Tech Levels (Apocalypse)

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Also known as Score Levels


  • Total Score influences X-Com's funding from the Government, checked after each week.
  • Tactical Missions score (Victory Points) influences what the aliens carry on the battlescape, checked after each mission.
  • UFO Craft Shot Down score influences what devices the UFOs will use, checked at the start of a new day.

however, X-Com's score does not determine:

  • Aliens: UFO type, mission style, schedule, or craft quantity that appear in Mega-Primus.
  • Alien life-forms or quantity present on the battlescape (check Infiltration Force for each craft).
  • Alien technology given to organisations or quantity of defence forces.

Progress: Aliens

Victory Points - Units
X-Com agents in battle will each acquire points for (recovery of equipment) and killing:

Entity Victory Points
Buiding Defence 10
Brainsucker 4
Anthropod 10
Spitter 8
Multiworm 8
Hyperworm 5
Popper 8
Multiworm Egg 4
Chrysalis 3
Skeletoid 14
Micronoid Aggregate 15
Psimorph 30
Megaspawn 30
Queenspawn 50

If an agent dies or civilians are killed, the score total is reduced -10 for each.

Only Tactical Mission Score is relevant for increasing alien unit technology progression.

Tactical Equipment (Anthropods and Skeletoids)
Tech Level Novice Easy Medium Hard Superhuman Weapon (clip quantity) Grenade (quantity) Other Devices
1 0 0 0 0 0 100% Brainsucker Launcher
100% None 100% None
2 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 70% Disruptor Gun (--)
30% Brainsucker Launcher (2↔4)
30% Smoke Grenade (1↔2)
70% None
100% None
3 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 80% Disruptor Gun (--)
20% Brainsucker Launcher (2↔3)
30% Boomeroid (1↔2)
30% Smoke Grenade (1↔2)
40% None
100% None
4 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 50% Devastator Cannon (--)
40% Disruptor Gun (--)
10% Brainsucker Launcher (4)
50% Boomeroid (1↔2)
30% Smoke Grenade (1↔2)
20% None
100% None
5 7,000 6,900 6,800 6,700 6,600 60% Devastator Cannon (--)
30% Disruptor Gun (--)
10% Brainsucker Launcher (4)
30% Vortex Mine (1↔2)
50% Boomeroid (1↔3)
20% Smoke Grenade (1↔2)
70% Personal Disruptor ShieldPDS
30% None
6 12,000 11,500 11,000 10,500 10,000 20% Entropy Launcher (3↔5)
70% Devastator Cannon (--)
10% Brainsucker Launcher (4)
40% Vortex Mine (1↔3)
40% Boomeroid (1↔3)
20% Smoke Grenade (2↔3)
30% Personal Cloaking FieldPCS
40% Personal Disruptor Shield
30% PCF & PDS
7 22,000 21,000 20,000 19,000 18,000 20% Dimension Missile Launcher (3↔4)
20% Entropy Launcher (3↔5)
50% Devastator Cannon (--)
10% Brainsucker Launcher (4)
40% Vortex Mine (1↔4)
50% Boomeroid (1↔4)
10% Smoke Grenade (3)
30% Personal Cloaking Field
30% Personal Disruptor Shield
40% PCF & PDS
8 42,000 39,000 36,000 33,000 28,000 20% Dimension Missile Launcher (4↔5)
30% Entropy Launcher (3↔5)
40% Devastator Cannon (--)
10% Brainsucker Launcher (4)
50% Vortex Mine (1↔4)
50% Boomeroid (2↔4)
30% PCF & Personal TeleporterPT
40% PDS & PT
30% PCF & PDS

Victory Points - UFOs
X-Com craft in battle will acquire a total of points for killing:

UFO Victory Points
Probe 50
Scout Ship 100
Trnsporter 150
Fast Attack Ship 200
Destroyer 250
Assault Ship 300
Bomber 300
Escort 250
Battleship 500
Mothership 700
Overspawn 400

Only UFOs Shot Down Score is relevant for increasing alien ship technology progression.

Vehicle Equipment
Item Novice Easy Medium Hard Superhuman
Small Disruption Shield 2,000 1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000
Large Disruption Shield 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000
Cloaking Field 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000
Teleporter 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000

Progress: Humans

All Organizations will upgrade their "Tech Level" by +1 at the beginning of each week, however, any 100% infiltrated organisation is granted an immediate +3 over their current level. The maximum level is +12.

