Luxury Apartments (Apocalypse)

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Bld Pedia LuxuryApartments (Apocalypse).png
The wealthy citizens of Mega-Primus reside in exclusive apartment buildings. Alien infiltration can be particularly dangerous here, because the people which own and control most of the city could be exposed to danger.  From: Apocalypse Ufopaedia



  • Eden Mansions
  • Nirvana Mansions
  • Utopia Mansions
Alien Infiltration Potential: Average

Battlescape Combat

A large compilcated battlescape which becomes easier if walls can be cut away strategically for access instead of trying to find the obscure entry door. Glass is common and allows searching rooms with flying agents from the outside. Open plan common areas, living areas and most thoroughfares between buildings allow long to medium range combat with the occasional ambush possible if upper two-wide corridors allowed movement between map segments. A motion scanner is useful to quickly sweep the area but due to a large civilian population may not provide adequate information. No poor people allowed!

See Also
