Corrupted Graphics And Missing Tiles

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This is here as to not clutter the bugs page.

Base Defence - Missing Facilty


The segment shown left, has a whole 1x1 facility missing. The agent positions show the edge of the hole. It cannot be accessed but may be flown through. As a corrupted piece with missing route data, sometimes travel is not possible. Overhead view will show a black space. Moving the screen will produce trails. This is visual only for the base mission since the facility is not lost, changed, or damaged upon return to the cityscape. Any future defence missions may not show this section as corrupted, or it may visually corrupt another facility or nothing at all. If a choke-point is involved, it may prevent engagement of hostiles. Waiting can bore the hostiles and they may escape.

  • Cause: The larger the layout and many facilities built, the more chance it happens.

Minor Visuals

Cityscape - Ghost Destination Trails

pic soon

Battlescape - Map Edge Ghosts


The ghost walls are visible with smoke nearby. They do not exist. A quick refresh of the screen (eg: PgUp and PgDn) will correct the mistake. Only northern and western edges of any battlescape, irrelevant of height, produce this error.

Corrupted Re-inforcement Pad


This is the overhead view of the orange pads within the Food Chamber. It is only only a visual thing and does not effect their operation. The exit-tiles may also be facing the wrong way.

Major Visuals

Alien Building - Maintenance


The segment shown has missing ground tiles and results in visual corruption if the terrain is remove to expose the ground. The corrupted area does not restrict movement or prohibit item drops.