Organizations' Starting Tech Levels

Tactical Equipment (Humans)
Tech Level Weapon (clip quantity) Grenade (quantity) Other Devices
1 40% Lawpistol (2↔4)
30% M4000 Machine Gun (2↔4)
20% Laser Sniper Gun (2)
10% Auto Cannon (3xAP)
20% AP Grenade (1↔2)
10% Smoke Grenade (1)
70% None
100% None
2 20% Lawpistol (3)
30% M4000 Machine Gun (3↔4)
20% Laser Sniper Gun (2↔3)
10% Auto Cannon (3xAP)
10% Plasma Gun (2)
10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE)
20% AP Grenade (2↔3)
10% Smoke Grenade (1)
10% Stun Grenade (1)Δ
60% None
100% None
3 10% Lawpistol (3)
30% M4000 Machine Gun (3)
20% Laser Sniper Gun (2)
20% Auto Cannon (3xAP↔2xHE)
10% Plasma Gun (2)
10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE)
10% Proximity Mine (1)
30% AP Grenade (1↔3)
10% Smoke Grenade (1)
50% None
100% None
4 20% M4000 Machine Gun (3)
20% Laser Sniper Gun (2)
20% Auto Cannon (3xAP↔2xHE)
20% Plasma Gun (2)
10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE)
10% MiniLauncher (3xHE)
10% Proximity Mine (1)
30% AP Grenade (2↔,3)
10% Smoke Grenade (1)
50% None
100% None
5 10% M4000 Machine Gun (4)
20% Laser Sniper Gun (2)
20% Auto Cannon (3xAP↔3xHE)
30% Plasma Gun (0∇↔2)
10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE)
10% MiniLauncher (3xHE)
10% Proximity Mine (1)
40% AP Grenade (1↔3)
10% Smoke Grenade (1)
40% None
100% None
6 20% Laser Sniper Gun (2)
20% Auto Cannon (3xAP↔3xHE)
20% Plasma Gun (2↔3)
10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE)
10% MiniLauncher (3xHE)
20% Disruptor Gun (--)
20% Proximity Mine (1↔2)
40% AP Grenade (1↔3)
10% Smoke Grenade (1)
30% None
100% None
7 10% Laser Sniper Gun (2)
20% Auto Cannon (3AP,3HE)
20% Plasma Gun (2,3)
10% Heavy Launcher (3HE)
10% MiniLauncher (3HE)
30% Disruptor Gun (--)
10% Boomeroid (1)
10% Proximity Mine (1)
40% AP Grenade (2↔3)
10% Smoke Grenade (1)
30% None
100% None
8 10% Laser Sniper Gun (2)
10% Auto Cannon (3xAP)
20% Plasma Gun (2↔3)
10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE)
10% MiniLauncher (3xHE)
30% Disruptor Gun (--)
10% Devastator Cannon (--)
20% Boomeroid (1)
10% Proximity Mine (2)
30% AP Grenade (2↔,3)
10% Smoke Grenade (1)
30% None
100% None
9 10% Laser Sniper Gun (2)
10% Auto Cannon (3xAP)
20% Plasma Gun (2↔3)
10% Heavy Launcher (4xHE)
40% Disruptor Gun (--)
10% Devastator Cannon (--)
10% Vortex Mine (1)
20% Boomeroid (1)
10% Proximity Mine (2)
30% AP Grenade (2↔3)
10% Smoke Grenade (1)
20% None
20% Personal Disruptor Shield PDS
80% None
10 10% Auto Cannon (3xAP)
20% Plasma Gun (2↔3)
10% Heavy Launcher (4xHE)
40% Disruptor Gun (--)
20% Devastator Cannon (--)
20% Vortex Mine (1)
20% Boomeroid (1)
20% Proximity Mine (1↔2)
10% AP Grenade (3)
10% Smoke Grenade (1)
20% None
10% Personal Cloaking Field PCS
20% Personal Disruptor Shield
70% None
11 20% Plasma Gun (2↔3)
10% Heavy Launcher (3HE)
40% Disruptor Gun (--)
30% Devastator Cannon (--)
30% Vortex Mine (1)
20% Boomeroid (1)
10% Proximity Mine (2)
20% AP Grenade (2↔3)
10% Smoke Grenade (1)
10% None
10% PDS & PCF
10% Personal Cloaking Field
30% Personal Disruptor Shield
50% None
12 10% Plasma Gun (3)
10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE)
40% Disruptor Gun (--)
40% Devastator Cannon (--)
40% Vortex Mine (1)
20% Boomeroid (1)
10% Proximity Mine (2)
10% AP Grenade (3)
10% Smoke Grenade (1)
10% None
20% PDS & PCF
20% Personal Cloaking Field
40% Personal Disruptor Shield
20% None

Δ Stun Grenades are used exclusively by enemies at Tech Level 2. This is probably a design oversight.

∇ This is likely a mistake. Note that the enemy may still pick up another weapon during the mission.


It is possible to reduce/reverse the (Total) Tactical Missions score by destroying/leaving behind equipment brought to a battlescape mission to force the current technology level of the aliens (Score based) to be also reduced. Purposely limit the tactical score by:

  • Escape a UFO crash recovery battlescape if any new agent technology has been recovered. Any further crashed UFOs can be ignored if not needing to recover the hull or specific UFO components.
  • Escape from a raid with only what is absolutely needed. Ammunition from any standard weapon does not contribute to score.
  • Start a raid with hostiles and only use agents that you were going to sack (reactions too low) and get them all killed (-10 points per X-Com death!). Obsolete/excess/unwanted devices and weapons (do not bring ammo) on your soon-to-be-dead agents will decrease the score further by equipment losses.
  • If neutrals are about and not wanting to damage the building or cause hostility but your agents are to killed off, detonate a High Explosive next to your agents in an open area away from any destructable features or force them to jump off a very tall structure instead! the easiest method since all can jump in unison and die together so no one will panic by J+LMB each agent when game is paused.
  • As a desperate tactic: Escape from a cleanup of alien infestation by killing as many aliens (including eggs, chrysalids, unhatched brainsucker pods) as possible but prevent successful completion of the mission by leaving one final-form alien alive. Infiltration may progress but will be slowed significantly.
  • Kill civilians!!

If score limiting is used, technology used by Defence Forces (level +1 each week) will surpass the alien's technology level (score based). X-Com may then rely on 'others' to provide an endless stream of exotic equipment.