Perk List (LW2)
As with Long War 1, Long War 2 includes numerous changes to existing perks, as well as introducing new ones. This page provides a quick-reference on all perks currently relevant to gameplay, as well as a repository for wiki contributors.
Class Perks
Some of these abilities can also be learned in the Advanced Warfare Center.
Adaptive Aim
- Adaptive Aim eliminates the 15% Aim penalty for consecutive Standard Shots when Overdrive is active.
Available for: SPARK
- Gain +5 critical chance for each enemy you can see, up to a maximum of 30.
- Units visible at squadsight ranges do confer bonus.
Available for: Assault, Ranger, Sharpshooter
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 2/3
Aid Protocol
- Aid Protocol, if used with your first action, will not end your turn.
- As Aid Protocol takes effect immediately, it can be used to defend against reaction fire from enemies.
- More advanced GREMLIN models will increase the defensive bonus granted by Aid Protocol.
Available for: Specialist
- Grants an explosive grenade to the targeted ally.
- Airdrop initially confers a frag grenade, but as XCOM's technology improves it will instead provide a more advanced device.
- Activating Airdrop uses one action and does not end the soldier's turn.
- Use twice per mission.
Available for: Specialist
Alpha Mike Foxtrot
- You do 4 additional points of base damage and 2 additional points of crit damage with your primary weapon.
Available for: Sharpshooter
Arc Pulser
- The Arc Thrower is effective anywhere in the soldier's sight range, doing no damage but stunning targets for their next turn if it hits.
- Improved versions can extend the duration of the stun effect.
- Requires one action and ends the soldier's turn when fired.
- Can use every other turn.
- Damage to mechanical units starts at 3 and increases as arc thrower technology improves.
- Reduces enemy hack defense by 20.
Available for: Assault
Area Suppression
- Area Suppression cannot be used when the soldier is concealed.
- Any unit that attempts to move will face reaction fire as long as the suppressing unit has ammo remaining.
- Does not work with shotguns or sniper rifles.
- Area Suppression costs 3 ammo points to use, plus one additional ammo for each reaction shot. It has no cooldown.
- Area suppression will be canceled if the suppressing unit is damaged.
- If multiple units suppress a target, the aim penalty will stack. (Note: This information is incorrect as LW2 inherits the properties of suppression not stacking in vanilla, despite vanilla game claiming suppression can stack as well)
- Suppression restricts many of the target's abilities, including the use of rockets and grenades.
Available for: Gunner
- Arsenal allows the SPARK to equip heavy weapons in their loadout.
Available for: SPARK
Biggest Booms
- Grenades, standard rockets, and MEC micromissiles can inflict critical damage (50% chance for +2 damage).
- Does not apply to non-damaging grenades or the Concussion Rocket or Bunker Buster abilities.
Available for: Grenadier, Technical
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1
- Blademaster deals a bonus +1 damage on every successful melee attack.
- Blademaster grants +10 Aim to melee attacks.
Available for: Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 2
- If an enemy begins their turn in an adjacent tile, Bladestorm will trigger if that enemy tries to attack the soldier.
- If an enemy does not begin their turn in an adjacent tile, then Bladestorm will trigger when that enemy moves into melee range.
Available for: Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 2
Bluescreen Bombs
- Your flashbang grenades now disorient robotic units.
- Your flashbang grenades also reduce robotic hack defense.
Available for: Grenadier
Body Shield
- A targeted enemy receives -20 aim and -50 critical chance against the soldier.
Available for: SPARK
- Bombard can be fired at any location within squadsight.
- Upgrading your BIT will lead to more Bombard damage.
Available for: SPARK
- Your grenades have 2 tiles extra range.
- This includes either launched or thrown grenades.
Available for: Grenadier
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 2/3
Boosted Cores
- Your grenades have extra explosives and do one additional damage but require special training to handle.
- This also applies to grenade effects, like fire from incendiary weapons.
Available for: Grenadier
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1
Both Barrels
- Fire both barrels of sawed-off shotgun at nearby enemy, doing double damage.
- Uses 2 ammo.
- Uses one action, does not end turn.
Available for: Ranger
Bring 'Em On
- Gain +1 damage on critical hits for every two enemies you can see, up to a maximum of +8.
- Units visible at squadsight ranges do confer bonus.
Available for: Assault, Ranger
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 2/3
- Bulwark adds one point of Armor.
- Any squadmate standing adjacent to the SPARK will gain the high cover Defense bonus.
Available for: SPARK
Bunker Buster
- Fire a special rocket with a large area of effect that does moderate damage to enemies but huge damage to buildings, vehicles and other objects in the environment.
- Requires both actions and usable only once per mission.
Available for: Technical
- When fired, your Flamethrower leaves a small smoke cloud around your position, providing a +20 defensive bonus to anyone within.
Available for: Technical
Capacitor Discharge
- Capacitor Discharge has one charge per mission.
- Capacitor Discharge will deal more damage as you upgrade your GREMLIN.
Available for: Specialist
Center Mass
- You do one additional point of base damage with your primary weapon, pistols or a sawed-off shotgun.
Available for: Grenadier, Gunner, Ranger, Sharpshooter
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1/2
Chain Lightning
- Fire your Arc Thrower at every visible enemy who is capable of being stunned.
- Requires one action and ends your turn.
- Five-turn cooldown.
- Can not be used from concealment.
Available for: Assault
Chain Shot
- Chain Shot requires 2 ammo points, and has a 3 turn cooldown.
