General Stores

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General Information

Every General Store you add to your base increases your base's storage capacity by 50 units for storage of weapons, tanks and other objects.

Note that the storage capacity for your base is in actual fact unlimited. It is not necessary to have a storage module in order to store items. Your troops will gladly store junk in the halls, on beds, in the showers, the commander's office, etc.

However, in order for you to be able to transfer objects from transport ships or other bases into the base, or purchase new items, you will need more storage module space than what you actually own. If you have more items stored than your minimum storage space, you will no longer be able to transfer items into the base from ships and other bases, or purchase new items.

You can continue to construct new objects and bring home gear captured through tactical combat well beyond the storage limit.

Nuts and Bolts

How does a General Store function? Before we begin, let us take a look at the space each item occupies:

Item                     Space      Multiplier 
Stingray Launcher         0.80          5/4
Avalanche Launcher        1.00          1/1
Cannon                    1.50          2/3
Fusion Ball Launcher      2.00          1/2
Laser Cannon              2.00          1/2
Plasma Beam               1.20          5/6
Stingray Missile          0.40          5/2
Avalanche Missiles        1.50          2/3
Cannon Rounds(x50)        0.00          N.A.
Fusion Ball               0.60          5/3
Tank/Cannon               6.00          1/6
HWP Cannon Shells         0.10         10/1
Tank/Rocket Launcher      6.00          1/6
HWP Rockets               0.60          5/3
Tank/Laser Cannon         6.00          1/6
Hovertank/Plasma          6.00          1/6
Hovertank/Launcher        6.00          1/6 
HWP Fusion Bomb           0.60          5/3
Pistol                    0.10         10/1
Pistol Clip               0.10         10/1
Rifle                     0.20          5/1
Rifle Clip                0.10         10/1
Heavy Cannon              0.30         10/3
HC-AP Ammo                0.10         10/1
HC-HE Ammo                0.10         10/1
HC-I Ammo                 0.10         10/1
Auto-Cannon               0.30         10/3
AC-AP Ammo                0.10         10/1
AC-HE Ammo                0.10         10/1
AC-I Ammo                 0.10         10/1
Rocket Launcher           0.40          5/2
Small Rocket              0.20          5/1
Large Rocket              0.20          5/1
Incendiary Rocket         0.20          5/1
Laser Pistol              0.10         10/1
Laser Rifle               0.20          5/1
Heavy Laser               0.30         10/3
Grenade                   0.10         10/1
Smoke Grenade             0.10         10/1
Proximity Grenade         0.10         10/1
High Explosive            0.20          5/1
Motion Scanner            0.10         10/1
Medi-Kit                  0.10         10/1
Psi-Amp                   0.10         10/1
Stun Rod                  0.10         10/1
Electro-flare             0.10         10/1
Elerium-115               0.10         10/1
Heavy Plasma              0.20          5/1
Heavy Plasma Clip         0.30         10/3
Plasma Rifle              0.20          5/1
Plasma Rifle Clip         0.10         10/1
Plasma Pistol             0.10         10/1
Plasma Pistol Clip        0.10         10/1
Blaster Launcher          0.30         10/3
Blaster Bomb              0.20          5/1
Small Launcher            0.20          5/1
Stun Bomb                 0.10         10/1
Alien Grenade             0.10         10/1
Mind Probe                0.10         10/1
Sectoid Corpse            0.40          5/2
Snakeman Corpse           0.40          5/2
Ethereal Corpse           0.40          5/2
Muton Corpse              0.40          5/2
Floater Corpse            0.40          5/2
Celatid Corpse            0.40          5/2
Silacoid Corpse           0.40          5/2
Chryssalid Corpse         0.40          5/2
Reaper Corpse             1.00          1/1
Sectopod Corpse           1.00          1/1
Cyberdisc Corpse          1.00          1/1
UFO Power Source          0.70         10/7
UFO Navigation            0.20          5/1
UFO Construction          0.10         10/1
Alien Food                0.20          5/1
Alien Reproduction        0.20          5/1
Alien Entertainment       0.20          5/1
Alien Surgery             0.20          5/1
Examination Room          0.20          5/1
Alien Alloys              0.10         10/1
Alien Habitat             0.10         10/1
Personal Armor            0.80          5/4
Power Suit                0.80          5/4
Flying Suit               0.80          5/4


Construction Time: 10 days
Construction Cost: $150,000
Maintenance Cost: $5,000/month

See Also