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Console Commands directly make changes to the game and thus can permanently alter aspects of your campaign if not used with discretion.
Long War 2 and (Relevent Vanilla) Console Commands - Still a Work in Process, tables need updating
== LW2 Console Commands ==
'''this list is not complete:'''
|'''LW or Vanilla?'''
LWAddRebel true WorldRegion
LWAdvanceActivity XCOM Activity WorldRegion number
LWdebugpodjobs (this displays the status of enemy pods on the map)
|Shows All AI information for on screen units
|Shows All AI Jobs for on screen units
|Shows All spawn points for current map
LWForceActivityDetection Enemy Activity WorldRegion (see blelow)
|DropUnit [TemplateName] [Team Number]
LWForceAWCRerolls (Rerolls the AWC tree of every soldier you have, AND untrains them)
|[Unit] [TeamNumber is 0 for xcom and 1 for advent]
LWForceMission (see below)
| See Unit Table for Unit Names
LWGiveAWCDefenseAbility [Soldier Name]
| [#] is an Integer (number 0.0 format) Set onscreen Fog of War density
LWGiveAWCOffenseAbility [Soldier Name]
LWGiveAWCPistolAbility [Soldier Name]
LWLevelUpRebel [Soldier Name]
| [#] is an Integer (number 0 format). Adds an Engineer at this level (not sure what this means, I always set it at 1)
LWSetAlertLevel [Number]
| [#] is an Integer (number 0 format). Adds a Scientist at this level (not sure what this means, I always set it at 1)
LWSetEvacCounter [Number]
|[Resource] can be [Supplies], [Eleriumdust], [AlienAlloy], [Intel], [Eleriumcore] [#] is an Integer (number 0 format). Increases Resource to this level (you MUST have 1 unit already)
LWSetForceLevel [Number]
LWSetVigilanceLevel [Number]
|Heals all injured soldiers instantly
LWSpawnActivity Enemy Activity WorldRegion (see below)
|Kills the unit closest to the cursor instantly (be very careful this command can kill XCOM too)
MakeSoldierAClass [Classname] (changes a soldier to a specific class)
|Kills all of the enemies EXCEPT the unit closest to the cursor instantly (this will kill any prisoners/VIPs that you do not control)
|Kills everything on the map except for XCOM instantly (this will kill any mindcontrolled soldiers/prisoners/VIPs that you do not control)
==A few "Vanilla" XCOM2 Commands that are also useful==
| Vanilla
Slowmo #.## (Default would be 1.00, this will speed up or slow down animations)
| Levels up all soldiers in the Barracks
FogDensity 0 (Removes ambient 'fog' essentially increasing contrast)
| [#]
| Vanilla
| [#] is the number of Avatar Timer pips you want to remove
| Vanilla
AddItem AssaultRifle_CG (Adds a coil gun . . . you know, for science)
| Restarts the mission
killallais (Kills all of the AI controlled units on the map, including VIPs and Rebels, so be careful with this one)
| [WorldRegion_X][#]
Skipai (this pauses the AI and the aliens will not take another turn, if you save and reload it resets this)
| Vanilla
| [See WorldRegion_X Table] Choose [3] to add a Radio Relay to the region (not sure about other Integers)
killclosestunittocursor (be careful this can kill XCOM and VIPs too)
Togglefow (removes fog of war allowing you to see all the map assets; won't reveal enemy units)
| [WorldRegion_X][#]
| Vanilla
RestartLevel; This is basically Bronzeman as I understand it (which means it may be completely wrong)
| [See WorldRegion_X Table] Choose [3] to add a Radio Relay to the region (not sure about other Integers)
TTC; "Toggle To Cursor" - teleports selected unit to the location of your mouse cursor
| SkipAi
TATC; "Toggle All To Cursor" - all XCOM units
| Vanilla
| Skips the AI turn (the yfreeze in place but if on OW they wil s hoot, and reinf will take a their initial turn)