- Chain Shot can be devastating against non-cover enemies, or when augmented with aim bonuses.
Available for: Grenadier, Gunner
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 2
Channeling Field
- Each point of energy channeled by Channeling Field increases the damage of the next primary weapon attack by 1.
- The energy stored by channeling field is expended even if the next shot misses.
Available for: SPARK
Close and Personal
- Confers +30 critical chance against adjacent targets.
- Bonus reduced by 5% for each additional tile of distance from the target, down to 0% at 7 or more tiles.
Available for: Assault, Ranger
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1
Close Combat Specialist
- Will not trigger if soldier is concealed.
- You may shoot at each enemy with this ability once per turn.
- Each shot costs two points of ammo.
Available for: Assault
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
Close Encounters
- Once per turn, gain a bonus action after taking a standard shot with your primary weapon at an enemy within four tiles.
- Close Encounters cannot be used after Run and Gun is activated.
- A red ring will mark the range of this ability.
Available for: Assault
Combat Awareness
- Gain 15 defense and an armor point when in overwatch.
Available for: SPARK
Combat Engineer
- More powerful than Sapper by itself, Combat Engineer stacks with Sapper to maximize environmental damage, although either perk alone will still destroy many cover objects.
- Combat Engineer also prevents environmental damage from falling off from the center of an explosion, meaning you will destroy objects in a larger area.
Available for: Grenadier
Combat Fitness
- Combat Fitness provides 4 aim, 1 mobility, 2 HP, 4 will, and 4 dodge.
Available in the AWC: Offense/Defense Level 3
Combat Protocol
- Combat Protocol has two charges per mission.
- Upgrading your GREMLIN will lead to more damage per charge.
Available for: Specialist
- You are very likely to parry the first melee attack against you in a turn and counterattack with your combat knife.
- Soldier also gains 10 dodge.
Available for: Gunner, Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 2
- Concealment can be entered at any location, but when done inside the detection radii of nearby enemies the soldier will be revealed when flanked.
Available for: Shinobi
Concussion Rocket
- One use per mission.
- Stun and disorientation chances based on target's will score.
- Requires one action and ends the soldier's turn.
Available for: Technical
Cool Under Pressure
- You gain +10 Aim on Overwatch and other reaction shots, and they can critically hit.
Available for: Gunner, Ranger, Specialist, SPARK
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 2/3
Coup de Grace
- Sword attacks against unconscious, stunned, panicked or disoriented enemies have +50 aim, +50 crit and deal two points of additional base damage.
Available for: Shinobi
Covering Fire
- If triggered by an enemy action, Covering Fire will trigger before the enemy action completes.
- If triggered by an enemy in cover, Covering Fire will respect that cover with "to-hit" calculations.
Available for: Ranger, Specialist
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 1
- Enemies have 25% smaller detection range against you, as denoted by red tiles surrounding enemies who are not alerted to your presence.
- This ability also grants a small reduction in this soldier's impact on infiltration times.
- Does not apply to ADVENT security towers.
Available for: Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 1/2
- Your melee attacks against biological enemies ignore their armor, have a +15 critical chance, and do +2 critical damage.
Available for: Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1
Cyclic Fire
- Special Shot: Fire three shots at a target in a single attack. Requires two actions and all shots have a -15 penalty to aim.
- Requires 5 ammo.
- Requires a burst-fire weapon; ability will not be available when a shotgun or sniper rifle is equipped as a primary weapon.
Available for: Gunner
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
Damage Control
- Your armor hardens temporarily after an impact. After taking damage, gain two armor through the end of the next turn.
- Taking multiple hits on successive turns extends the timer.
Available for: SPARK
Damn Good Ground
- Confers +10 aim and +10 defense against targets at a lower elevation.
Available for: Sharpshooter
Available in the AWC: Offense/Defense Level 1
Danger Zone
- Area Suppression suppresses enemies in a 6-tile radius.
Available for: Gunner
- Deadeye reduces the overall hit chance of a shot by 15%, but increases the base damage of the shot by 50%.
- Deadeye has a 2 turn cooldown.
Available for: Sharpshooter
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 2
Death From Above
- Death From Above can combo well with pistol abilities or can simply make a soldier more mobile.
- This ability also removes all squadsight-range aim penalties when using sniper rifles at any elevation.
Available for: Sharpshooter
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
- Demolition requires 5 ammo points and has a 4 turn cooldown.
- Demolition does increased environmental damage, and will destroy most cover objects.
Available for: Gunner
Dense Smoke
- Your smoke grenades confer an additional 10 defense to those within the smoke, for a total of 30.
Available for: Grenadier
Double Tap
- Activate to fire a standard shot and gain a second action restricted to Standard Shot, Precision Shot, Deadeye, Kubikiri or Overwatch.
- One-turn cooldown.
Available for: Sharpshooter
- A miss with your Arc Thrower still disorients non-robotic targets.
Available for: Assault
- This ability will typically turn the first hit on a soldier into a graze, but being hit with undodgeable attacks will remove it without any bonus being applied.
Available for: Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 2
Ever Vigilant
- Ever Vigilant enables an extremely mobile style of play for the soldier.
- Any action other than moving will invalidate Ever Vigilant.
Available for: Ranger, Specialist
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 1/2
- Confers +10 aim and +10 critical chance against targets at half or less of their original hit points.
Available for: Ranger
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1/2
Extra Conditioning
- Run and Gun cooldown is reduced by one turn.
Available for: Assault
- If you fail a hack, you prevent any negative effects from occurring.
