Tech Levels (Apocalypse)
Also known as Score Levels
- Total Score influences X-Com's funding from the Government, checked after each week.
- Tactical Missions score (Victory Points) influences what the aliens carry on the battlescape, checked after each mission.
- UFO Craft Shot Down score influences what devices the UFOs will use, checked at the start of a new day.
however, X-Com's score does not determine:
- Aliens: UFO type, mission style, schedule, or craft quantity that appear in Mega-Primus.
- Alien life-forms or quantity present on the battlescape (check Infiltration Force for each craft).
- Alien technology given to organisations or quantity of defence forces.
Progress: Aliens
Victory Points - Units
X-Com agents in battle will each acquire points for (recovery of equipment) and killing:
Entity | Victory Points |
Buiding Defence | 10 |
Brainsucker | 4 |
Anthropod | 10 |
Spitter | 8 |
Multiworm | 8 |
Hyperworm | 5 |
Popper | 8 |
Multiworm Egg | 4 |
Chrysalis | 3 |
Skeletoid | 14 |
Micronoid Aggregate | 15 |
Psimorph | 30 |
Megaspawn | 30 |
Queenspawn | 50 |
If an agent dies or civilians are killed, the score total is reduced -10 for each.
Only Tactical Mission Score is relevant for increasing alien unit technology progression.
Tech Level | Novice | Easy | Medium | Hard | Superhuman | Weapon (clip quantity) | Grenade (quantity) | Other Devices |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% Brainsucker Launcher (1↔3) |
100% None | 100% None |
2 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 70% Disruptor Gun (--) 30% Brainsucker Launcher (2↔4) |
30% Smoke Grenade (1↔2) 70% None |
100% None |
3 | 2,200 | 2,200 | 2,200 | 2,200 | 2,200 | 80% Disruptor Gun (--) 20% Brainsucker Launcher (2↔3) |
30% Boomeroid (1↔2) 30% Smoke Grenade (1↔2) 40% None |
100% None |
4 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 50% Devastator Cannon (--) 40% Disruptor Gun (--) 10% Brainsucker Launcher (4) |
50% Boomeroid (1↔2) 30% Smoke Grenade (1↔2) 20% None |
100% None |
5 | 7,000 | 6,900 | 6,800 | 6,700 | 6,600 | 60% Devastator Cannon (--) 30% Disruptor Gun (--) 10% Brainsucker Launcher (4) |
30% Vortex Mine (1↔2) 50% Boomeroid (1↔3) 20% Smoke Grenade (1↔2) |
70% Personal Disruptor ShieldPDS 30% None |
6 | 12,000 | 11,500 | 11,000 | 10,500 | 10,000 | 20% Entropy Launcher (3↔5) 70% Devastator Cannon (--) 10% Brainsucker Launcher (4) |
40% Vortex Mine (1↔3) 40% Boomeroid (1↔3) 20% Smoke Grenade (2↔3) |
30% Personal Cloaking FieldPCS 40% Personal Disruptor Shield 30% PCF & PDS |
7 | 22,000 | 21,000 | 20,000 | 19,000 | 18,000 | 20% Dimension Missile Launcher (3↔4) 20% Entropy Launcher (3↔5) 50% Devastator Cannon (--) 10% Brainsucker Launcher (4) |
40% Vortex Mine (1↔4) 50% Boomeroid (1↔4) 10% Smoke Grenade (3) |
30% Personal Cloaking Field 30% Personal Disruptor Shield 40% PCF & PDS |
8 | 42,000 | 39,000 | 36,000 | 33,000 | 28,000 | 20% Dimension Missile Launcher (4↔5) 30% Entropy Launcher (3↔5) 40% Devastator Cannon (--) 10% Brainsucker Launcher (4) |
50% Vortex Mine (1↔4) 50% Boomeroid (2↔4) |
30% PCF & Personal TeleporterPT 40% PDS & PT 30% PCF & PDS |
Victory Points - UFOs
X-Com craft in battle will acquire a total of points for killing:
UFO | Victory Points |
Probe | 50 |
Scout Ship | 100 |
Trnsporter | 150 |
Fast Attack Ship | 200 |
Destroyer | 250 |
Assault Ship | 300 |
Bomber | 300 |
Escort | 250 |
Battleship | 500 |
Mothership | 700 |
Overspawn | 400 |
Only UFOs Shot Down Score is relevant for increasing alien ship technology progression.
