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Revision as of 21:36, 31 May 2007 by Arrow Quivershaft (talk | contribs) (Questions.)
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In my experience, Zrbite obeys the same laws regarding being in place at the beginning of the mission as in UFO:EU. However, it appears to be stored at a different part of the ship on at least some craft and thus will sometimes be present even if the alien craft has been shot down. I have found it underneath the globes at the front of one of the 'small' alien subs(the Cruiser or the Escort, I believe) even when the Ion Beam Accelerators had been toasted by the craft being shot down. Can anyone else confirm this? Similarly, can Zrbite appear during Alien Colony Assaults, or during Base Defense missions? Arrow Quivershaft 14:36, 31 May 2007 (PDT)