Available for: Specialist
Field Medic
- If you have the Medical Protocol ability, your GREMLIN gains additional charges as well.
Available for: Specialist
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 2
Field Surgeon
- Field Surgeon reduces the number of hit points a soldier must heal after being wounded in battle by 1.
- Multiple Field Surgeons on a mission have a chance to reduce would recovery time further.
- The effect includes the soldier with the ability.
- It does not affect soldiers who suffered killing woulds and are stabilized from bleeding out.
Available for: Specialist
Fire in the Hole
- Your rockets are more likely to hit their intended point of impact, or at least close to it.
- The maximum it can miss by is reduced by two tiles.
Available for: Technical
- This will light fires and do fire damage to all enemies in a circle around the soldier's position, doing +3 bonus damage over regular Flamethrower attacks.
- Firestorm also grants immunity to fire damage.
- Requires one action point and will end the soldier's turn when used.
- Usable once per battle.
- It is not recommended the soldier uses Firestorm on rooftops.
Available for: Technical
- You can trigger the Fleche ability by placing the movement cursor over an enemy.
- A soldier can perform a "Dash" move, using both actions to move, and still trigger an attack against an adjacent enemy.
- Fleche deals 1 bonus damage for every 4 tiles between unit's position at the start of its turn and the target's position.
Available for: Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1/2
- Consumes 1 ammo.
- Two-turn cooldown.
- +3 bonus to aim.
- Cannot crit or apply bonus ammo effects.
- Gives -10 defense and -10 dodge for one turn.
Available for: Gunner
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1/2
- Formidable reduces explosive damage taken by 50%.
- It grants two points of Ablative HP
Available for: Assault, Grenadier, Gunner, Ranger, Technical
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 2/3
- Activate to grant the soldier +20 defense until the beginning of the soldier's next turn.
- Does not cost an action. Has a 5-turn cooldown.
Available for: Assault, Ranger, Technical
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 1/2
Full Kit
- Grants +1 charge per grenade item in a utility slot.
- Applies to explosive and support grenades as well as Battle Scanners.
Available for: Grenadier
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
Full Override
- Full Overdrive is a special hack action usable against enemy robotic units.
- It has one charge that is only expended if a successful override occurs.
- Requires one action and ends the soldier's turn.
- The first hack option, Command Enemy, will grant control of the robotic unit for the duration of the mission.
- The second hack option, Master Enemy, also grants a stat bonus for the rest of the mission for all robots, and will permanently transfer any MEC units to the Resistance.
- If the Master Enemy hack succeeds, and the MEC and the specialist both survive the mission, the MEC will follow new programming and make its way to a Resistance base, where it will serve the Resistance. It does not need to be evacuated when the mission ends.
Available for: Specialist
Ghost Grenade
- This ability only affects a single targeted ally; others in the smoke cloud are not concealed but do receive the defense bonus.
- Uses one action and ends your turn.
- One use per mission; abilities that add grenade charges do not provide any bonuses.
- Only works on XCOM soldiers, as civilians do not have training in concealment techniques.
- Small smoke cloud grants 20 defense; dense smoke bonuses do not apply.
- It does not fit in the standard XCOM grenade launcher and must be thrown at a visible ally.
- The Grenadier cannot use this ability when concealed.
Available for: Grenadier
- Activate this ability to reduce enemy detection range against you by 25% for two turns (including the current turn), as denoted by red tiles surrounding enemies who are not alerted to your presence.
- Four-turn cooldown.
- Requires no actions to activate.
- This ability also grants a small reduction in this soldier's impact on infiltration times.
- Does not apply to ADVENT security towers.
Available for: Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 1/2
Grazing Fire
- Missed shots with the soldier's primary weapon generally have a 50% chance to become a graze.
- This effect occurs after normal hit-miss-graze processing.
- Targets with a dodge score subtract that score from the ability's success chance.
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1/2
- There are no limits to how many Overwatch shots can be taken with the Guardian ability, outside of ammunition and viable targets.
Available for: SPARK
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 1/2
- Map items (chests, workstations, etc.) can be hacked from a distance using the GREMLIN.
Available for: Specialist, SPARK
Hail of Bullets
- Hail of Bullets requires 5 ammo points and has a 5 turn cooldown.
Available for: Gunner
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 2/3
Hard Target
- Gain 3 dodge per enemy you can see, up to a maximum of +30.
- Units visible at squadsight ranges do not confer bonus.
Available for: Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 2/3
Haywire Protocol
- Hacking a robotic enemy or turret pits the Specialist's Hacking stat against the enemy's Tech Defense stat.
- Upgrading your GREMLIN will lead to an increased Hacking stat.
- Hacked turrets will remain under your control for the duration of the mission, while other robotic enemies can only be controlled for a short time.
Available for: Specialist
HEAT Warheads
- Your grenades now pierce (ignore) up to 2 points of armor and shred one additional point of armor.
Available for: Grenadier
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1
Heavy Ordinance
- All damaging grenades are viable for Heavy Ordinance.
Available for: Grenadier
Heavy Weapons
- The XCOM gauntlet is an advanced device that carries both a mini-rocket launcher and a flamethrower.
- The Rocket Launcher carries one rocket initially and that has a three-tile radius for its area of effect.
- It may target anything in sight range.
- Damage from rockets falls off from the point of impact.
- The flamethrower is a short-range weapon that causes damage to multiple targets within a cone-shaped area of effect.