Item | Novice | Easy | Medium | Hard | Superhuman |
Small Disruption Shield | 2,000 | 1,750 | 1,500 | 1,250 | 1,000 |
Large Disruption Shield | 4,000 | 3,500 | 3,000 | 2,500 | 2,000 |
Cloaking Field | 8,000 | 7,000 | 6,000 | 5,000 | 4,000 |
Teleporter | 16,000 | 14,000 | 12,000 | 10,000 | 8,000 |
Progress: Humans
All Organizations will upgrade their "Tech Level" by +1 at the beginning of each week, however, any 100% infiltrated organisation is granted an immediate +3 over their current level. The maximum level is +12.
Organizations' Starting Tech Levels
- Level 1: Energen, Evonet, Extropians, Grav Ball League, Lifetree, Nutrivend, Sanctuary Clinic, Synthemesh, Technocrats
- Level 2: Cult of Sirius, General Metro, Nanotech, Sensovision, Superdynamics, Transtellar
- Level 3: Cyberweb, Government, Megapol, Mutant Alliance, S.E.L.F.
- Level 4: Diablo, Marsec, Osiron, Psyke, Solmine
Tech Level | Weapon (clip quantity) | Grenade (quantity) | Other Devices |
1 | 40% Lawpistol (2↔4) 30% M4000 Machine Gun (2↔4) 20% Laser Sniper Gun (2) 10% Auto Cannon (3xAP) |
20% AP Grenade (1↔2) 10% Smoke Grenade (1) 70% None |
100% None |
2 | 20% Lawpistol (3) 30% M4000 Machine Gun (3↔4) 20% Laser Sniper Gun (2↔3) 10% Auto Cannon (3xAP) 10% Plasma Gun (2) 10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE) |
20% AP Grenade (2↔3) 10% Smoke Grenade (1) 10% Stun Grenade (1)Δ 60% None |
100% None |
3 | 10% Lawpistol (3) 30% M4000 Machine Gun (3) 20% Laser Sniper Gun (2) 20% Auto Cannon (3xAP↔2xHE) 10% Plasma Gun (2) 10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE) |
10% Proximity Mine (1) 30% AP Grenade (1↔3) 10% Smoke Grenade (1) 50% None |
100% None |
4 | 20% M4000 Machine Gun (3) 20% Laser Sniper Gun (2) 20% Auto Cannon (3xAP↔2xHE) 20% Plasma Gun (2) 10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE) 10% MiniLauncher (3xHE) |
10% Proximity Mine (1) 30% AP Grenade (2↔,3) 10% Smoke Grenade (1) 50% None |
100% None |
5 | 10% M4000 Machine Gun (4) 20% Laser Sniper Gun (2) 20% Auto Cannon (3xAP↔3xHE) 30% Plasma Gun (0∇↔2) 10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE) 10% MiniLauncher (3xHE) |
10% Proximity Mine (1) 40% AP Grenade (1↔3) 10% Smoke Grenade (1) 40% None |
100% None |
6 | 20% Laser Sniper Gun (2) 20% Auto Cannon (3xAP↔3xHE) 20% Plasma Gun (2↔3) 10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE) 10% MiniLauncher (3xHE) 20% Disruptor Gun (--) |
20% Proximity Mine (1↔2) 40% AP Grenade (1↔3) 10% Smoke Grenade (1) 30% None |
100% None |
7 | 10% Laser Sniper Gun (2) 20% Auto Cannon (3AP,3HE) 20% Plasma Gun (2,3) 10% Heavy Launcher (3HE) 10% MiniLauncher (3HE) 30% Disruptor Gun (--) |
10% Boomeroid (1) 10% Proximity Mine (1) 40% AP Grenade (2↔3) 10% Smoke Grenade (1) 30% None |
100% None |
8 | 10% Laser Sniper Gun (2) 10% Auto Cannon (3xAP) 20% Plasma Gun (2↔3) 10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE) 10% MiniLauncher (3xHE) 30% Disruptor Gun (--) 10% Devastator Cannon (--) |
20% Boomeroid (1) 10% Proximity Mine (2) 30% AP Grenade (2↔,3) 10% Smoke Grenade (1) 30% None |
100% None |
9 | 10% Laser Sniper Gun (2) 10% Auto Cannon (3xAP) 20% Plasma Gun (2↔3) 10% Heavy Launcher (4xHE) 40% Disruptor Gun (--) 10% Devastator Cannon (--) |
