR even after injured, when closed

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed some inaccurate/misleading item/ability/tooltip descriptions
  • Fixed a bug where stingrays were doing incorrect damage (they now properly deal 900 damage over 10s)
  • Fixed some issues where deflection shield appeared as covering fire in the F1 panel
  • Fixed a bug where overwatch was not always working correctly (not triggering after loading a save game)
  • Fixed a bug where the orange AP color was not going away immediately when an enemy on OW died
  • Fixed a bug where packmaster would, in certain situations, still grant a free smoke grenade

LW Rebalance v1.26.00


  • Workshops now also reduce build times by 20% each (stack multiplicatively) * Makes late game item building much faster, less waiting around
  • Number of UFO missions (abduction, terror, scout, research) is reduced by 20% per month (from 15% per month) * Reduction of # of late game missions
  • Chance to destroy (instead of shoot down) a UFO increased be ~2x * Reduces mission generation and makes high yield weapons less desirable, re-adding the dynamic back to the air game
  • Alien resources and research gained for successful UFO missions increased to 20% (from 15%) * Accommodates reduced missions
  • XCOM resources from all missions increased by 20% per month (from 10%) * Accommodates reduced missions and reduced shot down UFOs
  • Abduction reward bounties increased by 20% per month * Makes abductions more beneficial in the late game
  • Increased alloy gains by ~10% on all difficulties * Increased to help reduce early game alloy shortages
  • Unchecked scouts have a 50% chance of triggering a hunt mission (from 35%) * Makes dealing with the scouts more important
  • Advanced repair reduces repair times by 25% (from 33%) * Toned back
  • Laser Cannon aim to 45 (from 40) * Slight boost, it was a little too weak at 40
  • Fusion weapon research time reduced by over half * It was really long for something in the late game that meant you sometimes didn't get it in time to actually use it


  • Alien appearances do not occur just on a set month, they now have a gradual introduction and increase in frequency: this means you can fight harder alien types earlier but they will be much less frequent * Gives earlier access to some corpses, prevents avoiding preparation based on the month, makes the composition of missions a lot more unknown (as an example, there is a rare chance to fight cyberdiscs in May and Mechtoids in June)
  • Explosives deal 50% damage at their periphery (from 35%) * It still felt bad doing 1/3rd damage when you actually hit someone, this makes it so that if you at least hit someone the explosive will feel good
  • Alien soldier research/technology upgrades (at ~1.5 months, 3 months, 6 months, etc.) are more significant * Makes later game aliens more challenging
  • Officers grant 10%xp/rank (from 15%) * Tone back on how fast soldiers level up
  • Jellied Elerium grants +1 damage to rockets (from +2) * Tone down on late game rocketeer
  • The "Close Range" proximity bonus that negates cover is renamed to "Point Blank" * Makes more sense, distinguishes itself from close range weapon bonuses


  • Squadsight now grants infinite range to sniper rifles, strike rifles, and MEC weapons, but caries a penalty of -3 aim/crit per tile further than normal range (18.75 tiles) * Allows squadsight at any range but has a penalty the further away you are
  • Distortion (on sectoid commanders and ethereals) no longer grants additional defense per tile away but instead reduces aim to 0 on squadsight shots * Makes them a lot easier to deal with under 18.75 tiles and helps prevent late game squadsight units from being as dominating
  • Deflection shield defense per tile away increased to 5/tile (from 3/tile) and reduces both aim and crit * It was too ineffective at 3 with granting large crits, this still lets OW be an effective strategy against it
  • Neural Feedback deals 5% of the user's will in damage (from 10% of the user's will in damage) * Too much damage otherwise. It's technically a free aciton and with the higher will of enemies, mind fray is already less competitive
  • Brawler loses it's +1 damage against targets within 4 tiles * Balance, it was too strong, especially with CCS on both trees
  • Concealment restricted to high cover only * The gameplay becomes more interesting this way and helps prevent too many 'setup' situations
  • Mayhem grants both sniper and strike rifles +100% base damage (from 100% on sniper and 70% on strike) * Buffed on strike rifles
  • Depth Perception to +20 crit (from +20 aim/crit) * Was too strong on flying units
  • Combat Drugs grants +20 will (from 10 aim, 20 crit and 30 will) and no longer heals 1 hp at the start of unit's turns, but instead heals half the damage received by units under its effects (purely mechanical units immune) * Role changed
  • Master mechanic additional repair charges to 3 (from 5) * Toned back
  • Psi Mastery now increases mind fray damage by 50% as well and lets all psi abilities only cost 1 AP (from a select few) * Buffed
  • Danger Zone grants +30% increased explosive radius (from 33%) * More simple calculations, very slight tone back
  • Bullseye to +20 aim (from 25) * Balance
  • Death from afar to +10 aim (from 15) * Balance
  • Executioner to +1 damage (from 2) * Balance
  • Disabler grants a 35% chance to jam enemy weapons (from 30%) * Balance
  • Vital Point Targeting and Critical System Targeting to 1.4x damage (from 1.5) * They were a little too heavy at 1.5
  • Packmaster no longer grants a free smoke grenade and medikit but instead grants +2 ammo * Fills the 'ammo mule' role. Nerfed on support capability, boosted as an alternative pick for other builds. It originally granted those extra items because support abilities weren't as strong. However, with smoke and concussion grenades being stronger, this buff pushed it to be too strong of a perk. It was also (ironically) making the smoke grenade and medikit small items less competitive for a slot. This might see more play on non-grenadier/support classes due to the ammo now.
  • Growth (Outsider Perk) has been toned down significantly for all difficulties below impossible * So players don't feel like they need to rush as much
  • Shadowstep grants +0.6 mobility * Balance, encourage more choice on the trees where it occurs
  • Double Tap now grants +15 aim if you haven't moved to all weapons (from +10 for normal weapons and +20 for sniper rifles) * Consistency of perk
  • In The Zone grants +10 aim and crit on subsequent shots (from +20) * Nerfed, balance
  • Precision shot no longer allows a shot at infinite range (as they can all fire at infinite range now) but instead removes the squadsight penalties * Accommodation for new squadsight rules