- The flamethrower has two uses per battle. It does not damage mechanical units without upgrades.
- Using either gautlet ability requires one action and ends your turn.
Available for: Technical
HiDef Holo
- The critical hit bonus is +10 with the basic Holotargeter, but improves to +15 and +20 with advanced technology Holotargeting devices.
Available for: Sharpshooter
Hit and Run
- Once per turn, gain an additional action after taking a standard shot at a flanked or exposed target with your primary weapon.
- Hit and Run cannot be used after Run and Gun is activated.
- Bonus full actions from Serial and Death from Above will be awarded first.
Available for: Assault, Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
Holo Targeting
- Directed cannon-specific abilities, like Suppression, will grant Holo Targeting.
- Any cannon abilities that target multiple units will not grant Holo Targeting.
Available for: Sharpshooter, SPARK
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
Hunter Protocol
- Hunter Protocol makes the SPARK an ideal unit for scouting into the fog of war, since any revealed enemy can be instantly attacked.
Available for: SPARK
Hunter's Instincts
- Ranged attacks against flanked enemies deal +2 damage.
Available for: Sharpshooter, Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
Impact Fields
- Activate a force field that reduces incoming damage by 33% for two turns.
- Six-turn cooldown (including the turn in which it was activated).
- Uses one action and doesn't automatically end your turn.
- Armor-Piercing weapons do not mitigate this effect.
Available for: SPARK
- The Fleche ability cannot be used after gaining a bonus move from Implacable.
Available for: Ranger
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 3
- Your flamethrower has an increased range of one tile and covers a wider area of effect.
Available for: Technical
Independent Tracking
- A Holotargeted enemy remains so for 1 additional turn(s).
- Additional uses of Holotargeting on the same target will not stack.
Available for: Sharpshooter
- Cancels overwatch on targeted unit.
- Uses one action.
- 3 charges per battle with the conventional GREMLIN.
- Extra charges with advanced GREMLINs.
Available for: Specialist
- Intimidate's chance to panic the attacker increases with higher tier SPARK armors.
- Intimidate can be triggered by melee and area of effect attacks.
- Intimidate will not trigger when targeted by Overwatch fire.
Available for: SPARK
Iron Curtain
- If this cone-based attack hits, Iron Curtain does half normal damage and imposes -8 mobility to the enemy for two turns.
- Three-turn cooldown.
- Uses three ammo.
- Can be used after moving.
- Iron Curtain does not work with shotguns or sniper rifles.
- Allies in the cone can be hit by this ability.
Available for: Gunner
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 2
Javelin Rockets
- The range of your rockets is increased by 6 tiles and you may hit targets beyond your visual range.
Available for: Technical
Kill Zone
- There is no limit to the amount of Kill Zone shots a soldier can take outside of ammo counts.
- Kill Zone utilizes Squadsight, even if the soldier does not have the Long Watch ability.
- Kill Zone has a 3 turn cooldown.
Available for: Gunner, Ranger, Specialist
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 3
Killer Instinct
- Activating Run & Gun grants +50% critical damage for the rest of the turn.
Available for: Assault
Knife Fighter
- Knife attacks use one action and do not end your turn.
Available for: Gunner
- Special shot against enemies with less than full hit points: Any critical hit kills them, but regular hits do half damage.
- Requires two actions.
- 4-turn cooldown.
- Against alien rulers, a critical hit will do double normal crit damage instead of killing the enemy outright.
Available for: Sharpshooter
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 2
Launch Grenade
- All grenades benefit from the grenade launcher's range increase, including non-offensive munitions like Smoke Grenades.
- An additional grenade can be equipped in a unique grenade-only slot.
- The range of launched grenades can be further improved by upgrading to more advanced grenade launchers.
Available for: Grenadier
- You do two additional points of base damage and one point of additional crit damage with your primary weapon.
Available for: Assault
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
Light 'Em Up
- Taking a standard shot with your primary weapon as your first action no longer ends your turn.
Available for: Ranger
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
Lightning Reflexes
- Reaction fire shots against you have a significantly decreased chance to hit.
- The first reaction shot against you during a turn is at -100 to hit; the second at -80; the third at -60; the fourth at -40, and the fifth at -20. Further reaction shots at are normal to hit chances.
Available for: Assault
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 3
- Gain +15 to hit against enemies who attempt to move when suppressed.
- This stacks with other reaction fire bonuses.
Available for: Gunner
Locked On
- Gain +10 aim and +10 crit for repeated shots with your primary weapon at the same target. Not cumulative, and only applies to enemy units.
- Area-of-Effect-based shots do not grant the bonus.
Available for: Ranger
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1/2
Lone Wolf
- Gain +10 aim and +10 defense when 7 or more tiles distance from any ally.
Available for: Sharpshooter, Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Offense/Defense Level 1
Low Profile
- Makes partial cover count as full.
Available for: Sharpshooter, Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 1/2
- Gain 25% bonus damage against enemies who attempt to move when suppressed.
Available for: Gunner
Mechanical Chassis
- This unit is immune to fire and poison damage.
Available for: SPARK
Medical Protocol
- Upgrading you GREMLIN will lead to more HP healed per charge.
- GREMLIN Heal or GREMLIN Stabilize when used as your first action will not end your turn.
Available for: Specialist
- Hi Def Holo, Independent Tracking, and Vital Point Targeting apply to all targets.
- Area of effect radius is 4 tiles for the basic Holotargeter and improves to 5 and 6 tiles with better technology.
- This ability has a 2 turn cooldown.
