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LOFTEMPS.DAT is found in GEODATA and contains "3D" information on the map objects.

There are 112 entries (114 for for TFTD), each of which are 32 bytes long. It is 3,584 bytes long (3,648 in the sequel).

TFTD stores the LOFTEMPS tables in the TERRAIN folder, but also keeps a copy of UFO's version in it's original location (unused).

The file creates 16x16 bitmaps (one bit per pixel, where 1 is solid and 0 is empty). These are then double layered using the 12 loft references in the MCD files to create a 16x16x24 3D object.

Additional Information

BladeFireLight has written detailed information of the MCD files and the LOFTEMPS.DAT, which can be found on this link: Map Control Data (MCD)



Here are the 112, 16x16 bitmaps (white is solid):



Here are the 114, 16x16 bitmaps (white is solid):

Loftemps TFTD.png