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Energy, or stamina, refers to your soldier's abiity to endure intense power walking over several turns. Energy is only spent when a soldier walks. No other action uses energy. More energy and time units are spent depending on the difficulty of the terrain traversed.


Energy points are used up in the following ways:

  • 2pts - Walking 1 adjacent tile
  • 3pts - Walking 1 diagonal tile
  • 4pts - Walking over raised ground (eg. hills)


A soldier's ability to recover energy is determined by the soldier's initial Time Units at the time of recruitment. Energy can also be recovered by way of stimulants from a Medi-Kit.

Recovery Formula

Energy recovery is determined by the following formula:

Energy Recovery = Base Time Units ÷ 3

This value is then rounded down to the nearest integer.

Base Time Units
The time units your soldier started with.

Energy Recovery Chart
Time Units Energy Recovery
50 16
51 → 53 17
54 → 56 18
57 → 59 19
60 20

See Also: Time Units, Medi-Kit