RemoveFortressDoom Number - removes this many Avatar timer pips
| slomo
|  [#]
| Vanilla
LevelUpBarracks - all soldiers gain a rank
| [#] is an Integer (positive or negative 0.0)) To speed up or slowdown the game (works in tactical and in the Geoscape)
| TakeNoDamage
| Vanilla
| All units are invincible
'''You need to have at least 1 of these resources in your inventory for the command to work properly:'''
| Vanilla
GiveResource alienalloys number
| Teleports all XCOM controlled units to the current cursor position (make sure that it is on the ground and not over/under a roof or your soldiers can get trapped in the map)
GiveResource EleriumCore number
GiveResource EleriumDust number
| Vanilla
| Teleports the selected unit to the current cursor position (make sure that it is on the ground and not over/under a roof or your soldiers can get trapped in the map)
GiveResource Intel number
| Togglefow
GiveResource Supplies number
| Vanilla
GiveEngineer number
| Turns on/off the Fog of War (does not reveal all enemies. Sorry)
GiveScientist number
| ToggleGodMode
| Vanilla
| Your units are God-like (whatever that means)
| ToggleSquadConcealment
| Vanilla
| Turns on/off Squad Concealment
| ToggleUnlimitedAmmo;
| Vanilla
| Turns on/off unlimited ammo
| X2DebugMap
| Vanilla
| Displays the map in Debug mode (you can't really play with this on, but if you run into a bug it can be helpful)
| X2Debugvisibility
| Vanilla
| Displays the map in Debug mode (you can't really play with this on, but if you run into a bug it can be helpful)
| GiveHackReward
| [HackReward]
| Vanilla
| [See HackReward Table]. Provides this Hack Reward
| GiveContinentBonus
| [ContinentBonus]
| Vanilla
| [See ContinentBonus Table]. Provides this Continent Bonus
| AddItem (for PCS)
'''Some of the XCOM Activity:'''
|  [Quality] [PCS] [#]
| Vanilla
| [Quality] is [Common], [Rare], [Epic]. [PCS] is [PCSSpeed], [PCSFocus], [PCSConditioning], [PCSPerception], [PCSAgility], [#] is the quantity
| AddItem (for Weapon Add-ons)
| [Addon][Quality][#]
| Vanilla
| [Addon] is [AimUpgrade], [ClipsizeUpgrade], [CritUpgrade], [FreeKillUpgrade], [MissDamageUpgrade], [ReloadUpgrade], [FreeFireUpgrade], [Quality] is [bsc], [adv], [sup].  [#] is the quantity
| AddItem (for Weapons, Armor, and Utility Items)
| [ResourceName][Quality][#]
| Vanilla
| [See Item Table]{#] is Quantity
| GiveFacility
| [Name][#]
| Vanilla
| [See Facility Table][#] is the location within the Avenger, where 3,4,5 is the top row left to right, 6,7,8 is the second row, 9,10,11 is the third, and 12,13,14 is the bottom row, So the bottom right hand location is number 14
| SpawnPOI
| [ POI] [WorldRegion_X]
| Vanilla
| [See POI Table][See WorldRegion_X Table]
| LWAddRebel
| [is faceless?][#][WorldRegion_X]
| Long War 2
| [#] 1 = False, 0= True [See WorldRegion_X Table]
| LWAdvanceActivity
| [ActivityTemplate][WorldRegion_X]
| Long War 2
| [See ActivityTemplate Table] [See WorldRegion_X table]
| Lwdebugpodjobs
| Long War 2
| Displays current enemy pod jobs
| LWDumpActivityLog
| Long War 2
| Adds all current activity to the log file
| LWdumpregioninfo
| Long War 2
| Adds current Region Information to the log file
| LWForceActivity
| [Activity][WorldRegion_X]
| Long War 2
| [See Activity Table][See WorldRegion_X Table] Forces an enemy activity in a specific region
| LWForceEvac
| Long War 2
| Forces the Evac immediately to spawn
| LWForceMission
| [Mission][WorldRegion_X]
| Long War 2
'''Some of the Enemy Activity (Yes there are SPOILERS below):
| [See Mission Table][See WorldRegion_X Table] Forces a mission to occur in a specific region
| LWForceRecruitRoll
If you don't want spoilers don't read below
| [#]
| Long War 2
Seriously, stop now . . .
