Experimental Warfare (EU2012)

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Project Skunk Works Results
Experimental Warfare

As we continued our research into the alien weapons fragments and the other materials recovered from the field, we've come to realize how the aliens managed to make these substances work in conjunction with one another. While reducing the size of these components is often a challenge in itself, we decided to focus our initial efforts on a weapon more suited to deployment on our Interceptors. This cannon was designed to concentrate energy within a small target area, and should be capable of punching through the armored hulls of the alien craft. In addition, we've also passed a number of interesting conceptual designs on to the engineering team. Dr. Shen seems confident that given the appropriate resources and testing facility, he can bring many of these concepts to life.

Source: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012) Research Archives


EU2012 Badge XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012): Research
Initial:Xeno-BiologyAlien MaterialsWeapon FragmentsMeld Recombination (EW DLC)
Lasers:Beam WeaponsPrecision LasersHeavy Lasers
Plasma:Plasma PistolLight Plasma RiflePlasma RiflePlasma SniperHeavy PlasmaAlloy CannonGuided Fusion LauncherPlasma CannonEMP CannonFusion Lance
Armor:Carapace ArmorSkeleton SuitTitan ArmorArchangel ArmorGhost ArmorPsi Armor
Technology:Arc ThrowerExperimental WarfareEleriumUFO Power SourceAlien Nav ComputerNew Fighter Craft
Interrogations:Interrogate SectoidInterrogate FloaterInterrogate Thin ManInterrogate MutonInterrogate Sectoid CommanderInterrogate Heavy FloaterInterrogate BerserkerInterrogate Muton EliteInterrogate Ethereal
Autopsies:Sectoid AutopsyFloater AutopsyThin Man AutopsyMuton AutopsyChryssalid AutopsyDrone AutopsyCyberdisc AutopsySectoid Commander AutopsyHeavy Floater AutopsyBerserker AutopsyMuton Elite AutopsySectopod AutopsyEthereal AutopsySeeker Autopsy (EW DLC)Mechtoid Autopsy (EW DLC)
Other:Research CreditsResearch Codenames