Compiling with Xcode (OpenXcom)

From UFOpaedia
Revision as of 19:45, 27 March 2019 by Kolen (talk | contribs) (These compile options have been removed in yaml-cpp and sdl_mixer. It builds for me without them, and sdl_mixer is built with libmikmod, libogg, libvorbis. Not sure about flac, this option no longer works. Not thoroughly tested. Will update if not works.)
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To successfully build an OpenXcom OSX bundle you will need to ensure all the relevant dependencies installed in /usr/local/.


To successfully build an OpenXcom OSX bundle you will need to ensure s all the relevant dependencies installed in /usr/local/.

The dependencies you require are following:

  • cmake, version 3.12.0 or later
  • SDL (libsdl1.2)
  • SDL_mixer (libsdl-mixer1.2)
  • SDL_gfx (libsdl-gfx1.2), version 2.0.22 or later
  • SDL_image (libsdl-image1.2)
  • yaml-cpp, version 0.5 or later

We recommend using Homebrew to facilitate this. With a working brew utility installed, run the following:

$ brew install cmake yaml-cpp sdl sdl_gfx sdl_image sdl_mixer

This should install all of these necessary dependencies to their appropriate place under /usr/local.


  1. In the root of the repository, generate the Makefile with cmake (Release is also a valid build type):
    cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug" -G Xcode
  2. Open the OpenXcom.xcodeproj in Xcode.
  3. Copy your vanilla game assets (UFO/TFTD) into the bin/ directory.
  4. Build with cmd-B.
  5. Your artifact will be named in the build target directory (Debug or Release) from the root of the repository.

Additional Help

Should you require any further assistance regarding the OSX build - feel free to ask around on the official forums - or contact us directly on GitHub - @rcreasey