Terror Units (TFTD)

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Just as in the First Alien War, the various alien races will occasionally attack civilian targets. This time, the aliens target cruise ships, cargo ships, ports, and tropical resorts. Each race will be accompanied by specific terror units, which can change depending on whether the mission is above or underwater. Later in the game, Mixed Crew terror missions will appear in which a Tasoth crew is accompanied by other races' terror units. This can be an opportunity to obtain live specimens for research.

Terror units can also be found guarding Alien Colonies, but these will invariably be Hallucinoids and Tentaculats accompanying either Tasoths and Aquatoids or Lobstermen.

Terror Unit Types

TFTD Species   Terror Unit
------------   -----------
Aquatoid       Hallucinoid underwater and Calcinite on land
Gillman        Xarquid underwater, or Deep One on land
Tasoth         Triscene and Bio-Drone on land
Lobstermen     Bio-Drone and Tentaculat underwater