Soldier Name Stats

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Name Sets

There are six sets of X-COM soldier names, each composed of 20 first names and 20 last names. 5 of the 20 first names in each set are female (based on SOLDIER.DAT byte 67), denoted by an asterisk:

  American Set              British Set               French Set
  Austin     Bradley        Adam       Bailey         Armand     Bouissou
* Barbara    Bryant         Alan       Blake          Bernard    Bouton
  Calvin     Carr         * Andrea     Davies         Claude     Buchard
  Carl       Crossett       Arthur     Day          * Danielle   Coicaud
* Catherine  Dodge          Brett      Evans          Emile      Collignon
  Clarence   Gallagher      Damien     Hill           Gaston     Cuvelier
  Donald     Homburger      David      Jones          Gerard     Dagallier
  Dwight     Horton         Frank      Jonlan         Henri      Dreyfus
  Ed         Hudson       * Helen      Martin       * Jacqueline Dujardin
* Evelyn     Johnson        James      Parker         Jacques    Gaudin
  Kevin      Kemp         * Jane       Pearce         Jean       Gautier
  Lester     King           John       Reynolds       Leon       Gressier
  Mark       McNeil       * Maria      Robinson       Louis      Guerin
  Oscar      Miller         Michael    Sharpe         Marc       Laroyenne
* Patricia   Mitchell       Neil       Smith          Marcel     Lecointe
  Samuel     Nash           Patrick    Stewart      * Marielle   Lefevre
* Sigourney  Stephens       Paul       Taylor       * Micheline  Luget
  Spencer    Stoddard       Robert     Watson         Pierre     Marcelle
  Tom        Thompson     * Sarah      White          Rene       Pecheux
  Virgil     Webb           Scott      Wright       * Sylvie     Revenu

  German Set                Japanese Set              Russian Set
* Christel   Berger         Akinori    Akira          Anatoly    Andianov
  Dieter     Brehme         Isao       Fujimoto       Andrei     Belov
  Franz      Esser          Jungo      Ishii        * Astra      Chukarin
  Gerhard    Faerber        Kenji      Iwahara        Boris      Gorokhova
* Gudrun     Geisler      * Mariko     Iwasaki        Dmitriy    Kolotov
  Gunter     Gunkel         Masaharu   Kojima       * Galina     Korkia
  Hans       Hafner         Masanori   Koyama         Gennadi    Likhachev
* Helga      Heinsch      * Michiko    Matsumara      Grigoriy   Maleev
  Jurgen     Keller         Naohiro    Morita         Igor       Mikhailov
* Karin      Krause       * Sata       Noguchi        Ivan       Petrov
  Klaus      Mederow        Shigeo     Okabe          Leonid     Ragulin
  Manfred    Meyer          Shigeru    Okamoto      * Lyudmila   Romanov
  Matthias   Richter        Shuji      Sato           Mikhail    Samusenko
  Otto       Schultz      * Sumie      Shimaoka       Nikolai    Scharov
  Rudi       Seidler        Tatsuo     Shoji        * Olga       Shadrin
  Siegfried  Steinbach      Toshio     Tanida         Sergei     Shalimov
  Stefan     Ulbricht       Yasuaki    Tanikawa     * Tatyana    Torban
* Uta        Unger          Yataka     Yamanaka       Victor     Voronin
  Werner     Vogel        * Yoko       Yamashita      Vladimir   Yakubik
  Wolfgang   Zander         Yuzo       Yamazaki       Yuri       Zhdanovich

Columns show first and last names for each set of 20. There is no association between a particular first name and last name (above) - first names are randomly combined with last names from the same nationality. So you may see an Austin Bradley, but you will never see an Austin Bailey. There are 2,400 possible unique names (20x20x6), a fourth of which are female.

When generating a new soldier's name, the game code checks for name duplication ten times against existing soldier names (including any deceased soldiers still in SOLDIER.DAT). This makes duplicate names infinitesimally rare. If you have the maximum of 250 soldiers, 250/2400 gives a 10.42% chance each try, but raised to the 10th power this becomes 1.5x10-10 (i.e., 1 in 7 billion names). If, like most folks, you have less than 250 soldiers, duplicates will be even rarer. With the 8 starting soldiers, it only happens 1 in 6x1024 times. So duplicates are practically impossible. But if you change a soldier's name, even just to add an asterisk, it will no longer match game-generated ones, and might appear again.

See Also