Unit Stats in Details (UFO2000)

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Any soldier can enter panicking state if and only if his Morale is strictly lower than 50 units.

Panic probability
Morale level Panic probability
50 and more 0%
49 2%
48 4%
... ...
20 60%
... ...
2 96%
1 (minimum) 98%

The code is in Platoon::check_morale()

Stats restoration on turn start

Time Units

Every new turn Time Units of living soldiers are restored. New amount of TUs is calculated as the lesser number among 2:

  • maximum amount of TUs (maxTU)
  • maxTU * (strength / weight)

For example, soldier with Strength of 25 and equipment weight of 30 will have 5/6 of his maximum TU. It equals to 65 for maxTU of 79 and 66 for maxTU of 80.

The code is in Soldier::restore()

Stamina (Energy)

Every new turn Energy of living soldiers is restored by 33% of maximum level.

For example, soldier with a maximum of 50 Energy units will restore 16 of them.

The code is in Soldier::restore()

Health and Stun damage

Every new turn Stun damage is reduced by 5 units. If a soldier was stunned (his Health was lower than Stun damage), he will regain consciousness when Stun damage is strictly lower than his Health.

For example, if a soldier with 80 Health units received Stun damage of pure 90 units (his Under Armor was zero), he will miss two turns and will wake up on the third.

The code is in Soldier::restore()

Bravery (Morale)

If a soldier was not panicking on a previous turn, his Morale is restored by 5 units before a new turn starts. Otherwise Morale is restored by 20 units.

The code for those cases is in Platoon::check_morale() and in Soldier::panic(int action) respectively.

Other Stats

Stats other than above are not restored on turn start. This includes: Reactions, Firing Accuracy, Throwing Accuracy, Strength, Armor.