- Holotargeting does not break concealment for your squad.
Available for: Sharpshooter
- Your Flamethrower can now disorient or panic enemies.
- Enemy units must pass a will check to avoid negative effects.
Available for: Technical
Needle Grenades
- You have received extra training that enables you to employ explosive grenades that deploy specialized slivers that leave enemy loot intact.
Available for: Grenadier
- Nova has no action point cost and no cooldown.
- The first Nova attack each mission will deal 0 damage to the SPARK.
- All Nova attacks after the first will deal a stacking 2 damage to the SPARK.
Available for: SPARK
- A recoil penalty of 15% Aim is applied after each Standard Shot while Overdrive is active.
- Overdrive has no cost to activate, but has a 4 turn cooldown.
Available for: SPARK
- Even if the squad does not start a mission concealed, soldiers with Phantom will still begin the mission with concealment.
- If the soldier with Phantom is the one who breaks squad concealment, then Phantom does not apply.
Available for: Sharpshooter, Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 2/3
- Your flamethrower can now damage mechanical units and shreds one point of armor from all targets.
Available for: Technical
Point Blank
- Rapidly loses accuracy beyond four tiles range.
- Uses one action, does not end turn.
- Shotgun has two ammo.
Available for: Ranger
Precision Shot
- Take a special shot with +30 bonus to critical chance and 33% bonus critical damage. Three-turn cooldown.
- Requires both actions to use.
Available for: Sharpshooter
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1
- All non-damaging grenades except Ghost Grenades are viable for Protector.
Available for: Grenadier
Pump Action
- Gain two extra ammo in your sawed-off shotgun.
Available for: Ranger
Quick Study
- Learn officer and AWC bonus abilities in half the time.
Available for: Psi Operative
Available in the AWC: Offense/Defense Level 1
- Activate so your next use of the flamethrower will not cost an action.
- 5-turn cooldown.
Available for: Technical
- Rainmaker adds +2 damage to all heavy weapons.
- Heavy weapons with circular areas of effect have their radius increased by +2.
- Heavy weapons with conic areas of effect have their diameter increased by +2 and length increased by +2.
Available for: SPARK
Rapid Deployment
- Activate this ability before throwing or launching a support grenade, and the throw will not cost an action.
- Applies to Smoke Grenades, Flashbangs and Battle Scanners.
- Two-turn cooldown.
Available for: Grenadier
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 2/3
Rapid Fire
- Rapid Fire has no cooldown, making it a devastating ability for dealing ranged damage.
Available for: Assault, Ranger, Shinobi, Technical
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
Rapid Reaction
- When in overwatch, each shot you hit with grants another reaction fire shot, up to a maximum of three shots.
Available for: Ranger
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 3
Rapid Targeting
- Using your Holotargeter no longer ends your turn.
- In addition, Rapid Targeting lets you periodically use Holotargeting against a single enemy as a free action.
- This works with HiDef Holo, Independent Tracking, and Vital Point Targeting.
- This does not stack with Multitargeting.
- This ability has a 4 turn cooldown.
- Holotargeting does not break concealment for your squad.
Available for: Sharpshooter
- Reaper has a 3 turn cooldown.
- Reaper cannot be combined with Run and Gun.
- As the damage with each successful Reaper strike is reduced, careful ordering of targets may be required to ensure the longest chain of attacks.
Available for: Shinobi
- Repair will restore 6 health.
- Upgrading your BIT will lead to more HP repaired.
- Using Repair as your first action will not end your turn.
- Repair has 2 charges per mission.
Available for: SPARK
Rescue Protocol
- Rescue Protocol can only be used on allies with no action points left.
- It cannot be used on concealed, suppressing or overwatching units.
- An ally cannot benefit from both Command and Rescue Protocol in the same turn.
- Uses one action.
- Charges increase with improved Gremlin technology.
Available for: Specialist
- Restoration has one charge per mission.
- Restoration will heal more HP as you upgrade your GREMLIN.
Available for: Specialist
Revival Protocol
- Revival Protocol can be used to revive unconscious soldiers, including those who have been stabilized after bleeding out.
- Revival Protocol, if used with your first action, will not end your turn.
- Starts with two charges, but upgrading your GREMLIN may provide more.
Available for: Specialist
- Has a 33% chance to set enemies in the area of effect on fire and does limited damage.
- The narrow jet of flame has less impact on the environment.
- Units hit by the shot will be forced to move, often triggering overwatch fire.
- One use per mission, but can gain an additional use with additional gear.
Available for: Technical
Run and Gun
- Run and Gun allows soldiers to close the distance to their targets rapidly, or to easily take a flanking position.
- Run and Gun has a 3 turn cooldown.
Available for: Assault
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
- Rupture requires 3 ammo points and has a 3 turn cooldown.
- Ruptured targets take 3 additional damage from every attack.
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
- The SPARK gains +20 defense and +2 armor while Sacrifice is active.
- Sacrifice has a 3 turn cooldown.
Available for: SPARK
- Soldiers with the Salvo ability are prime candidates for heavy armor.
Available for: Grenadier, Technical
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1/2
- Sapper allows frag grenades and other explosives to destroy many cover objects.
Available for: Grenadier
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 2
Saturation Fire
- Saturation Fire requires 5 ammo points and has a 6 turn cooldown.
- Saturation Fire will take a standard shot at every enemy in the cone, and will damage or destroy random cover elements in the cone.
Available for: Gunner
- Effect applies to GREMLIN heals, Medikits and Restoration abilities.