| [#] spawns this number of Recruits (?) Need to verify this
| LWGiveAWCDefenseAbility
| [stringSoldierFirstName][stringSoldierlastName]
| Long War 2
| Gives this soldier a Defensive AWC ability (?) Need to verify this
| LWGiveAWCOfenseAbility
| [stringSoldierFirstName][stringSoldierlastName]
| Long War 2
| Gives this soldier an Offensive AWC ability (?) Need to verify this
| LWGiveAWCPistolAbility
| [stringSoldierFirstName][stringSoldierlastName]
| Long War 2
| Gives this soldier a Pistol AWC ability (?) Need to verify this
| LWLevelUpRebel
| [stringSoldierFirstName][stringSoldierlastName]
| Long War 2
| Levels up this Rebel
| LWSetAlertLevel
| [#][WorldRegion_X]
| Long War 2
| Sets the region's Alert level to [#] in [See WorldRegion_X Table]
| LWSetForceLevel
| [#][WorldRegion_X]
| Long War 2
| Sets the region's Force level to [#] in [See WorldRegion_X Table]
| LWSetVigilanceLevel
| [#][WorldRegion_X]
| Long War 2
| Sets the region's Vigilance level to [#] in [See WorldRegion_X Table]
| LWSetEvacCounter
| [#]
| Long War 2
| Sets the current Evac counter to [#]
| LWSpawnActivity
| [Activity][WorldRegion_X]
| Long War 2
| Spawns the [Activity] mission in the [WorldRegion_X]
| GiveTech
| [TechName]
| Long War 2
| [See Tech Table] Completes a project instantly
| MakeSoldierAClass
| [string SoldierFirstName][string SoldierLastName][class]
| Long War 2
[[Category: Long War 2]]
| Soldier's first and last name spelled EXACTLY as it is in the Barracks, and [Class] which is the class you want the soldier to choose. (See Class table)

Revision as of 14:18, 17 May 2017

Long War 2 and (Relevent Vanilla) Console Commands - Still a Work in Process, tables need updating

Command Argument LW or Vanilla? Notes
AiDebugAi Vanilla Shows All AI information for on screen units
AiDebugJobs Vanilla Shows All AI Jobs for on screen units
degugspawningtoggle Vanilla Shows All spawn points for current map
DropUnit [TemplateName] [Team Number] [Unit] [TeamNumber is 0 for xcom and 1 for advent] Vanilla See Unit Table for Unit Names
fogdensity [#] Vanilla [#] is an Integer (number 0.0 format) Set onscreen Fog of War density
GiveEngineer [#] Vanilla [#] is an Integer (number 0 format). Adds an Engineer at this level (not sure what this means, I always set it at 1)
GiveScientist [#] Vanilla [#] is an Integer (number 0 format). Adds a Scientist at this level (not sure what this means, I always set it at 1)
GiveResource [Resource][#] Vanilla [Resource] can be [Supplies], [Eleriumdust], [AlienAlloy], [Intel], [Eleriumcore] [#] is an Integer (number 0 format). Increases Resource to this level (you MUST have 1 unit already)
HealAllSoldiers Vanilla Heals all injured soldiers instantly
killclosestunittocursor Vanilla Kills the unit closest to the cursor instantly (be very careful this command can kill XCOM too)
KillAllAIExceptClosestUnitToCursor Vanilla Kills all of the enemies EXCEPT the unit closest to the cursor instantly (this will kill any prisoners/VIPs that you do not control)
KillAllAIs Vanilla Kills everything on the map except for XCOM instantly (this will kill any mindcontrolled soldiers/prisoners/VIPs that you do not control)
LevelUpBarracks Vanilla Levels up all soldiers in the Barracks
RemoveFortressDoom [#] Vanilla [#] is the number of Avatar Timer pips you want to remove
RestartLevel Vanilla Restarts the mission
setregionreslevel [WorldRegion_X][#] Vanilla [See WorldRegion_X Table] Choose [3] to add a Radio Relay to the region (not sure about other Integers)
setregionreslevel [WorldRegion_X][#] Vanilla [See WorldRegion_X Table] Choose [3] to add a Radio Relay to the region (not sure about other Integers)
SkipAi Vanilla Skips the AI turn (the yfreeze in place but if on OW they wil s hoot, and reinf will take a their initial turn)
slomo [#] Vanilla [#] is an Integer (positive or negative 0.0)) To speed up or slowdown the game (works in tactical and in the Geoscape)
TakeNoDamage Vanilla All units are invincible
TATC Vanilla Teleports all XCOM controlled units to the current cursor position (make sure that it is on the ground and not over/under a roof or your soldiers can get trapped in the map)
