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Наряду с очками действия Реакция солдата - один из наиболее важных характеристик в бою. Реакция определяет порядок действий - кто следующий будет ходить. Реакция используется как в оборонительных действиях, так и в атакующих. Атакующая сторона (выполняющая свой ход) использует реакцию для предотвращения ответного огня на свои действия, тогда как обороняющаяся сторона (ждущая своего хода) использует реакцию для самого ответного огня.

Когда солдаты обеих сторон появляются в зоне видимости друг друга, их уровни реакции сравниваются. Когда солдат, ожидающий своего хода, замечает атакующего солдата, происходит проверка условий для ответного огня. Причем эта проверка происходит только при активных действиях самого солдата, который появляется в поле зрения защитника. Если, например, кто-то ломает стену, ограничивающую поле зрения защитника, то реакции защитника на обнаружение атакующего не последует. Но в момент, когда атакующий двинется, последует проверка возможности для открытия огня.

Важно знать, как на общий уровень реакции каждой боевой единицы влияет текущее значение очков действия. Например, если у пришельца рекция - 100, но остается только 60% очков действия, реальный уровень рекции составит 60. Если выстрел навскидку отнимет 30%, количество оставшидся очков действия падет до 30%, так же как и уровень Реакции. Детали в статье Reaction fire formula.

[ --JellyfishGreen 10:51, 25 Apr 2005 (BST)

With this in mind, one could say that for the best opportunity attacks, end your turn with full TUs, wielding weapons with low snapshot costs. The Pistol, Laser Pistol, and Laser Rifle are by far the best weapons in the X-COM arsenal for attacks of opportunity. Still, these weapons (especially the standard pistol) may not be enough to take down e.g. Mutons. Adapt to your situation. ]

Управляемые игроком юниты реагируют только выстрелом навскидку, тогда как ИИ имеет возможность использовать автоматную очередь.

Для ближнего боя, прежде чем идти на сближение, лучше всего заранее определить данные цели при помощи сканера сознания. Получив представление об оставшихся очках действия цели и уровне реакции, легче принять решение о сближении на дистанцию рукопашной.

Начальные значения

Рекруты после призыва всегда имеют характеристили реакции от 30 до 60.


Реакция растет (после завершения боя) в зависимости от того, сколько раз во время боя бойцом был открыт спровоцированный противником огонь. Вне зависимости от попадания, промахи засчитываются (в отличие от роста точности стрельбы).

Возможный рост составляет в среднем 4 очка навыка (плюс-минус 2) за бой при условии 11 сделанных спровоцированных выстрелов. Точное количество не зависит от текущего уровня реакции, а только от количества таких выстрелов. Подробная информация в статье Опыт.

Примечание: Даже при поражении нескольких целей одним выстрелом из оружия с большой зоной поражения (Малая пусковая установка, Ракетная пусковая установка), каждый выстрел дает только одно очко опыта реакции. С точки зрения игры, солдат реагирует только на одного конкретного врага. Поражение одним выстрелом нескольких врагов повлияет только на шанс роста точности стрельбы.

Примечание: На деле, очков опыта реагирования начисляется в общем случае больше (Unitref[80]), чем совершается выстрелов по простой причине - один пришелец может заставлять нескольких бойцов открывать ответный огонь (firing squad). Плюс каждый раз, когда пришелец нейтрализован (убит или оглушен), один из атакующих получает дополнительное очко опыта реагирования, например возможно с одной обоймы в 12 патронов заработать 15 очков опыта реакции. Возможно, дело тут в том, что реакции попадают в "очередь" последующих действий защищающейся стороны при проверке вероятности реагирования на атаку, и при гибели цели игра не проверяет, был ли совершен запланированный выстрел. Тем не менее, чем больше бойцов с одинаковым уровнем реакции одновременно замечает пришельца, тем больше шанс получить причитающийся опыт реакции. Опять же, очки опыта дают только шанс роста реакции и без проверки данных в Unitref[80], это может пройти практически незамеченным.

Совет: If some soldiers have high reaction and some have low, the high ones are liable to get off a ton of shots before the low ones, and kill the target. Thus, the high ones get even higher, distancing themselves even more from the low ones - a vicious circle. If you want to build up low Reaction skills, try to keep "reaction stealing" in mind and work around it. If you have the funds, most players recommend recruits with at least 40 Reaction, if not 50 - there seems to be a definite notch where low Reaction soldiers get left behind. Also see the links below for more tips on training skills.

[ NKF: Alternately, arm the high reaction soldiers with slower-firing snapshot weapons (heavy laser/cannon, auto-cannon or rocket launcher, for example) and arm the low reaction soldiers with faster firing snapshot weapons (pistol, laser pistol). This evens things out a bit, and although the higher reaction soldier will fire first, the higher TU cost lowers the reaction level considerably. And the lower TU drop for the faster pistols means the soldiers with lower reactions will not drop in reaction level as quickly. You've just got to remember that no matter how high your reactions are, they're meaningless if you don't have any time units.