Available for: Specialist
Scanning Protocol
- Scanning Protocol gains bonus charges with improved Gremlins.
- In addition to hidden and disguised enemies, enemies blocked from line of sight by walls or obstructions will also be revealed by Scanning Protocol.
Available for: Specialist
- The two reaction shots cannot be against the same target.
Available for: Specialist
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 3
- Serial is meant to chain enemy kills in a single action, as every kill is essentially free.
- Serial does require both actions to use, however.
- Serial has a 6 turn cooldown.
Available for: Sharpshooter
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
- A soldier with Shadowstep will not trigger Overwatch shots or Suppression fire, but they will be unable to draw Overwatch fire away from their teammates.
Available for: Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 2/3
- Shadowstrike bonuses will apply if the soldier re-enters concealment in a mission.
Available for: Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1
- A successful shot with a conventional weapon will shred 1 armor from the target.
- More advanced weapons will shred more armor from targets.
Available for: Gunner, Technical, SPARK
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1/2
- Attack an adjacent target with your sword.
- Uses one action and doesn't automatically end your turn, so two attacks a turn are possible.
Available for: Shinobi
Slug Shot
- Special shot for primary-weapon shotguns only: Fire a shot with no range penalties.
- The shot will pierce two armor points.
- Three-turn cooldown.
- Requires 2 ammo.
Available for: Assault
Snap Shot
- Only works with Sniper Rifles.
- After 5 tiles of squadsight, suffer an additional -10 aim per tile.
- Certain special shots and Long Watch still require both actions to use. Long Watch enables squadsight overwatch fire, but the range penalties still apply.
- The solder will not take an overwatch or Kill Zone shot without at least a 1% chance to hit.
Available for: Sharpshooter
- Squadsight is best augmented by high ground, allowing Sharpshooters relatively clear sight lines and an addition aim bonus to offset Squadsight's aim penalty.
- When using Squadsight, there is no limit on how far your targets can be but an aim penalty accumulates with distance.
- Overwatch shots do not use squadsight by default, but can be upgraded to do so by a later Sharpshooter ability.
Available for: Sharpshooter
Sting Grenades
- Your flashbang grenades have a 50% chance to stun enemies.
Available for: Grenadier
Street Sweeper
- Medium-range, cone-based shotgun attack.
- Uses one action and 2 ammo, and has four-turn cooldown.
- Does 3 bonus damage against unarmored targets within the spread pattern.
- Cannot be used with non-shotgun weapons.
- Allies can be injured by this attack.
Available for: Assault
- You can trigger the Strike ability by placing the movement cursor over an enemy.
- A SPARK can perform a "Dash" move, using both actions to move, and still trigger a strike against an adjacent enemy.
Available for: SPARK
- The Arc Thrower is effective anywhere in the soldier's sight range, doing no damage but stunning targets for their next turn if it hits.
- Improved versions can extend the duration of the stun effect.
- Requires one action and ends the soldier's turn when fired.
- Can Use every other turn.
- Ineffective against mechanized units without additional soldier training.
Available for: Assault
Stun Gunner
- The bonus starts at +20 and increases with better Arc Thrower technology, to a maximum of +30.
Available for: Assault
- Suppression costs 2 ammo points to use, but has no cooldown.
- Suppression will be canceled if the suppressing unit is damaged.
- If multiple units suppress a target, the aim penalty will stack. (Note: This information is incorrect as LW2 inherits the properties of suppression not stacking in vanilla, despite vanilla game claiming suppression can stack as well)
- May not be used if sniper rifle or shotgun-class weapons are equipped.
- Suppression restricts many of the target's abilities, including the use of rockets and grenades.
Available for: Gunner, Ranger, Specialist, Technical
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 1/2
Tactical Sense
- Gain 3 defense for each living enemy you can see, up to a maximum of 15 defense.
- Units visible at squadsight ranges do not confer bonus.
Available for: Ranger, Technical
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 3
Tandem Warheads
- Your grenades and rockets do full damage to units to the maximum extent of their area of effect.
- This doesn't apply to environmental damage.
Available for: Grenadier, Technical
Threat Assessment
- If a Sharpshooter is the target of Threat Assessment, they will take their Covering Fire shot with their pistol, not their sniper rifle.
Available for: Specialist
- This soldier has significantly reduced infiltration times while on missions.
Available for: Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 3
Traverse Fire
- After taking a standard shot with your primary weapon with your first action, you may take an additional non-movement action.
Available for: Gunner
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 3
Trench Gun
- Special shot for primary-weapon shotguns only: Fire a short-range cone-based attack at nearby targets.
- Three-turn cooldown, uses 1 ammo.
- Ability will not be available with other primary weapons.
- The shot will not penetrate heavy cover, so this ability is best used in flanking situations.
- Allies in the area of effect can take damage.
Available for: Assault
- Enemy units hacked by Haywire Protocol take 0 to 8 damage and lose their actions on the turn the hack effect ends.
- Applies to units stunned or taken over by Haywire Protocol.
- Damage calculated based on Hacking Stat vs. target's Hack Defense.
Available for: Specialist
- When Untouchable is triggered the soldier is immune to the next damage dealing attack during the enemy turn, even Area of Effect attacks.
Available for: Assault
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 3
Vital Point Targeting
- Vital Point Targeting damage bonus is +1 for the basic Holotargeter, and increases to +2 with improved Holotargeting technology.
- Damage bonus is applied to melee and direct (non-Area of Effect) projectile attacks.
