Megapod Chamber

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Revision as of 11:35, 2 November 2009 by Hobbes (talk | contribs)
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The Alien city is a complex organic growth in which each building type functions as a highly
specialized "organ". The Megapod Chamber is the reproduction organ of the Alien city which nutures
numerous egg shaped structures. These Megapods are giant seeds which grow to a large size before
being transported to a new location. The seeds then grow and develop into other Alien buildings.
The Megapod Chamber is extremely well defended but once it is destroyed we will be close to

X-COM Attack on The Megapod Chamber

The Megapods are the means by which the Aliens create new structures. The small Egg-like objects
are eventually replanted and grow into massive organic structures. Our discoveries are shocking;
this building is practically overflowing with Pods. Our Scientists fear that the Aliens are
planning a massive expansion and who knows how we could stop them then. All Megapods must be
destroyed thus preventing the Aliens building any new structures. 

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Alien Dimension