Gas Cannon

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General Information

Gas Cannon

The heavyweight of the gas technology family, this cannon fires solid bolts, some with HE or phosphor tips. A favourite weapon amongst experienced aquanauts.

Source: Terror From The Deep Ufopaedia

Gas Cannon
(h x w)
3 x 2
Weight 17
D. Threshold 20
Grip Two-Handed
TU Cost Accuracy
Auto -% -%
Snapshot 40% 60%
Aimed 75% 90%
Sale Price $
Purchase Price $6,400
Armour Piercing
(h x w)
1 × 2
Weight 5
D. Threshold 50
Damage 60 Armour Piercing
Capacity 8
Sale Price $
Purchase Price $300
High Explosive
(h x w)
1 × 2
Weight 6
D. Threshold 50
Damage 65 High Explosive
Capacity 8
Sale Price $
Purchase Price $500
(h x w)
1 × 2
Weight 6
D. Threshold 50
Damage 60 Incendiary
Capacity 8
Sale Price $
Purchase Price $400
Key Features
  • Variable Ammo
Pros Cons
  • Moderate power
  • Moderate accuracy
  • Heavy
  • Bulky
  • Slow
  • Low Ammo

The Gas Cannon is a powerful infantry weapon that uses pressurized gas to launch powerful shells through the water or air at great speeds. It can be operated in any environment.

The primary feature of the Gas Cannon is its ability to load three different shell types: Armour Piercing, High Explosive and Phosphor. The ability to load variable ammunition types makes the Gas Cannon adaptable to various tactical situations.

The Armour Piercing shells offers nearly twice as much power as the Jet Harpoon per shell. They are ideal for sniping as well as close range combat for when collateral damage is not desirable.

The High Explosive shells turn the Gas Cannon into a miniature Torpedo Launcher, and allows the Gas Cannon to defeat virtually any alien it comes across, with some exceptions. The nature of this ammo type makes it easier to hit targets with the aid of the area effect damage, and direct hits will deal damage to under armour. Like any explosives, they can insta-kill unconscious enemies.

The Phosphor rounds can be used to provide temporary illumination or to burn terrain and enemies.

Like all heavy weapons, the Gas Cannon and ammunition is heavy and takes up a lot of space. Beyond the obvious physical differences, the Gas Cannon is identical to the Jet Harpoon in terms of single shot performance. Both weapons can be fired at the same accuracy for the same amount of times per turn for each of their firing modes. The Gas Cannon's firing modes are however 5% costlier on Time Units.

This weapon appears in Terror from the Deep. For the UFO: Enemy Unknown equivalent, refer to the Heavy Cannon.

As an alternative for underwater-only combat, the Gas Cannon has an automatic fire counterpart: The Hydro-Jet Cannon


  • The Gas Cannon is the only weapon that can deliberately fire phosphor rounds on land based missions. In addition to that, phosphor rounds work better on land due to better environmental circumstances (i.e. more fuel and tile burn time).
  • It is also the only source of reliable explosive damage on land, other than grenades.

See Also

TFTD Badge Terror From The Deep: Equipment (TFTD)
Armor Diving SuitPlastic Aqua ArmorIon ArmorMagnetic Ion Armor
Weapons Dart GunJet HarpoonGas CannonHydro-Jet CannonTorpedo LauncherThermal Tazer

Magna-Blast GrenadeParticle Disturbance GrenadeMagna-Pack Explosive
Gauss PistolGauss RifleHeavy Gauss
Sonic PistolSonic-Blasta RifleSonic CannonSonic PulserThermal Shok LauncherDisruptor Pulse Launcher
Vibro BladeThermic LanceHeavy Thermic Lance

Portable Equipment Dye GrenadeParticle Disturbance SensorMedi-KitChemical-flareM.C. DisruptorM.C. ReaderZrbite
SWS Coelacanth/G. CannonCoelacanth/Aqua JetCoelacanth/GaussDisplacer/SonicDisplacer/PWT
Data Weapon Summaries TFTD Item destruction table • SWS/Terror Unit Innate Weapons