Viper (LW2)

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The Viper is the true face of the thin man from the invasion. Mobile and evasive, they serve as difficult to pin down skirmishers and are a common sight in the early-mid game. Early on they typically can be seen leading ADVENT pods, while later on they travel in full snake-packs, until they finally serve as auxiliaries for more dangerous aliens as the force level rises.

Long War 2 vipers have about the same combat strength, and are about as common as in vanilla.

Vipers are FAR more likely to use Poison Spit in Long War 2 if presented with grouped up targets or lacking a good shot.

A major change is that a Bound victim is now a valid target for the Viper's allies to shoot at. When facing several enemies, you may want to ensure the Vipers are disoriented, else a successful Tongue Pull early in the alien turn can result in the grabbed soldier being gunned down by easy shots from the Viper's allies before you have a chance to react.

Viper Abilities
Ability Rank Required
UIPerk viper getoverhere.jpg
Tongue Pull
Grab a target with your tongue and pull them to melee range. Only humanoid targets can be pulled.
Viper (Mk1)
UIPerk viper bind.jpg
Bind and Crush
Bind and crush an adjacent humanoid enemy. Allied units can fire upon the immobilized target.
Viper (Mk1)
UIPerk viper poisonspit.jpg
Poison Spit
Spit deadly poison at an area.
Viper (Mk1)
Lightning Reflexes
Reaction fire shots against you have a significantly decreased chance to hit. The bonus goes down with each additional reaction shot you face.
Viper Elite (Mk3)
  • Tongue Pull, Bind, and Poison Spit are all single action skills, Vipers will always follow up a successful pull with a bind and can follow up a failed pull with another skill.
  • Vipers will still poison spit at immune targets.
ADVENT Viper Potential Tactical Dark Events
Ability Effected Ranks Chance to Adopt While Active
Center Mass
Center Mass
All ranks 16%
All ranks 50%
Hard Target
Hard Target
All ranks 33%
All ranks 8%
Will to Survive
Will to Survive
All ranks 15%