Offensive Notes (UFO2000)

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Some general notes about attacking.

Important notes

Rule number 1 about an offensive strategy: STICK TO YOUR PLAN!

Don't let yourself get provoked into the defensive or offensive plans of your opponent. Since you equiped yourself to play a certain strategy you will be in severe trouble if you switch strategies halfway. Only change plans when your opponents plays a strategy which renders your plan impossible or too dangerous.

Changing the plan

There are only a few instances where an opportunity is so big its best to change to a better strategy. example: When you are playing a Foil the plan strategy and are carrieing a few missles and find a crucial enemy opponent or a few units too close to eachother, fire a missle there instead.

But most of the time changing strategies is the result of you losing a crucial unit or weapon or map advantage. Most of these changed strategies are weaker then the original strategy. First think if it still is possible you can still complete your original strategy. An important role here are the support units/weaponry and versatility of your chosen units.

Example: When your scout finds the opponents deeply dug into the side you were trying to flank its best not to push your attack into the trap. Cancel the strategy.

Canceling a strategy

Important about canceling strategies is to switch to a new strategy, don't just wait for the opponent to take the initiative. A common strategy is to quickly dig-in. don; t just dig-in to the place you are when you cancel, hurry to the best closest dig-in spot. Make sure you dig-in the right way and only when your team setup allowes this. Like moving into a structure with explosive weapons is a bad idea.