Available for: Sharpshooter
Volatile Mix
- Your grenades do regular and environmental damage in the expanded area of effect, and apply any additional effects there as well.
Available for: Grenadier
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1/2
Walk Fire
- This is a special shot in which the soldier adjusts their aim in the middle of an automatic weapon burst, conferring +30 aim and -30 crit and doing half damage.
- Consumes 2 ammo.
- Usable once per turn.
- Requires a burst-fire weapon; ability will not be available when a shotgun or sniper rifle is equipped as a primary weapon.
Available for: Ranger
Available in the AWC: Offense Level 1/2
- A soldier can only gain one move per turn with this ability.
- Cannot be employed if Reaper is active.
Available for: Shinobi
Available in the AWC: Defense Level 3
Wrecking Ball
- Wrecking Ball can be used to expose enemies to flanking shots.
- Use movement waypoints to guide the SPARK on an optimal path for destroying cover and the environment.
Available for: SPARK
Psi Operative Abilities
These abilities are only available to the Psi Operative.
- Bastion has a 4 tile radius.
- Moving next to afflicted allies will immediately cleanse their negative physical status effects.
Rank: Magus (7)
- Domination requires a contest of the Psi Operative's Psi Strength stat versus the Will of the target.
- If an attempted Domination fails, there is a 6 turn cooldown before another Domination can be attempted.
- If the Psi Operative dies or leaves the battlefield, the Domination is broken.
Rank: Master (8)
- A Psi Operative with the Fortress ability can walk through fire, poison and acid with no ill effects.
Rank: Disciple (4)
- Fuse has no cooldown.
Rank: Warlock (6)
- Insanity has a 3 turn cooldown.
- Insanity requires a contest between the Psi Operative's Psi Strength stat, and the target's will.
- Insanity can disorient, stun, or mind control the target if it succeeds.
- Mechanical enemies are completely immune to Insanity.
- Requires one action; using this ability doesn't end the caster's turn.
Rank: Acolyte (2)
Mind Merge
- Grants the targeted ally 1 ablative (shield) hit point, plus another one per 30 psi offense score of the Psi Operative using Mind Merge.
- Grants the targeted ally 1 crit per 10 psi offense score of the Psi Operative.
- Grants the targeted ally 1 will per 10 psi offense score of the Psi Operative.
- Effect lasts until the Psi Operative's next turn.
- Three-turn cooldown.
- Only visible allies may be targeted.
- Improved Psi Amps grant additional bonus will, crit and ablative hit points.
- Requires one action; using this ability doesn't end the caster's turn.
Rank: Acolyte (2)
Null Lance
- Null Lance has a 6 turn cooldown.
- Null Lance damage can be increased by improving the Psi Operative's Psi Amp.
Rank: Magus (7)
- If Insanity is successful, the target will take 2-4 damage, and take +2 damage from all future attacks.
Rank: Adept (3)
- Solace cleanses disorientation, mind control, panic and stun effects.
- Costs 1 action, 3-turn cooldown.
Rank: Adept (3)
Soul Merge
- Reduces Mind Merge cooldown by 1 turn.
- Bonus ablative Hit Points improves to 1 per 20 psi offense score.
- Bonus will improves to 1 per 5 psi offense score.
- Bonus crit improves to 1 per 5 psi offense score.
Rank: Mystic (5)
Soul Steal
- Soul Steal can only replenish lost health, it cannot add to the Psi Operative's maximum HP.
Rank: Disciple (4)
- Soulfire has a 3 turn cooldown.
- The damage done by the Soulfire ability can be increased by upgrading the Psi Operative's Psi Amp.
- Robotic and mechanical enemies are completely immune to Soulfire.
Rank: Initiate (1)
- Stasis has a 3 turn cooldown.
- As Stasis completely removes an enemy unit from combat for a turn, it can be used defensively to protect vulnerable soldiers, or it can be used offensively to set up a coordinated attack.
Rank: Mystic (5)
Stasis Shield
- Unconscious allies cannot be targeted by Stasis Shield.
Rank: Warlock (6)
Void Rift
- Void Rift has a 6 turn cooldown.
Rank: Master (8)
AWC Exclusive Perks
These abilities can only be obtained from the Advanced Warfare Center.
- Bonus 10% chance to critically hit enemies.
Level 1/2
- Sprinter provides 1 bonus mobility.
Level 1/2
Steady Hands
- The Steady Hands bonus does not stack over multiple turns.
- Steady Hands doubles down on the need to find a high sniper's nest with good sightlines.
Level 1
- The bonus granted by Aim can apply to either a pistol or primary weapon shot.
Level 1/2
Deep Cover
- Non-offensive actions like Reload can still be performed without invalidating Deep Cover.
Level 1/2
- Grants 1 free flashbang item to your inventory.
Level 1
- Gain 25 dodge against attacks within four tiles.
- Dodge bonus also applies to melee attacks.
Level 1/2
- Enemy attacks against you suffer a -50 penalty to critical hit chances.
Level 1/2
- Grants one free smoke grenade item to your inventory.
Level 1
Will to Survive
- Enemy damage is reduced by 1 when in cover and attacked through that cover.
- Cover against explosives and other indirect attacks is calculated from the point of the explosion.
- Armor piercing effects do not eliminate this bonus.
- This unit also permanently gains 5 will.
Level 1/2
Pistol Perks
Clutch Shot
- Once per mission, fire a pistol shot that cannot miss.
