Viper (XCOM2)

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Since the original invasion, the role of an infiltration unit became less important, and when infiltrators were needed, the shapeshifting Faceless were a great improvement on the uncanny Thin Men. As such, attempts to hide their true nature ceased, and they were allowed to return to their original, snakelike genome. The Viper appears to be a female variant of the original Snake Men from the classic series, which may explain their different behaviour and abilities.

Vipers begin to appear around the second month of the game. They serve a variety of combat roles, making their actions somewhat unpredictable.


Vipers have three noteworthy abilities, as well as their standard plasma weapon attacks.

Viper Abilities
Ability Description

Attempts to pull a single human adjacent to the Viper.

Isolates a single enemy in a grapple, damaging them and disabling them until the Viper is disrupted.

Acid Spit
Spits a cloud of acid that damages over time, as well as reducing the victims aim and mobility.