10% Vortex Mine (1) 20% Boomeroid (1) 10% Proximity Mine (2) 30% AP Grenade (2↔3) 10% Smoke Grenade (1) 20% None |
20% Personal Disruptor Shield PDS 80% None |
10 | 10% Auto Cannon (3xAP) 20% Plasma Gun (2↔3) 10% Heavy Launcher (4xHE) 40% Disruptor Gun (--) 20% Devastator Cannon (--) |
20% Vortex Mine (1) 20% Boomeroid (1) 20% Proximity Mine (1↔2) 10% AP Grenade (3) 10% Smoke Grenade (1) 20% None |
10% Personal Cloaking Field PCS 20% Personal Disruptor Shield 70% None |
11 | 20% Plasma Gun (2↔3) 10% Heavy Launcher (3HE) 40% Disruptor Gun (--) 30% Devastator Cannon (--) |
30% Vortex Mine (1) 20% Boomeroid (1) 10% Proximity Mine (2) 20% AP Grenade (2↔3) 10% Smoke Grenade (1) 10% None |
10% PDS & PCF 10% Personal Cloaking Field 30% Personal Disruptor Shield 50% None |
12 | 10% Plasma Gun (3) 10% Heavy Launcher (3xHE) 40% Disruptor Gun (--) 40% Devastator Cannon (--) |
40% Vortex Mine (1) 20% Boomeroid (1) 10% Proximity Mine (2) 10% AP Grenade (3) 10% Smoke Grenade (1) 10% None |
20% PDS & PCF 20% Personal Cloaking Field 40% Personal Disruptor Shield 20% None |
Δ Stun Grenades are used exclusively by enemies at Tech Level 2. This is probably a design oversight.
∇ This is likely a mistake. Note that the enemy may still pick up another weapon during the mission.
It is possible to reduce/reverse the (Total) Tactical Missions score by destroying/leaving behind equipment brought to a battlescape mission to force the current technology level of the aliens (Score based) to be also reduced. Purposely limit the tactical score by:
- Escape a UFO crash recovery battlescape if any new agent technology has been recovered. Any further crashed UFOs can be ignored if not needing to recover the hull or specific UFO components.
- Escape from a raid with only what is absolutely needed. Ammunition from any standard weapon does not contribute to score.
- Start a raid with hostiles and only use agents that you were going to sack (reactions too low) and get them all killed (-10 points per X-Com death!). Obsolete/excess/unwanted devices and weapons (do not bring ammo) on your soon-to-be-dead agents will decrease the score further by equipment losses.
- If neutrals are about and not wanting to damage the building or cause hostility but your agents are to killed off, detonate a High Explosive next to your agents in an open area away from any destructable features or force them to jump off a very tall structure instead! the easiest method since all can jump in unison and die together so no one will panic by J+LMB each agent when game is paused.
- As a desperate tactic: Escape from a cleanup of alien infestation by killing as many aliens (including eggs, chrysalids, unhatched brainsucker pods) as possible but prevent successful completion of the mission by leaving one final-form alien alive. Infiltration may progress but will be slowed significantly.
- Kill civilians!!
If score limiting is used, technology used by Defence Forces (level +1 each week) will surpass the alien's technology level (score based). X-Com may then rely on 'others' to provide an endless stream of exotic equipment.