Engineering (Apocalypse)

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Engineering is the discipline of 'making stuff'.

Engineering Workshop Facility

The workshop is available as a Small facility in the beginning, and when the relevent research is completed, a Large facility will be an option. Placing small or large workshops would be ideally spread across all bases to limit the possibilty of losing all manufacturing capability if built only in one base.


A compact workshop base layout ...which will wipe out all manufacturing capability if it were to be lost.

These is nothing to built at the start!
X-Com will need to build more facilities in the future to enable the manufacture of advanced weapons, crafts and devices, armors, etc. Constructing an item will allow a profit to be made when sold on the market.

  • Optimising production allows larger profits!

Completion And Timing

The timing to finish any project is always completed on the hour.

  • Multiple small items of the same type built over a multiple day production run, will efficiently use workshop space and engineer skill instead of short stop-start projects.
  • Maximum quantity in any project is 50. The slider can be moved at anytime to increase or decreased this amount, up to the limit.
  • A project started within the current hour, will be calculated as if it started from the beginning (of this hour).
eg: a project started at 0:59 and needing one hour to build three items, will complete the project in one minute! ...because always completed on the hour. (see Build Time‡ below)
  • Building something that can be recovered from a mission may not be the best use of the workshop. If nothing is needed to be built, build anything that gives the best profits.
  • An idle workshop is wasting money! Get your money's worth!

Cancel A Project

If needing to start a new project as soon as possible and there is a large project already in progress, it is best to not outright cancel it, but to move the slider to have no more remaining items in the build queue and then allow this product to finish. If cancelled, the progress made with this last item will be lost, including any costs.

  • Massive projects, usually taking many days for just one item and should be planned so that it is not cancelled.
  • If a project will still take many hours to complete with no more items remaining in the quantity queue, the decision to cancel (usually something big and expensive) may be an unacceptable waste of funds.
  • Time is money!


or, Costs Of Upkeep
Engineers receive a salary and maintenance of facilities (living and workshop) which will reduce your profits by a certain amount each and every week. Once a project's profit is calculated without interuption (preferably over a whole week), it is then matched with the size of the facility being used. Profit totals will become more accurate:

  • Small Workshop costs = 250
Living quarters is half filled, so maintenance can be halved as well.
  • Large Workshop costs = 500
  • An idle workshop is inefficient! Make something even if it is barely profitable!

Flooding The Market

Every item is profitable to manufacture, but your sell price (and eventual profit) is determined by market forces. If you are selling so much (ie: flooding) that you drive the price down in the proceeding weeks, you will have to re-evaluate each manufacturing run using this new sell price of the new week, to find the best profits.

  • Items recovered or built-in-bulk may be hoarded until the sell price rises if storage space is of no concern.

Items have differing amounts in the Market Capacity column which is a rough indicator of how many you can sell before you influence the Sell Price towards its lowest value.
eg: selling x25 Dimension Missiles may slightly reduce the new-week sell price, but selling x25 Disruptor Guns will be classed as 'flooding' and will drive the sell price down, faster with a 'flood' every consecutive new week.

  • An idle workshop is not making money! Swap manufacturing projects every week to avoid flooding the market with a single item.

Chart Definitions And Formulae

Note: Advanced Workshop = Large
Small Workshop = 500 total skill, maintenance 250 per week.
Large Workshop = 1000 total skill, maintenance 500 per week.

  • Manufacture Item: no know = no no.
  • Build Cost: Internal cost to build one item.
  • Build Time‡: Internal time to build one item if spanning multiple hours.

  • Build Time H: Produce one unit in amount of hours (unrounded), based on Facility.
Build Time H = {Build Time ÷ Facility}

  • Facility: Small (500) or Large (1000). Using Large to build Small items allows double production quantity and profit.
  • Market Capacity: how much to sell before price starts to gets affected at the end of the week, every week.
  • Sell Price: typical of the market.
  • Raw Profit: sell one of something to get this amount of credit-dollars (disregarding maintenance costs or time taken to build).

  • Profit Per Build Time: portion of a credit-dollar you get for each tick of the build clock (Facility irrelevant, not based on hours).
Profit Per Build Time = {Raw Profits ÷ Build Time}

  • Profit Per Hour: $$$.¢¢ money per hour dependant on Facility
Profit Per Hour = {Raw Profits ÷ Build Time H}

  • Quantity Per Week: un-interrupted production in a full and exact one week, 168hours (disregarding maintenance).
Quantity Per Week = {168 ÷ Build Time H}

  • Profit Per Week: comparison of a total week production run which will depend of maintenance which is not included.
Profit Per Week = {Quantity Per Week × Raw Profit}

