Soldiers (EU2012)

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The Barracks, where soldiers rest, relax and recover.
A Sniper Colonel hero unit

Soldiers are your most important and valuable unit in Enemy Unknown 2012 and their death on the battlefield is permanent. Soldiers have distinct classes and their status can be checked at XCOM HQ's Barracks facility, where you can also hire new soldiers. They can be equipped with the latest available armor, weapons and other equipment. XCOM soldiers may also be assigned to the Officer Training School in order to progress in rank and gain specific squad abilities. It is also possible to customize your soldiers' name, nickname and physical appearance.

You may increase your combat troops through the following:

  • By hiring them through the Barracks facility (and sacking them as well).
  • By receiving soldiers of specific class/rank (will be one rank below the highest-ranked soldier you already have for that class) as a Council reward for the completion of specific combat missions. You get to select how they skill up.
    • Special cases are Zhang in Slingshot and Annette and 'The Furies' in Progeny.
  • Finally there are also 'XCOM heroes' - those are beefed up soldiers you can unlock as an Easter Egg but unlocking will disable the achievement score.



  • Status
    • Active
    • On Mission
    • Wounded
    • Gravely Wounded
    • KIA
    • Psionic Testing
  • Number of Missions
  • Number of Kills


  • First and Last Name
  • Nickname (earned at Sergeant rank)
  • Race, Voice, Head, Skin Color, Hair, Hair Color and Facial Hair
  • Armor Appearance and Color (Pre-Order perk)



Point on flag for country name.


Egypt Nigeria South Africa


Australia China India Israel Japan Saudi Arabia (EU only) South Korea


Belgium France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Norway Poland (EW DLC only) Russia Scotland Spain Sweden United Kingdom Ukraine

North America

Canada Mexico USA

South America

Argentina Brazil

Poland has replaced Saudi Arabia on the Enemy Within DLC.


All soldiers start as rookies with their class being only revealed after he/she is promoted to Squaddie and have their stats upgraded according to their class. Each class has unique abilities, and will receive specific stat bonuses upon promotion but will also have specific stat limitations and/or restrictions on weapons/equipment they can carry. Generally, each promotion will require you to choose from one of two perks available to the class at that rank.

Class Comparison
Class Description Move and Fire Firepower Aim Critical Hit Chance Primary Ability Primary Weapon
Basic unit Yes Normal Normal Normal None Assault Rifle
Close combat unit Yes Normal Normal High Run & Gun Shotgun
Assault Rifle
High-caliber and explosive firepower Yes High Normal Normal Rocket Launcher LMG
Long-range accurate fire No Normal High High Headshot Sniper Rifle
Jack of all trades Yes Normal Normal Normal Smoke Grenade Assault Rifle
Psionic *
Mental powers * * * * Mindfray *
MEC Trooper **
Armored unit Yes High ** ** Collateral Damage Minigun

* Psionic class is a sub-class build from existing soldiers so it's stats will be based on the starting class.
** MEC Trooper is a new class introduced in the Enemy Within DLC. MECs can be made from any existing class and they have a passive ability based on its former class.

Further information about each class may be found on the Classes page.


Each soldier also has a rank, starting as a rookie. As he/she progresses through the ranks, the soldier gains additional combat abilities and stat bonuses. Attaining certain officer ranks unlocks improvements that can be purchased through the Officer Training School (first available at Sergeant). Each class receives specific stat bonuses upon each rank-up: Abilities, HP, Aim, and Will. Newly-hired Rookies' stats start at the following base values:

Rookie stats
Easy Normal Classic Impossible
Health * 6 5 4 3
Will 40 40 40 40
65 65 65 65
Defense 0 0 0 0

* This is the base health stat for all new recruits, however, the standard XCOM armor grants 1 plus HP, as such, the base HP levels for all soldiers without armor will be these values +1. With the Second Wave option Not Created Equal, all soldiers will have Will scores between 25 to 59, Aim of 55 to 80 and 11 to 14 Movement scores.

Once a rookie is promoted, they then get the following stat bonuses:

Class, Rank and Stats Bonuses
Class RANK SQUADDIE.png Squaddie RANK CORPORAL.png Corporal RANK SERGEANT.png Sergeant RANK LIEUTENANT.png Lieutenant RANK CAPTAIN.png Captain RANK MAJOR.png Major RANK COLONEL.png Colonel Total
Health Points + 1
Aim + 5
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 4
Will + 2
Health Points + 4
Aim + 24
Will + 14
Health Points + 1
Aim + 2
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 1
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 1
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 1
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 1
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 2
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 2
Will + 2
Health Points + 4
Aim + 10
Will + 14
Health Points + 0
Aim + 10
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 4
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 7
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 10
Will + 2
Health Points + 3
Aim + 40
Will + 14
Health Points + 1
Aim + 5
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 5
Will + 2
Health Points + 4
Aim + 25
Will + 14
MEC Trooper
Health Points + 1
Aim + 0
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 1
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 1
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 1
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 2
Will + 2
Health Points + 0
Aim + 2
Will + 2
Health Points + 1
Aim + 3
Will + 2
Health Points + 4
Aim + 10
Will + 14