  • Sniper Rifle damage to 150% (from 125%), has 2 pen (from 1), and reduces the squadsight range penalty to -1 aim and crit per tile instead of -3 aim and crit per tile * Buffed to accommodate nerfed sniper perks and nerfed squadsight
  • Javelin rockets have 80% reduced scatter (from 50%) and a 20% radius (from 33%) * They are a smaller aoe but are much more likely to hit
  • MEC1 gains another hp and another mobility * It is a bit of an awkward hybrid, so this makes it more competitive and more reasonable to rush/build (due to cheap cost as well)
  • All HMECs gain a 2ndary weapon slot * Buff to HMECs, constistency amoung MEC tiers
  • UHMEC3 gains 2HP, ULMEC3 gains 0.6 mobility * Buff to the Ultra MEC3s
  • Leather jacket hp to 2 (from 1), defense to 5 (from 10), mobilty to -1.2 (from 0) * it now contains heavy hacking equipment essential for interfacing with exalt databases, the def and hp change was just for consistency with other light armors, the mobility reduction was to make it even harder to chain relays
  • Combat stims grant +2.5 mobility (from 1.8) and 25% DR (from 20%) * Slight buffs
  • Breaching Ammo, Shredder Ammo, Armor Piercing Ammo, Flak Ammo, and Reaper Ammo weight to 0 (from 0.6) * Buffed, balance, consistency with other items like scopes and alloy-jacketed rounds
  • Extra rocket and Javelin rocket grant 2 of each rocket * More ammo for rocketeers, prevents them from running out as fast and feeling ineffective aftewards
  • Shock and Awe also grants +1 charges to any extra rockets equipped * More ammo for rocketeers
  • Rocket Launcher / Recoilless Rifle / Blaster Launcher damage to 4/6/8 (from 5/8/12) * Pull back on single turn damage of rocketeers, consistency at 100% of base damage for the tier
  • All rocket radius' increased by 0.5 tiles * Slight increase to rockets, distinction from grenades
  • All destructive grenade radius' decreased by 0.5 tiles * Tone back on grenades


  • Vital Point Targeting on the Shogun replaced with Penetrator * VPT was too strong, pushes the Shogun into more of the anti-mechanical role if it wants to deal damage
  • Shogun loses it's base +0.6 mobility * Balance


  • Uber Ethereal health to 60 (from 40) * The end boss should be more resilient
  • Multiple alien leaders pick up Ready For Anything * Got it working on aliens

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where late game enemies were getting reduced likelihoods to show up in late game missions causing some campaigns to be filled with early to mid game enemies in the late game
  • Fixed a bug where on DW games the # of some missions in the late game were being increased instead of decreased * Made some campaigns get too many resources/xp in the end game
  • Fixed a bug where some aliens could wander into weird locations (like outside of the map boundaries) * Thanks to szmind for this
  • Fixed a bug where the repositioning of stepped out units could sometimes occur twice, pulling the unit away from their original spot or occur when grappling * Again, thanks entirely to szmind for this
  • Fixed some incorrect descriptions
  • Clarified some descriptions on abilities
  • Fixed a bug where drop-ins were not triggering proper overwatch * This had to do with my optimization code not correctly setting the Overwatch lists of aliens on drop-in
  • Fixed a bug where it looked like chryssalids had overpower * They don't
  • Fixed a bug where psychokinetic strike was showing up as costing 2 AP (even when it only costed 1 with psi mastery)
  • Fixed a longtime bug where platform stability wouldn't show up in the crit summary F1 panel sometimes (Just tried a workaround that tests if the bug occurs and then attempts to fix and it worked) =D

LW Rebalance Versions before v1.26

Full change log starting at version 1.00: