Here's how I remodel the starting base.
First day:
I add containment, a lab, a hangar to replace the lower right one, large radar, quarters and a temporary store. The store will act as the link to create the chokepoint.
17th day:
The living quarters and store are built. I add another quarters.
26th day:
My hangar, containment and large radar are complete, with one more day for the lab and six for the quarters. I delete the lower left hangar, and add two stores and one quarters. I also delete the small radar and build a hangar in the space.
33rd day:
The quarters from day 17 and lab from day 1 are complete. I now add a second workshop.
36th day:
The new stores are finished, I add the small radar back in the bottom left, delete the original stores and add the missile defense chokepoint.
42nd day:
Now my final quarters are complete, I remove the original
53rd day:
The fourth hangar, small radar and missile defense completed, I remove the nearby general stores. Finally I have my chokepoint! I stay with this base for quite some time
Hyperwave decoder:
I replace my small radar with a hyperwave, once built I replace the large one with quarters.
lab 100 ws 100 people 200 stores 100 (gotta be tight)