Level 1
- Faceoff is best augmented by an aggressive field position, granting a high chance to hit at multiple targets.
- Faceoff cannot be used while in concealment
- Faceoff has a 3 turn cooldown
Level 3
Fan Fire
- Each shot in Fan Fire rolls a separate chance to hit.
- Fan Fire can deal a devastating amount of damage if every shot hits.
- Fan Fire has a 3 turn cooldown.
Level 3
- Range is eight tiles.
- Three-turn cooldown.
Level 2
Lightning Hands
- Lightning Hands can combo well with two-action abilities, as it does not prevent their use in the same turn.
- Lightning Hands has a 3 turn cooldown.
Level 2
- Quickdraw allows the soldier to spread their fire around to different targets in the same turn.
Level 1
Return Fire
- Return Fire will only trigger once per turn.
- Return Fire can be triggered by melee attacks and Area of Effect attacks.
- Return Fire will not trigger when targeted by Overwatch fire.
Level 1
Officer Perks
These perks are only available to Officers.
Air Controller
- The officer is skilled at directing allied air assets, allowing the Skyranger to arrive 2 turns sooner after evac flare is deployed.
- Note that there is a minimum time that the Skyranger will take to arrive regardless of any bonuses.
Rank: Colonel (6)
- Any kills of a non-human enemy by the squad have a 33% chance to grant 1 intel point as long as the Officer is healthy.
Rank: Major (4)
Combined Arms
- All allies within Command Range of the Officer do +1 damage with all successful attacks.
- Command Range increases with each new Officer level.
Rank: Field Commander (7)
- Requires one action and ends your turn.
- Second and first lieutenants have one charge of the ability; captains and majors have two charges; lieutenant and full colonels have three charges, and field commanders have four charges.
- Cannot be used on units on overwatch or suppressing another target.
Rank: Second Lieutenant (1)
- Pistol shots against allies who have been mind-controlled by enemies have +50 to hit, cannot be dodged, and automatically kill the target if a hit occurs.
Rank: Second Lieutenant (1)
- Soldiers within Command Range of the Officer receive +5 bonus to defense value provided by cover.
- Command Range increases with each new Officer level.
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel (5)
Fire Discipline
- All allies within Command Range of the Officer gain +10% to hit on reaction fire.
- Command Range increases with each new Officer level.
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel (5)
Focus Fire
- Spend an action to pinpoint a target and grant your squad cumulative aim bonuses and 1 armor piercing on attacks against that target for the rest of the turn.
- Each successive direct weapon attack against the target in the same turn grants an additional +5 aim bonus.
- 3-turn cooldown.
Rank: Second Lieutenant (1)
Get Some
- Spend an action to grant all friendly units within Command Range a +20 bonus to Critical Hit chances for the remainder of the turn.
- Usable twice per mission.
- Command Range increases with each new Officer level.
Rank: First Lieutenant (2)
- Activate this ability to grant all allies in command range four points of damage resistance against explosive attacks through the end of the next alien turn.
- Requires no actions.
- Five-turn cooldown.
- Command Range increases with each new officer level.
- Does not apply to panicked soldiers or units suppressing other targets.
Rank: First Lieutenant (2)
- The squad of an officer with this perk will be significantly stealthier than it otherwise would be and will have reduced infiltration times.
Rank: Colonel (6)
- Activate this ability to spend 10 intel and gain two turns on the current mission timer.
- Requires one action.
- The number of charges is dependent on the officer's rank.
- Will do nothing if there is no mission timer.
- Intel cost can be influenced by events; the ability will not fire if XCOM has fewer than 10 intel.
Rank: Second Lieutenant (1)
- Activate this ability to cause incoming enemy reinforcements to be delayed by one turn.
- If no reinforcements are reported as inbound, it will instead delay future reinforcements.
Rank: Captain (3)
Lead By Example
- If the Officer's Aim, Will and/or Hack scores are higher than any soldier within Command Range, the soldier gains bonuses to those scores equal to half the difference between the Officer and the soldier.
- Command Range increases with each new Officer level.
Rank: Major (4)
- This officer provides bonuses to will, dodge and infiltration to soldiers who have previously served under his or her command. These bonuses scale up the more missions they go on together.
Rank: Second Lieutenant (1)
Oscar Mike
- Spend an action to give all allies within Command Range +3 Mobility for the remainder of the turn.
- Usable once per mission.
- Command Range increases with each new Officer level.
Rank: Second Lieutenant (1)
- If the Officer survives the mission and is conscious, mission rewards of supplies, Alien Alloys and Elerium are increased by 30 percent.
- Squad may recover Alien Alloys and Elerium from dead aliens.
Rank: Field Commander (7)
Trial By Fire
- This bonus only applies if the commanding officer has this perk, and it does not grant bonuses to other officers on the mission.
Rank: Captain (3)
You'll Need This
- Anytime you equip a pistol (of any technology level), you carry a spare conventional pistol that you can hand to any adjacent civilian ally who does not already have a pistol.
- The spare pistol does not impose a weight penalty on this soldier, but the ally will incur a one-mobility penalty when receiving the sidearm.
- Note: This ability will not appear in your Tactical ability icons unless you can use it.
Rank: Second Lieutenant (1)
ADVENT Exclusive Perks
These perks are exclusive to ADVENT Units, so the player only has access to them when Mind Controlling or hacking them.
Bind and Crush
Available for: Viper
Available for: Muton
Available for: Muton
Poison Spit
Available for: Viper
Tongue Pull
Available for: Viper