Manufacture Item Build Time Facility Build Time H¹ Build Cost Sell Price Raw Profit² Profit Per Build Time³ Market
Profit Per Hour³ Quantity Per Week† Profit Per Week³
Bio-Transport Module 4000 small 8 750 950 250 0.0625 4 31.25 21 5250
Boomeroid 3000 small 6 230 840 610 0.2033↓ 15 101.67 28 17080
Vortex Mine 5000 small 10 250 1130 880 0.176 25 88 16.8 14784
Disruptor Gun 7000 small 14 600 2100 1500 0.2143↓ 10 107.14 12 18000
Devastator Cannon 12000 small 24 1200 4500 3300 0.275 20 137.5 7 23100
Dimension Missile Launcher 5500 small 11 1200 3100 1900 0.3455↓ 25 172.72 15.27 39018
Dimension Missile 4000 small 8 400 1300 900 0.225 30 112.5 21 18900
Personal Disruptor Shield 14000 small 28 2000 5770 3770 0.2693↓ 30 134.64 6 22620
Personal Cloaking Field 18000 small 36 3000 8300 5300 0.2944↓ 30 147.22 4.667 24733
Personal Teleporter 25000 small 50 6000 18200 12200 0.488 40 244 3.36 40992
Toxigun 3000 small 6 1200 2780 1580 0.5267 8 263.33 28 44240
Toxigun Toxin A 800 small 1.6 200 500 300 0.375 16 187.5 105 31500
Toxigun Toxin B 900 small 1.8 300 700 400 0.4444↓ 16 222.22 93.3 37333
Toxigun Toxin C 1000 small 2 400 900 500 0.5 16 250 84 42000
Anti-Alien Gas Heavy Missile 1200 small 2.4 280 700 420 0.35 15 175 70 29400
Anti-Alien Gas Mini Missile 1600 small 3.2 360 900 540 0.3375 30 168.75 52.5 28350
Anti-Alien Gas Grenade 1000 small 2 250 600 350 0.35 15 175 84 29400
Disruptor Armor - Head & Chest 3800 small 7.6 1500 3480 1980 0.5211↓ 20 260.53 22.11 43768
Disruptor Armor - Arms & Legs 3400 small 6.8 1200 2830 1630 0.4794↓ 20 239.71 24.71 42271
Disruptor Bomb Launcher 8000 large 8 3000 7000 4000 0.5 8 500 21 84000
Disruptor Inversion Bomb 4000 large 4 1500 3500 2000 0.5 25 500 42 84000
Stasis Bomb Launcher 6000 large 6 2000 4760 2760 0.46 10 460 28 77280
Stasis Field Bomb 2000 large 2 1200 2650 1450 0.725 20 725 84 121800
Disruptor Multi-Bomb Launcher 10000 large 10 4000 9260 5260 0.526 14 526 16.8 88368
Disruptor Multi-Bomb 5000 large 5 1800 4230 2430 0.486 30 486 33.6 81648
Light Disruptor Beam 12000 large 12 2000 5600 3600 0.3 5 300 14 50400
Medium Disruptor Beam 20000 large 20 4000 10500 6500 0.325 10 325 8.4 56400
Heavy Disruptor Beam 35000 large 35 8000 20500 12500 0.3571↓ 15 357.14 4.8 60000
Small Disruption Shield 20000 large 20 5000 12500 7500 0.375 10 375 8.4 63000
Large Disruption Shield 30000 large 30 8000 19800 11800 0.3933↓ 15 393.33 5.6 66080
Cloaking Field 35000 large 35 6000 16450 10450 0.2986↓ 17 298.57 4.8 50160
Teleporter 45000 large 45 11000 27700 16700 0.3711↓ 20 371.11 3.73 62347
Advanced Control System 15000 small 30 4000 8000 4000 0.2667↓ 6 133.33 5.6 22400
Dimension Probe 25000 large 25 6000 10000 4000 0.16 2 160 6.72 26880
Bio-Trans 35000 large 35 12000 34000 22000 0.6286 2 628.57 4.8 105600
Explorer 55000 large 55 22000 44000 22000 0.4 2 400 3.05 67200
Retaliator 75000 large 75 35000 70000 35000 0.4667↓ 2 466.67 2.24 78400
Annihilator 100000 large 100 50000 100000 50000 0.5 2 500 1.68 84000

¹ Based on listed Facility ie: Small will use 500, Large will use 1000 in the final calculations
² Not regarding time, salary, maintenance.
³ Rounding is only used for display only, all other calculations use the real number.
↓ Shortened to four decimal places.
† Quantity listed as decimal number = optimisation needed if not doing multi-week projects.



Every single skill point closer to the perfect 1000 total skill will decrease the time taken.

  • "Project Complete" screen only appears at the start of a new hour. If your project takes even one more minute into the new hour, you lose 59minutes because ..."start of a new hour"!
  • The best scenario would be to time a project so it finishes exactly on-a-new-hour when exact numbers are used in the calculation, but
  • Timing a project's end time when decimal numbers are included will give a very close approximation, so making it finish with no more than one minute before the hour allows some rounding errors.
  • If a small project can complete in one hour, the end-time will be at the end of this current hour irrelevant of when it was started (see above Build Time‡).

ad infinitum ad nauseam

Profits and all the calculations...

  • Start a project to last many days so that losing 1hour of time at the end becomes insignificant.
eg: losing 1hour of a 96hour total time production run is almost irrelevant, but losing 59minutes every 1hr+1min project run is unacceptable waste.
  • The amount of exotic items recovered on the battlescape will be much more profitable if you can manage to stop blowing things up for even just a second!! ...than trying to squeeze out the perfect production run. Its not an Accounting game.