Equipment (TFTD)

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There are many different types of equipment available in TFTD. Aside from conventional aquatic weaponry, two human-based technologies (the Dye Grenade and the Chemical-flare) are available for purchase right from the start of the game, and with a little bit of research you can unlock the other two (Particle Disturbance Sensor and Medi-Kit). Alien items such as the M.C. Reader must first be collected, researched and then manufactured.


Main article: Armour (TFTD)

Armour is worn by your agents to protect them against enemy fire both direct and indirect. Initially your agents will all be wearing basic diving suits that provide some minimal level of defense, as your technology progresses your aquanauts will be able to survive significant levels of damage without injury.


Main article: Weapons (TFTD)

Weapons are required to take on the alien threat, you initially have access to a fair range of weapons of various types, and research will give you access to both use captured alien weapons and manufacture a few of of your own.

Portable Equipment

General Equipment Reference

See Also

TFTD Badge Terror From The Deep: Equipment (TFTD)
Armor Diving SuitPlastic Aqua ArmorIon ArmorMagnetic Ion Armor
Weapons Dart GunJet HarpoonGas CannonHydro-Jet CannonTorpedo LauncherThermal Tazer

Magna-Blast GrenadeParticle Disturbance GrenadeMagna-Pack Explosive
Gauss PistolGauss RifleHeavy Gauss
Sonic PistolSonic-Blasta RifleSonic CannonSonic PulserThermal Shok LauncherDisruptor Pulse Launcher
Vibro BladeThermic LanceHeavy Thermic Lance

Portable Equipment Dye GrenadeParticle Disturbance SensorMedi-KitChemical-flareM.C. DisruptorM.C. ReaderZrbite
SWS Coelacanth/G. CannonCoelacanth/Aqua JetCoelacanth/GaussDisplacer/SonicDisplacer/PWT
Data Weapon Summaries TFTD Item destruction table • SWS/Terror Unit Innate Weapons