TTC Vanilla Teleports the selected unit to the current cursor position (make sure that it is on the ground and not over/under a roof or your soldiers can get trapped in the map)
Togglefow Vanilla Turns on/off the Fog of War (does not reveal all enemies. Sorry)
ToggleGodMode Vanilla Your units are God-like (whatever that means)
ToggleSquadConcealment Vanilla Turns on/off Squad Concealment
ToggleUnlimitedAmmo; Vanilla Turns on/off unlimited ammo
X2DebugMap Vanilla Displays the map in Debug mode (you can't really play with this on, but if you run into a bug it can be helpful)
X2Debugvisibility Vanilla Displays the map in Debug mode (you can't really play with this on, but if you run into a bug it can be helpful)
GiveHackReward [HackReward] Vanilla [See HackReward Table]. Provides this Hack Reward
GiveContinentBonus [ContinentBonus] Vanilla [See ContinentBonus Table]. Provides this Continent Bonus
AddItem (for PCS) [Quality] [PCS] [#] Vanilla [Quality] is [Common], [Rare], [Epic]. [PCS] is [PCSSpeed], [PCSFocus], [PCSConditioning], [PCSPerception], [PCSAgility], [#] is the quantity
AddItem (for Weapon Add-ons) [Addon][Quality][#] Vanilla [Addon] is [AimUpgrade], [ClipsizeUpgrade], [CritUpgrade], [FreeKillUpgrade], [MissDamageUpgrade], [ReloadUpgrade], [FreeFireUpgrade], [Quality] is [bsc], [adv], [sup]. [#] is the quantity
AddItem (for Weapons, Armor, and Utility Items) [ResourceName][Quality][#] Vanilla [See Item Table]{#] is Quantity
GiveFacility [Name][#] Vanilla [See Facility Table][#] is the location within the Avenger, where 3,4,5 is the top row left to right, 6,7,8 is the second row, 9,10,11 is the third, and 12,13,14 is the bottom row, So the bottom right hand location is number 14
SpawnPOI [ POI] [WorldRegion_X] Vanilla [See POI Table][See WorldRegion_X Table]
LWAddRebel [is faceless?][#][WorldRegion_X] Long War 2 [#] 1 = False, 0= True [See WorldRegion_X Table]
LWAdvanceActivity [ActivityTemplate][WorldRegion_X] Long War 2 [See ActivityTemplate Table] [See WorldRegion_X table]
Lwdebugpodjobs Long War 2 Displays current enemy pod jobs
LWDumpActivityLog Long War 2 Adds all current activity to the log file
LWdumpregioninfo Long War 2 Adds current Region Information to the log file
LWForceActivity [Activity][WorldRegion_X] Long War 2 [See Activity Table][See WorldRegion_X Table] Forces an enemy activity in a specific region
LWForceEvac Long War 2 Forces the Evac immediately to spawn
LWForceMission [Mission][WorldRegion_X] Long War 2 [See Mission Table][See WorldRegion_X Table] Forces a mission to occur in a specific region
LWForceRecruitRoll [#] Long War 2 [#] spawns this number of Recruits (?) Need to verify this
LWGiveAWCDefenseAbility [stringSoldierFirstName][stringSoldierlastName] Long War 2 Gives this soldier a Defensive AWC ability (?) Need to verify this
LWGiveAWCOfenseAbility [stringSoldierFirstName][stringSoldierlastName] Long War 2 Gives this soldier an Offensive AWC ability (?) Need to verify this
LWGiveAWCPistolAbility [stringSoldierFirstName][stringSoldierlastName] Long War 2 Gives this soldier a Pistol AWC ability (?) Need to verify this
LWLevelUpRebel [stringSoldierFirstName][stringSoldierlastName] Long War 2 Levels up this Rebel
LWSetAlertLevel [#][WorldRegion_X] Long War 2 Sets the region's Alert level to [#] in [See WorldRegion_X Table]
LWSetForceLevel [#][WorldRegion_X] Long War 2 Sets the region's Force level to [#] in [See WorldRegion_X Table]
LWSetVigilanceLevel [#][WorldRegion_X] Long War 2 Sets the region's Vigilance level to [#] in [See WorldRegion_X Table]
LWSetEvacCounter [#] Long War 2 Sets the current Evac counter to [#]
LWSpawnActivity [Activity][WorldRegion_X] Long War 2 Spawns the [Activity] mission in the [WorldRegion_X]
GiveTech [TechName] Long War 2 [See Tech Table] Completes a project instantly
MakeSoldierAClass [string SoldierFirstName][string SoldierLastName][class] Long War 2 Soldier's first and last name spelled EXACTLY as it is in the Barracks, and [Class] which is the class you want the soldier to choose. (See Class table)