The Ultimate Threat
The Ultimate Threat |
Sixty five million years ago a vast colony ship was sent to the Earth from a distant Alien world. As the enormous craft approached the infant planet a massive and violent solar flare caused a navigation systems failure. Crippled and failing the vast bulk plummeted through the stratosphere to emerge into Cretaceous skies. On the Earth innumerable species of life strained their gazes skywards as their nemesis ploughed into the planet. A vast cloud of dust clogged the atmosphere and as the land cooled so the dominant life, the mighty dinosaurs, perished. But the 400 billion tonnes of T'leth was not destroyed in the impact, sophisticated super computers initiated a cryogenic sleep cycle for the creatures deep in its holds. As the aeons passed the computers woke parties of Aliens to attempt communication with their stellar cousins, all in vain for the core of the Alien power slept on. |
Source: Terror From The Deep Ufopaedia
- This research item becomes available after first researching Alien Origins, then interrogating a live Lobster Man Navigator, Lobster Man Commander or Gill Man Commander. Any such aliens "researched" prior to determining the Alien Origins will not contribute to the availability of the Ultimate Threat project.
- In the un-patched version of the game, researching a Lobster Man Navigator does not unlock this research item, but Magnetic Navigation instead.
- Researching The Ultimate Threat is required to access the T'leth, the Alien's City research topic.