In addition to the fixed stat bonuses above, there is a random 0-4 bonus (average 2.0) for willpower at each level. If the Iron Will upgrade was purchased at the OTS, another 2-6 willpower (average 4.0) is added. Thus with Iron Will, there is a 2-10 bonus (average 6.0) for willpower at each level. The maximum possible willpower with Iron Will is 124 (40+14+7*(4+6)), but it is nearly impossible to achieve because it would require 14 maximal die rolls (assuming a simple random roll is used).

With the Second Wave option Hidden Potential (and the Iron Will purchase), all classes can potentially get Will gains up to 13 points, and different/random HP, movement and Aim gains (except for heavies, which will always get little to no Aim gains).


XP Requirements

In order to progress in ranks a XCOM soldier has gain experience points (XP) up to a certain level. Experience points can be gained by killing aliens (with the higher species worth more points) and by completing missions. It is also possible to purchase the Wet Work ability from the Officer Training School, which gives an additional +25% points gained from kills.

XP Required per Rank
Rank Points Required Points Required (EW DLC)
RANK ROOKIE.png Rookie 0 0
RANK SQUADDIE.png Squaddie 90 90
RANK CORPORAL.png Corporal 300 480
RANK SERGEANT.png Sergeant 510 700
RANK LIEUTENANT.png Lieutenant 745 925
RANK CAPTAIN.png Captain 1100 1380
RANK MAJOR.png Major 1560 1840
RANK COLONEL.png Colonel 2150 2550
CLASS PSIONIC.png Psionic* 0 0
CLASS PSIONIC.png Specialist 50 50
CLASS PSIONIC.png Operative 120 120

* After their Gift being revealed on the Psi Lab, Psionic soldiers are required to perform specific Psionic actions to be promoted.

Earning XPs

XP Gained per Action
Action Points Earned
Alien Kill 30/601
Regular Missions 60/901
Storyline Missions 120/1801
Zero KIAs 20
Resist Psi Attack 102
Successful Mindfray 202
Successful Mind Inspiration 302
Assist Mind Inspiration 302
Successful Psi Panic 302

1 Additional XP is earned if the soldier has a rank of Sergeant or less and kills any of the following alien species during the mission:

2 Psionic actions.

Source: XComGame.upk, XGTacticalGameCore class

Enemy Within Supplemental

  • MEC soldiers gain only 50% of the normal experience points received through kills.
  • The Star of Terra medal gives also a +25% bonus increase on experience gain from completing a mission, if the soldier's rank is below Lieutenant.
  • Vehicles blowing up and killing aliens are credited to the soldier who set the vehicle on fire. As this is entertaining, more research is needed to determine if it is only the first soldier that hits a vehicle who gets credit for the fire-kill, or if it's the last soldier to hit the vehicle, or even multiple credit can be gained.
  • Covert Operations missions seem to give extra XPs to the Covert Operative, although the mechanic is still unknown.
  • According to reports, the higher alien ranks don't give the double XPs as they did before, although it is unknown what are the new conditions.


Perks are special abilities given to specific classes or the entire squad. They can be acquired through the following:

  • Soldier can choose between two specific class abilities upon promotion (exclusively).
  • Purchased through the Officer Training School (require presence of high rank officer(s)) .
  • Equipment, research, and upgrades may also provide additional abilities for your squad.

See Also

EU2012 Badge XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012): XCOM Units
Soldiers:CLASS ASSAULT.png AssaultCLASS HEAVY.png HeavyCLASS SNIPER.png SniperCLASS SUPPORT.png SupportCLASS PSIONIC.png PsionicCLASS MECH.png MEC Trooper (EW DLC)
S.H.I.Vs:S.H.I.V.Alloy S.H.I.V.Hover S.H.I.V.
Attributes:ClassesClass BuildsAbilitiesStatsNicknamesGene Mods (EW DLC)Medals (EW DLC)
Loadout:WeaponsArmorEquipmentMEC Suit (EW DLC)
Barracks:Officer Training SchoolPsi LabMemorialGenetics Lab (EW DLC)Cybernetics Lab (EW DLC)
Other: VolunteerHeroesZhang (Slingshot DLC)Annette (EW DLC)Covert Operative (EW DLC)Training Roulette (EW DLC)