It's always a lot better to train reactions as a group, with some high reaction soldiers to soften up the enemies a bit. The more the merrier, as they say. Also, the sight of 8 - 10 soldiers with laser pistols unleashing a seemingly endless amount of bolts of light at a couple of aliens leaving a UFO is sight any player should behold, at least once.

Some food for thought regarding the reaction skill. Does the reaction counter increase with an unloaded weapon? Or does it happen in the scenario you mention, when there's insufficient TUs to fire, but your reaction level is greater than the alien's.

Here's one related question I'd like to see answered sometime: What actions cause an attack of opportunity to be triggered? I ask this because not all actions that use TUs will trigger it immediately, such as muddling around in the inventory screen.]

[ MTR: [snipped - see below]

Roger that re: what triggers opportunity fire. I wonder, too. It's also 100% clear that doing a psi doesn't cause reaction fire - and it takes lots of TUs. I have also never seen an alien fire on me when I was only turning, although I have seen cases where I fired on aliens, when they only turned. I've been trying to keep an eye on this for several weeks now, and haven't noticed any exceptions. This makes me heavily wonder whether it is tied to energy usage, not TUs, per se. Remember that most aliens have U[45]=0 and use energy even when they turn, but soldiers have U[45]=1, and don't. See what I mean?

Another thought to throw into the pipe: I wrote this second paragraph about personal lighting. Something all us vet players know. But since then I've realized that movement that doesn't use energy (elevators) does not trigger "backfield" personal lighting. And, just did more testing - in fact, energy usage is needed to trigger any check of aliens' personal lighting. Examples:

  • You MC some aliens on a regular turn; people move; aliens are lit, as usual. Start of next turn: Still lit, although no longer MC'd. Move any of your soldiers so that they use energy - the formerly-MC'd aliens go dark.
  • Same situation: MC some aliens, they light up, end turn; start of next turn, formerly MC'd aliens still lit. Move one of your soldiers up or down on an elevator: They stay lit. Move her off elevator: They go dark.
  • Same holds for formely MC'd aliens or aliens you just MC'd, and moving them. Whether they are 'supposed' to light up or go dark, no difference... Movement up or down on elevator: no change (no personal lighting check). Move off elevator: aliens change status.
  • Whether they should be lighting up or going dark, energy usage by you or them is needed to trigger the alien lighting check and make them be "correct".
  • But wait! Beginning of turn: formerly MC'd alien called "A" is still lit. MC some other alien called "B". Now move B on the elevator: A is still lit. No problem. But turn B so he uses energy: A is still lit. Move B off elevator: A goes dark. ARG! B used energy, but A did not change status...

These are interesting findings in and of themself, especially in those dark windy alien base "gardens" - a.k.a. don't move anybody and you'll see formerly MC'd aliens better! Anyway, clearly, alien personal lighting checks interact with energy use somehow, not movement per se. Maybe the equation behind the scenes has U[45]=1 for everybody, and doesn't check the unit's U[45], per se?? But then that would counter my obs. that I can't remember aliens every reaction firing on me when I was only turning. Has anyone ever seen aliens fire on them when all you did was turn?

So there's at least one "movement" thing that we now realize is actually related to energy use, not movement per se. See, they are so very closely related, that the programmers may have used that as a simple way to differentiate all the many possible actions, vs. ones that really "count" toward certain things. While I'm not at all certain about this, one quick check would be to hack Unitref[45] to no energy usage... then go waltzing out in front of aliens that are loaded for bear and see if you make it across the field... reminds me of the opening scene to Dances With Wolves. ]

[ MTR: NKF - I snipped some of my long-winded ramblings above, because further testing showed what's up - See my revised "For the record" above. I only ever saw extra points, consistent with what I wrote above. It's not what I had been thinking... you don't get extras if you turn to reaction-shoot, and then don't have enough TUs left to shoot. Also I can only recall seeing it when they still had bullets... I didn't test them as of the turn they ran out of bullets (I had 8 guys shooting 1 alien). Anyway, what I wrote above is very consistent, at least for a firing squad sitation.

It's possible that there are other ways to get extra reaction points. The other concepts such as an alien moving out of or into view (one or the other) can't be as easily tested.

I'll leave this up for a while to see if there's continuing interest and if not, will get rid of most of my comments. And move my stuff on energy-vs.-lighting to Personal Lighting.

Another little note: Even if you only have one person doing reaction shooting, it is possible for them to get the one extra reaction point when an alien goes down. I figure that this happens if your shooter was going to get off two reaction shots before the alien fired. I.e., your guy was queued to fire twice before the alien, but the first one put the alien down.


Maximum Cap

An X-COM soldier's Reactions are capped at 100. However, because you can get a +6 roll when at 99, a soldier can have up to 105 Reactions (if they're really lucky!). For more info, see Regarding Caps.

See Also

UFO Badge X-Com: Enemy Unknown/UFO Defense
Soldiers:Time UnitsEnergy (Stamina)HealthBraveryReactionsFiring AccuracyThrowing Accuracy
StrengthPsionic StrengthPsionic SkillMelee AccuracyStunMoraleRankFatal Wounds